It is easy to see the stories about salvation and God’s creation as a book that has already been read. And many of us feel as if we already know all there is to know about God and his truths, but this way of thinking is short-sided, and even dangerous.
Take a few steps back and try to view the world for what it really is. A world full of people who lack the ability to delineate or distinguish the truths of God in a way that pleases him.
Our ability to grasp the reality of life is overshadowed by a irrational desire to control our own destiny. This irrational behavior then leads us to a crisis of faith. Like all addictions, this one cannot be cured without the potion of the Holy Spirit. A addiction of eternal consequences; this addiction inevitably leads to an end, called death.
And not death as most see it, but a death that holds you in its grasp, forever. This so-called death brings with it the greatest fears of all. And one of these fears is the fear of dying, not death itself, but the struggles of dying and possible pain and suffering involved.
This is where our thinking and the truth of the teachings of Jesus part ways. Divorced from the truths that Jesus holds so dear, we have allowed ourselves to be trapped in the twilight zone.
This dark and dangerous place is not of God! We have sold our soul to the darkness that only has fear and despair as our companion and the ways of God our enemy! What is the cause of all the dread we obsess over, and what affect does it have on our faith? With all of the things in our path to fear, how do we resolve what to fear and not to fear?
Only Jesus can rescue us from fear. But not because there is nothing to fear, but because we fear all the wrong things. When Jesus says, don’t fear death, we fear it all the more. And when Jesus says, “trust me”, we look to the world, and ourselves for the answers. How can we ever be released from the horrors of fear if we don’t believe the one who created it?
Is it possible to trust Jesus and not trust Jesus at the same time? As Jesus pleads with you to stop running away from death, you only run faster and faster. Then; after running for a lifetime you look back only to see that you have been running the wrong direction. You have been running away from Jesus and as you run, you are ripping the pages of the bible out and throwing them behind you. And as Jesus follows; the pages hit him in the face in your attempt to slow him down. But it does not work. The pages only gather around Jesus like a tornado and form powerful wings. The voice of the Creator thunders from within the pages and calls out to you, “stop running; I have your back”. But you don’t believe him; after all, he is the one who created the very things you are running from.
You see; Jesus is chasing you only because he is trying to save you from yourself. He knows the future and sees you running head long into a speeding windshield, only to have your flesh smeared across the glass like the worthless bug it is.
If you would only trust his direction and turn around and fly with him, you would soon see the splendor of flying with him, instead of against him. Let him chase you down and tackle you to the ground. Let him lift you up and hold you out in front of him, while he looks into your eyes and peers into your soul.
If you would only submit to the eyes of the Creator, you could see what he sees, know what he knows, and love what he loves. Fear does not exist inside of the eyes of Jesus. Only love and truth and the ability to look forward not backwards.
Hope and faith become who you are, not something to strive for, but to possess. Fear and death become your slaves, not your slave master. The power of the name of Jesus have now become, your weapon against evil.
You now have access to the most powerful entity in existence. The ears, the eyes and the muscle of the Almighty Creator God; Jesus! And he has your back, every second of every moment of every day. He watches over you and guides you, even when he knows you might not listen.
How could you not be brave and fearless when Jesus is with you? If Jesus is on your side you cannot die, or even be harmed. He will be right beside you, patting you on the back and saying;” move out, and fight for the truth! I will be right behind you, keeping you from harm and fear of death. And if you die, I will raise you back to life, and make you even more powerful than before. I will be fearless with you, and we will be together forever”.
We were not born to serve ourselves. We were drafted into a army of God’s soldiers, to fight the war against Satan and his army of darkness. You are not who or what you might think you are. You are either a soldier for good, or a soldier for evil, there can be no other distinctions made.
You are nothing! You possess nothing! Your years on this earth are only determined by your Creator. You either steal from God or you give to God. You honor Satan, or you honor God. You die for God, or you die for Satan. You have eternal life, or eternal death. Do you have the back of Jesus, or are you stabbing him in the back?
Think carefully about the life you are trying to possess. You would not have a life if God had not created it. And it is not yours to take and use as you choose. God has only one plan for your life, and that plan is for you to serve him, and him alone. And part of your service to him is to always have his back!