For those of us who claim faith as the anchor that holds fast our salvation; what kind of faith does God require? Is our faith just another trophy, or one more thing checked off the bucket list of our life? Or is it something much different from what most of us realize?
The secular definition of faith is surprisingly correct. “Complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. Of course, science wants you to believe that it is illogical to believe, and have faith in, anything they don’t like. They will claim that there is no proof of a “Creator God”, other than the ones they choose.
And just who are these god’s that they choose to worship, while at the same time mock and ridicule our Christian God? Their most important god is themselves; their life, as short as it will be, is everything to them. This is why it is so important to them to live any way they wish. Their time is limited, and this ‘one’ fact is part of the reason they are so crazy.
They will say that I am the crazy one, but these people are the very definition of insane! They love their “intellectual insanity”, and are very proficient at it. Another one of their god’s is death. They refuse to believe in anything outside of the flesh. They worship themselves as a body and nothing more. What is their definition of life?
They think they are superior, but in reality; they live like animals. Their only reason for living is the hunt. The hunt of ambition, and the win of the kill. The need to be respected for their intellect, and to look down upon the average man and women. They are no better than the average serial killer, looking to snatch away real life from the whole world, including themselves.
Using science as their weapon, they swoop down upon unsuspecting children in schools and sting them with their poisonous venom, straight out of hell! Their monkey orgy of death warps the tender minds of the next generation, leaving us with only children of Satan! These children of Satan will show you no remorse or pity as they torture you nearly to death, and then politely remove your head!
These children are already here! Just look around and notice who will soon be running the country and the world. All because of the science of Satan! Your faith is all you have to protect yourself and everyone you love. But how do you judge your own faith? Is your faith weak, or powerful? Is it the size of a mustard seed, or a “quark”? A quark is the smallest thing known to exist; it is effectively invisible, a lot like faith. Faith is in your heart and mind, and can only be seen if it is “in action”.
Faith that is not active is dead! (James 2:17), “Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all - it is dead and useless. God gave you this gift of faith, and we must grow it with the water of the Holy Spirit. You can pray for more faith, but if you don’t do your part by watering it, God will not grow it”.
Faith is something very special. It is something we share in a very intimate way with our Creator. Our faith is our way of sharing our love with our God. Faith is also the thing that separates us from the evil of this world. Good cannot exist where faith is absent. For those who reject God and his truths, only evil can reside, and therefore with it comes only death with no real future.
You see; the faithless are always looking ‘forward’ in an attempt to unseat reality, and the things of this world that they simply don’t like. A good example is the color of white. Why would this be? The answer is simple; white in the word of God, denotes good or clean or righteousness. The white robe or the white horse, is just to racist for them to tolerate, so they must remove them from existence, along with all white skin! So although they say racism is evil, they themselves have become the worst racists of all. They just can’t stand the idea that two white people would become a couple, and then bring more white children into the world. Their dream of one race and a one world government must become a reality! If they can rid themselves of the old white man, then there is no chance for the white race to survive.
They say they love diversity, but like everything else about them, it is just the opposite. All of their actions prove that they hate nonconformity, and long for the day when all flesh will be one shade of darkness, just like their cold dead soul. The point being made, is that faith is all-encompassing. God demands that we trust in him and the things he has created. God has complete control of his creation and does not need any help from the god hating, truth hating morons!
Every time a child is conceived, God has allowed it to live or die based on his will. If you are born with two heads, God allowed that to happen, and you better find a way to use both heads for his glory, and trust and have faith in his way, not yours!
God created color; and the color of a person’s skin is God’s creation; it is not a choice we can make. And we must love the colors God has made, and keep them as pure as possible. We cannot tell God that we don’t like our skin color, God wants you as you are. He loves his creations, and doesn’t want them tampered with. But mankind cannot keep their hands off the beloved things of God.
You are God’s property! He owns the things that make you recognizable to him. If you are a male, then love the fact that God made you that way. If you are a female, then love being a woman. If you are white, be proud of what God has make you. And if you are black, then love your race with all your heart.
I know these things are very simple and obvious truths, but that does not mean that millions of people are not attempting to second guess the will of God, and therefore calling him a fool! This is the very essence of faith, or the lack thereof. And God has no tolerance for those who believe he is powerless to maintain, or change, anything he wishes at any time. Faith also means that we must accept the truth that we have no rights when it comes to the manipulation of God’s creation. We accept all of it, or deny our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! There can be no middle ground!
Although faith is a simple restoration of ones soul, the world has made it a complicated war of sin versus fidelity to the truth. And because the whole world is so untrustworthy, Jesus took it upon himself to add sacrifice to our faith as a way of repairing the gaping hole in our soul.
His love for us and the spilling of his healing blood, mixed with our unshakable faith, a burning fire in our belly, and the cleansing water baptism of the Holy Spirit, are the pathway to the only truth. It is a truth that has been put out to pasture; a pasture with no water and very little grass. Death of the truth is not far away. The bones of the truth are bulging through the skin, and its eyes are beginning to sink into it’s skull. If God’s people don’t act soon, the whole herd will be lost.