Blood, Fire and Water (Part 3)
Acceptance of God’s word for some people; including Christians, can be difficult for many of them. Not just saying you accept it; but really accepting every detail, including the ones you don’t agree with.
Don’t bother claiming that you don’t reject some of God’s word, because it is abundantly clear to anyone who is paying attention. I see it and hear it every day! Christians are afraid to stand up for God for many different reasons; all of them reasons of cowardice!
Men are afraid of their wives, so they are not willing to point out what God has demanded of them. They have taken the side of Satan, by simply calling God a liar and rejecting his truth. Men are the head of the household., and should act like it at any cost!
There is nothing new in these statements, it is just much more commonplace. Those who say they believe, really do not. This is one of the reasons our world is imploding. God is allowing us to cut our own throat, and write our own ticked to hell!
Remember this; we do not deserve ‘anything’. We have earned ‘nothing’. Without God’s truth, we cannot exist. And although he loves us dearly, that is not enough. Good clean uncontaminated faith is the only way to reconciliation with our Creator. Faith is everything, and the earth, and all the planets would disappear without it.
Yes; faith is that important. Not faith in the things of the world, but faith in the things not of this world! This is why faith for some is so hard to employ; many cannot separate this earthly flesh life from God’s heavenly world. A world of nothing but sin, verses a world with not even a memory of sin. The spirit of this world is nothing more than a vicious cancer that has wormed its way into your soul, like a vine of thorns, it has become part of you, and you love it. Most of us believe that to remove the cancer will kill the host!
But nothing could be farther from the truth. To separate ourselves from this world would be life saving. Like a person just being told that their cancer operation was successful, and all the cancer is gone, we would jump and leap for joy to be released from the prison of earth. This is why so many of us will find ourselves on our last day on earth wondering what in the world was I thinking?
And God’s answer will be; “You ask what in the world were you thinking?” You were thinking ‘only’ of the world and what it could entertain you with.” Always remember; we were not created and placed on earth to spend our lives in worship of it. We were given life so that we could give it back to God as our ultimate sacrifice. We are to place ourselves on the alter, and accept what ever fate God chooses for us.
I can already see your eyes rolling back into your head, like a shark taking its first bite out of its prey. The demons are telling you not to listen to such ignorance. But the word of God might have something to say about that. Faith has never changed, but people do. They don’t like what they see, or hear, so they spend their lives attempting to change everything.
But it has never worked, and it never will. Faith does not exist where any part of God’s word is removed or ignored. Yet; the world and even Christians do it whenever it ‘seemingly’ justifies their hunger for their idol worship.
The world has no desire to sacrifice anything of its self, only others, as they trample under foot anyone who threatens their lust for their addictions. At all cost they must get what they want, and the debris left behind by the strewn body parts of the ones they have ran under their wheels, leaves a trail of truth leading directly to their front door!
Faith leaves no options, you have it, or you don’t. But faith, like anything else, can be abused. There are those who use their profession of faith to manipulate others. They pound the drums of faith in your ears until the deafening sound becomes more than you can take, and you give them whatever they want. Others use it to gain your trust, and when your back is turned, they just take what they want.
Faith is not greedy, nor self centered. It never thinks of itself; and is always looking for ways to make others happy. Faith is the only true measurement of wealth, because the more you have, the happier you will be on that final day of life on this earth, and retire to the greatest vacation of all!
But many have more faith in the earthly vacation, than the one God himself has planned especially for you. Do you really believe that you can plan a better party than God? Do you believe that you deserve certain things that God has not already given you? Or are you attempting to build you own little heaven, right here on earth?
Only bad things can come from having faith in ones self! Real faith, or the lack of it, is self evident. And pleasuring yourself in every way your twisted mind can conceive, is all the evidence God needs to prove your faithlessness.
Do you believe that God is blind? Do you believe that God will just forget your unwillingness to give up your idols of ‘mind masturbation’? Do you think that spending 90% of your time just thinking up new ways to pleasure yourself is making God happy? And the final question is this; just who are we supposed to be pleasing anyway? Is it remotely possible that pleasing God, and not pleasing ourselves, is the real pathway to true faith?
Faith is both very complex, and very simple at the same time. Believe God, and God’s word above all else, and if you do, all the other pieces will fall into place. The complicated part comes when you fail to believe that the pieces are really God’s way and will.
Use your faith to rest in God’s will. And trust him to steer you in the right direction. If you look carefully for God to act, you will begin to pick up on the many ways he warns, and urges you into his corral of life. Yes; we truly are God’s herd, and to allow Jesus to lead us around by the nose, is the first step to the secret treasures of God’s reality.