Defenders of God's Truth

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Taming the Untameable Mind

(James 3:7-8) "Men have trained, or can train, every kind of animal or bird that lives and every kind of reptile and fish, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is always ready to pour out its deadly poison".

From the very beginning, humans have spent their entire existence attempting to change or manipulate their environment, but in many cases, this is just not possible. You would think that common sense would over ride the fantasy of ignorance, but don't hold your breath.

The earth controls us, we don't control it. We can never be its master, and if the earth decides to swallow us all, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. For anyone who is honest with them self, they will admit that we are all powerless to change, or tame the power of the earth.

And there are many other things that we are powerless to manipulate. The weather, the sun, the moon and the stars, all walk their own walk at the direction of God. And even our own brain cannot be controlled. You might think you are in control, but 'think again'!

Do you really believe you can say 'no' to your brain? Can you tell your mind, "no I will not sleep"? Can you say 'no' to food? What about water? Can you tell your mind that you are not going to poop? Of course not. If you touch a hot surface, who makes you jerk you hand away? You don't think about it, it just happens. Your mind takes over and yanks the steering wheel. And in the same way, we have thoughts we didn't think about having. "What was I thinking", is a common observation of everyone at one time or another.

And what about that thing called 'thought'? Do you let your mind run wild, or do you spank it and say, "bad brain", you stop thinking like that! You see; it is a really good thing that other people don't know what you are thinking, because the mind is a terrifying book to read. And if you cannot control your own thoughts, then how can the socialists do it for you? 'They will kill you'!

Socialist dictators have murdered over 100 million men, women and children. And why? Because they could not control their thoughts. The thought police are here and you better be ready to fight! Should it be against the law to hate? Should it be illegal to have racist thoughts? Should anyone be imprisoned for hating for any reason? Can we hate someone who is trying to kill us? Why can't a person "think" whatever they want? As long as they don't allow themselves to act out their hate or racism, who are they hurting but themselves? Thoughts of hate are wrong, but they are still just thoughts.

So, if one person does not agree with the thoughts of another, it is likely that the thoughts of the two are at odds with one another, right? So who gets to punish, or even kill who? And if you are thinking something, should you be allowed to speak it? And if you don't speak it, will it well up inside of you and cause you to act out? Does hate grow if speech is suppressed? If you don't allow hate speech to be released, it will fester into obsession that will become far worse than just thoughts. And this is exactly what causes mass killings!

The very act of suppressing thoughts and speech is the very thing that creates acts of horror. Just being able to speak your mind can have a calming and relaxing affect on the mind of a angry and confused, and possible killer. And knowing that others in the world agree with you takes away the "isolation factor" which is another cause of anger and hate.

Don't doubt it; suppression kills! Attempting to control the minds of others is just another way to imprison anything or anyone you disagree with. Beware; a imprisoned mind is like a trapped animal, it will sooner or later strike back!

So if the mind is out of control, how do we attempt to resolve the problem? The world thinks that shaming and hating your personal thoughts is the answer. This will never work! Thoughts of hate can be managed, but you will never eliminate them. They will always be there, cowering in the dark corners of the mind, seething and simmering and becoming harder and harder to manage. Then all at once the mind disconnects from reality and explodes with rage and seeks to rid itself of anyone it perceives as a suppressor.

Guilty and innocent will die, because the rage of suppression and mental imprisonment is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish between friend or foe.

If you hate someone because they hate a person, or group that you are trying to protect, does this justify your hate for them? So let's get this straight; you hate because you disagree with someone who thinks thoughts of hate; right? So you have the right to hate, but only if said hate agrees with your way of thinking? And since you don't agree with the other persons hate, they have no right to hate, right? Do you realize just how crazy that is? It is alright for you to hate, because your hate is justified? But; who is the one who makes the decision to justify one hate over the other?

Part of the problem is that hate has been redefined by haters! The haters have defined hate in a way that has shrunk its threshold into a odorless fart. They are outraged by smaller and smaller toots. And maybe there was no toot at all, maybe you just thought about tooting.

Where does this end? Will the things people hate you for, become more and more minuscule, and less and less important? And at the same time grow into a reason for the death penalty, carried out by the greatest haters of all?

Nothing has changed for thousands of years. You can't do whatever you want, but you can think whatever you want. And as throughout history, thought is still under attack because it is the last vestige of hope. Thought is the one thing that the world has not been able to take from you. They can take your life, your freedom, but they will never be able to take your thoughts.

Always remember; all emotion was made possible by our Creator God. Even hate has a purpose, but can be misused when twisted into a tool of the self-righteous. And the same can be said for love. Many evils have been committed in the name of love, because it isn't what you 'coin' something, it is the action behind it. Love can be hate and hate can be love, and even God hates sin. So is it a sin to dislike someone who is sinning in a way that is offensive to you?

Speaking out against the sin of others is a job that was given to us by God. His word points out sin and we are expected to,' in turn' point it out as a way to bring salvation to those who disagree with the ways and truths of God. There can be no debate; God commands us to hate the sin, but not the sinner. This is not a new idea, but implementing the policy would be something not practiced by most people. And make no mistake, hating the person instead of the sin is widely practiced. And because of this misguided hatred for the wrong thing, we have made a enemy of a friend, and a friend of a enemy.

You must hate sin, because without the hate for sin, there can be no love for righteousness. And what does it mean when we hate sin? Does it mean that we look the other way when we see or hear a person acting or speaking in a way that is offensive to God? Or do we point the finger at the offender regardless of race, sex or personal beliefs?

Do you see it? If you just look the other way you have offended God. And if you don't look the other way you have offended God's enemy's. Is it really that simple? Yes! And if you choose to side with God, you will certainly be hated by the ones who claim hate as their god.

God will win this war. So make sure you are cheering for the right team, because once you fly the flag of the enemy, you have committed treason against God Almighty, and the only thoughts you will have in the future are thoughts of hate, with love nowhere to be found and no chance of ever feeling it again.

'Think about it; God is listening'.

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