Trading Places

Many have asked the question; why am I here, and what is the meaning of my life? Few ever learn the answers to life, and usually it is because they are fearful of the truth.

The story begins long, long ago, in a place far away from the earth. There was a Spirit Being called, The Holy One. We will refer to him as the One. We will also refer to him as male in form.

The One was the most powerful being in a place called “divine”. There was no life as we know it, but there were untold numbers of spirit beings. These spirit beings were created ty the One, and they loved him and served him. They were builders and creators for the One, but the One was the source of their power.

The One would create, then set his creation into motion, and watch as his power moved and created reality. The One was a creator at heart, and creating was one of the many powers that gave him pleasure.

Love was always part of who he was, but he was thinking about a new form of love that wasn’t automatic. A love that was special, because it was to be ‘grown’, not ‘programmed’. A love that was not a sure thing.

For this creation to happen, he must be willing to accept rejection from his creation, and endure the pain of hate. He must create things that can become evil; the opposite of who he is! This creation would be something completely new. It would be not eternal. It would be a world of physics and things that all degenerate and cease to exist. Breakdown and decay would be the defining feature, and flesh instead of spirit would be the thing to love and worship.

Why would ‘The One’ want these things? Could it be that his perfection was not good enough for him? Or could this creation be the way for him to re-create himself? For a creation to be truly perfect, it must include absolute freedom. But freedom in and of itself, is only one ingredient. With freedom comes choices, and with choices comes mistakes. To be allowed to choose would mean that mistakes would lead to consequences, with random outcome.

So; freedom is not always good. The One would make his creation capable of miscalculation and deception. Of course, he would make it very simple to understand; he wanted his new creation to have the choice of loving him or hating him.

Nothing of the natural world existed before this; the One would create it all. The entire universe with all of its clockwork and design, moving at the conduction and direction of the great creator. A builder and creator is always looking for a challenge, and the One would create, ‘just that’.

Everything in the cosmos would be physical and mortal in nature. It would have a beginning, ‘and an end’. Before this there was no death, no decay and no imperfection. Now there would be a world perfectly suited for war!

A war with many facets and freedoms. A war of the fight for survival and control. Living flesh and mortal beings, would be at the center of the universe, and a battle over useless things would become the battle to end all battles.

Time did not exist before, but now there would be a ticking time bomb inside of everything in the physical universe. It would only be a matter of time, and this new reality would dissolve into nothing. All things will now be slaves to time.

Time would not be your friend! It would haunt you and stalk you, and measure your every move and thought. Your many footsteps will only lead you into the grave. And your creator will also watch your every step, and judge you based on what you spend ‘his’ time stepping in.

The lives of billions would be used as judgement for choices, wrong and right. How you choose to use his gift of time would be the standard of life and death, reward or punishment, good or evil. The One would have the thing he wants the most; Creation that would love him with no strings attached, but at what cost for the ones that choose, not to love him? And what cost to the One?

You see; we were given something that the One could never have, the ability to sin and do evil. Yet he decided to become one of us, with only sin and evil, not part of his humanity. And at the same time, he traded places with us, and died a criminals death, therefore giving us a chance to be forever reborn and reacquainted with the ‘only truth’ and power of his spirit.

It was you and I who should have died on that cross. But instead, he took us down and put himself up, even though he was, and is the most powerful being of them all. His undeserved love for us overcame his hate for sin, and his great mercy shined through like the light in the eyes of a newborn.

All the sudden, we were saved from ourselves and allowed to live on and be loved forever. With no pain, no sickness, no old age, hate or disappointment; we will be in the arms of love forever, happy and perfectly content, because he made it so!

Blood, Fire and Water (Part 3)

Acceptance of God’s word for some people; including Christians, can be difficult for many of them. Not just saying you accept it; but really accepting every detail, including the ones you don’t agree with.

Don’t bother claiming that you don’t reject some of God’s word, because it is abundantly clear to anyone who is paying attention. I see it and hear it every day! Christians are afraid to stand up for God for many different reasons; all of them reasons of cowardice!

Men are afraid of their wives, so they are not willing to point out what God has demanded of them. They have taken the side of Satan, by simply calling God a liar and rejecting his truth. Men are the head of the household., and should act like it at any cost!

There is nothing new in these statements, it is just much more commonplace. Those who say they believe, really do not. This is one of the reasons our world is imploding. God is allowing us to cut our own throat, and write our own ticked to hell!

Remember this; we do not deserve ‘anything’. We have earned ‘nothing’. Without God’s truth, we cannot exist. And although he loves us dearly, that is not enough. Good clean uncontaminated faith is the only way to reconciliation with our Creator. Faith is everything, and the earth, and all the planets would disappear without it.

Yes; faith is that important. Not faith in the things of the world, but faith in the things not of this world! This is why faith for some is so hard to employ; many cannot separate this earthly flesh life from God’s heavenly world. A world of nothing but sin, verses a world with not even a memory of sin. The spirit of this world is nothing more than a vicious cancer that has wormed its way into your soul, like a vine of thorns, it has become part of you, and you love it. Most of us believe that to remove the cancer will kill the host!

But nothing could be farther from the truth. To separate ourselves from this world would be life saving. Like a person just being told that their cancer operation was successful, and all the cancer is gone, we would jump and leap for joy to be released from the prison of earth. This is why so many of us will find ourselves on our last day on earth wondering what in the world was I thinking?

And God’s answer will be; “You ask what in the world were you thinking?” You were thinking ‘only’ of the world and what it could entertain you with.” Always remember; we were not created and placed on earth to spend our lives in worship of it. We were given life so that we could give it back to God as our ultimate sacrifice. We are to place ourselves on the alter, and accept what ever fate God chooses for us.

I can already see your eyes rolling back into your head, like a shark taking its first bite out of its prey. The demons are telling you not to listen to such ignorance. But the word of God might have something to say about that. Faith has never changed, but people do. They don’t like what they see, or hear, so they spend their lives attempting to change everything.

But it has never worked, and it never will. Faith does not exist where any part of God’s word is removed or ignored. Yet; the world and even Christians do it whenever it ‘seemingly’ justifies their hunger for their idol worship.

The world has no desire to sacrifice anything of its self, only others, as they trample under foot anyone who threatens their lust for their addictions. At all cost they must get what they want, and the debris left behind by the strewn body parts of the ones they have ran under their wheels, leaves a trail of truth leading directly to their front door!

Faith leaves no options, you have it, or you don’t. But faith, like anything else, can be abused. There are those who use their profession of faith to manipulate others. They pound the drums of faith in your ears until the deafening sound becomes more than you can take, and you give them whatever they want. Others use it to gain your trust, and when your back is turned, they just take what they want.

Faith is not greedy, nor self centered. It never thinks of itself; and is always looking for ways to make others happy. Faith is the only true measurement of wealth, because the more you have, the happier you will be on that final day of life on this earth, and retire to the greatest vacation of all!

But many have more faith in the earthly vacation, than the one God himself has planned especially for you. Do you really believe that you can plan a better party than God? Do you believe that you deserve certain things that God has not already given you? Or are you attempting to build you own little heaven, right here on earth?

Only bad things can come from having faith in ones self! Real faith, or the lack of it, is self evident. And pleasuring yourself in every way your twisted mind can conceive, is all the evidence God needs to prove your faithlessness.

Do you believe that God is blind? Do you believe that God will just forget your unwillingness to give up your idols of ‘mind masturbation’? Do you think that spending 90% of your time just thinking up new ways to pleasure yourself is making God happy? And the final question is this; just who are we supposed to be pleasing anyway? Is it remotely possible that pleasing God, and not pleasing ourselves, is the real pathway to true faith?

Faith is both very complex, and very simple at the same time. Believe God, and God’s word above all else, and if you do, all the other pieces will fall into place. The complicated part comes when you fail to believe that the pieces are really God’s way and will.

Use your faith to rest in God’s will. And trust him to steer you in the right direction. If you look carefully for God to act, you will begin to pick up on the many ways he warns, and urges you into his corral of life. Yes; we truly are God’s herd, and to allow Jesus to lead us around by the nose, is the first step to the secret treasures of God’s reality.

Blood, Fire and Water (Part 2)

For those of us who claim faith as the anchor that holds fast our salvation; what kind of faith does God require? Is our faith just another trophy, or one more thing checked off the bucket list of our life? Or is it something much different from what most of us realize?

The secular definition of faith is surprisingly correct. “Complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. Of course, science wants you to believe that it is illogical to believe, and have faith in, anything they don’t like. They will claim that there is no proof of a “Creator God”, other than the ones they choose.

And just who are these god’s that they choose to worship, while at the same time mock and ridicule our Christian God? Their most important god is themselves; their life, as short as it will be, is everything to them. This is why it is so important to them to live any way they wish. Their time is limited, and this ‘one’ fact is part of the reason they are so crazy.

They will say that I am the crazy one, but these people are the very definition of insane! They love their “intellectual insanity”, and are very proficient at it. Another one of their god’s is death. They refuse to believe in anything outside of the flesh. They worship themselves as a body and nothing more. What is their definition of life?

They think they are superior, but in reality; they live like animals. Their only reason for living is the hunt. The hunt of ambition, and the win of the kill. The need to be respected for their intellect, and to look down upon the average man and women. They are no better than the average serial killer, looking to snatch away real life from the whole world, including themselves.

Using science as their weapon, they swoop down upon unsuspecting children in schools and sting them with their poisonous venom, straight out of hell! Their monkey orgy of death warps the tender minds of the next generation, leaving us with only children of Satan! These children of Satan will show you no remorse or pity as they torture you nearly to death, and then politely remove your head!

These children are already here! Just look around and notice who will soon be running the country and the world. All because of the science of Satan! Your faith is all you have to protect yourself and everyone you love. But how do you judge your own faith? Is your faith weak, or powerful? Is it the size of a mustard seed, or a “quark”? A quark is the smallest thing known to exist; it is effectively invisible, a lot like faith. Faith is in your heart and mind, and can only be seen if it is “in action”.

Faith that is not active is dead! (James 2:17), “Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all - it is dead and useless. God gave you this gift of faith, and we must grow it with the water of the Holy Spirit. You can pray for more faith, but if you don’t do your part by watering it, God will not grow it”.

Faith is something very special. It is something we share in a very intimate way with our Creator. Our faith is our way of sharing our love with our God. Faith is also the thing that separates us from the evil of this world. Good cannot exist where faith is absent. For those who reject God and his truths, only evil can reside, and therefore with it comes only death with no real future.

You see; the faithless are always looking ‘forward’ in an attempt to unseat reality, and the things of this world that they simply don’t like. A good example is the color of white. Why would this be? The answer is simple; white in the word of God, denotes good or clean or righteousness. The white robe or the white horse, is just to racist for them to tolerate, so they must remove them from existence, along with all white skin! So although they say racism is evil, they themselves have become the worst racists of all. They just can’t stand the idea that two white people would become a couple, and then bring more white children into the world. Their dream of one race and a one world government must become a reality! If they can rid themselves of the old white man, then there is no chance for the white race to survive.

They say they love diversity, but like everything else about them, it is just the opposite. All of their actions prove that they hate nonconformity, and long for the day when all flesh will be one shade of darkness, just like their cold dead soul. The point being made, is that faith is all-encompassing. God demands that we trust in him and the things he has created. God has complete control of his creation and does not need any help from the god hating, truth hating morons!

Every time a child is conceived, God has allowed it to live or die based on his will. If you are born with two heads, God allowed that to happen, and you better find a way to use both heads for his glory, and trust and have faith in his way, not yours!

God created color; and the color of a person’s skin is God’s creation; it is not a choice we can make. And we must love the colors God has made, and keep them as pure as possible. We cannot tell God that we don’t like our skin color, God wants you as you are. He loves his creations, and doesn’t want them tampered with. But mankind cannot keep their hands off the beloved things of God.

You are God’s property! He owns the things that make you recognizable to him. If you are a male, then love the fact that God made you that way. If you are a female, then love being a woman. If you are white, be proud of what God has make you. And if you are black, then love your race with all your heart.

I know these things are very simple and obvious truths, but that does not mean that millions of people are not attempting to second guess the will of God, and therefore calling him a fool! This is the very essence of faith, or the lack thereof. And God has no tolerance for those who believe he is powerless to maintain, or change, anything he wishes at any time. Faith also means that we must accept the truth that we have no rights when it comes to the manipulation of God’s creation. We accept all of it, or deny our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! There can be no middle ground!

Although faith is a simple restoration of ones soul, the world has made it a complicated war of sin versus fidelity to the truth. And because the whole world is so untrustworthy, Jesus took it upon himself to add sacrifice to our faith as a way of repairing the gaping hole in our soul.

His love for us and the spilling of his healing blood, mixed with our unshakable faith, a burning fire in our belly, and the cleansing water baptism of the Holy Spirit, are the pathway to the only truth. It is a truth that has been put out to pasture; a pasture with no water and very little grass. Death of the truth is not far away. The bones of the truth are bulging through the skin, and its eyes are beginning to sink into it’s skull. If God’s people don’t act soon, the whole herd will be lost.

Blood, Fire and Water

Every now and then, it is wise to go over again why faith is so very important. Without faith, there is nothing to look forward to except death. Regardless of how young you are, every step you make and every breath you take bring you closer to the grave.

Our bodies are the most improbable things in existence. Look at it this way; we are not ‘at all’ necessary in ‘any world’, or universe. We are not needed to maintain the earth or anything in the cosmos. Some even say that we are detrimental to the earth’s existence. But of course, only someone who does not believe in God’s power to maintain the planet would be that stupid!

God may not like our filth and trashy ways, but he is in complete control and fully willing and able to clean up after we have soiled our diapers.

Science does not believe in a God; but of course they have no problem believing in higher powers like aliens and little green men; oh yeah, and women or some variance thereof! Science will say that life, including all life, just happened? Don’t tell that to a couple having trouble making babies.

‘Life is not easy’. Death is very easy; just slip on some ice and hit your head, and poof! Your gone! But on the other hand, dig around at the bottom of a pond and make a mud pie, then let it set there for a million years and see if it becomes a baby. How stupid is that?!

What does it take for life to create itself? Life can exist if it has three things. A energy source, water and an environment suitable to maintain said life. Blood alone is just one thing that must be present for humans, ‘as we presently know them’, to exist. Science is, as we speak, working hard to create blood cells that could, conceivably be used in humans. But the work is just, so far, another theory.

The point is this; even if they succeed, it will be at great cost, and many years of research. And what would it take to achieve the same outcome in the middle of a muddy pond; or anywhere else on earth?

Plasma is made of water, salts, and protein. The solid part of blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Just ask anyone who has prepared baked alaska, and you will quickly learn that it is almost impossible, or at least very difficult, and it is only cake and ice cream!

And if the earth; ‘all by itself’ could create blood, did it also create itself and the other needed ingredients for blood to exist? Does the earth have a conscientiousness? And if so, why can’t it speak to us and answer our questions?

Any honest person with half a brain, knows that even the simplest item you can think of cannot create itself. Even though the raw materials needed to create a simple pencil are wood and carbon, that does not conclude that if a tree falls and is left to rot for a million years, that it will bear “pencil fruit”.

Science could not help itself; they just had to start with the most complicated of God’s creation to attempt to prove their weak argument for evolution. Why not start with the simple pencil? Because the small things in creation actually make a more powerful argument than the big ones. If a pencil can not create itself, then how could anything else?

The truth is; if you can convince a person that their life has no meaning, ‘other than the meaning that science places on it’, you will only be passionate about ‘sin’! Where there is no Creator, there is no morality or purpose, except to acquire as much as possible, as quickly as possible, at any and all cost! Including your soul!

Science is like food; there is some food that is good for you, and there is some that is poison! Dog crap is not good food! And science has a lot of dog crap in it! And they expect you to swallow it all! They find a way to mix truth and lies together and won’t allow you to pick out the crap before you eat it. Because they know full well, that their science without crap makes no sense at all. Science needs the crap as the glue it hold their fantasies together.

“Creation” makes complete sense, but creation with no Creator makes absolutely no sense. As simple as an arrowhead is, a stone cannot simply turn itself into a perfectly symmetrical, working arrowhead. Science says that if you throw a stone at another stone trillions of times, eventually it will become a arrowhead. How convenient it is that you cannot live long enough to witness their miracle in person.

Faith is not ignorant, ‘non science’ based belief! Do you believe that the car you drive, or the home you live in had no creator? If not, then why would you believe that, simple random chance could build anything? Science says that organization is of man, and creation is made from disorder and chaos. Does it really take blind faith to believe in creation? Or does it require blind faith to believe in evolution with no explanation of “original life force”.

And what is original life force? Look at it this way; you can have all the fuel in the universe, but without a spark to start the fire, there can be no flame. Also life cannot exist without life. Alone; Adam would have never survived, but with just one more person, life can now flourish

Remember, there are three things that must already be in place for life to keep living. A energy source, water and a suitable environment. So where did they come from? It doesn’t take faith to realize that fire or any other energy cannot create itself. Also remember this; if science can’t explain it, they will just make something up! Now that’s what I call creation skills!

Faith; God’s science!

Graveyard of Truth (Part 2)

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I would add that he is the way to the truth, and true life. And if Jesus is truth, then when we reject the truth, we also clearly reject him!

True life cannot exist without truth. Truth is as essential as oxygen or water or food. Without truth, all things that exist in the physical world disappear. Most of us try our best to live on lies, and spend all of our years defending them. As you may or may not imagine; God is greatly offended by the love of lies!

Yet, the world has made its choice! Satan over God, hate over love, hell over heaven, death over life, fantasy over reality. The world has become a website with everything your heart desires. All you need to do is ‘click’ on your favorite perversion and Satan comes running to your beck and call. Promising much, ‘and giving much’; Satan gives you what you want, but never points out the deadly consequences. Even a common tree is smart enough to dig as deep as it must to find the water. But, humans always look for ‘what they think’ is the easy way to quenching their thirst. Working hard and digging for the truly pure water is just too much to ask.

Lies are like salt water, if you consume it, it will become a poison that delivers an agonizing death. Only water that has been lifted up by the sun and purified by God’s miracle called “desalination” is made fresh. When it comes to lies, “when it rains it pours”. This is especially true when we lie to ourselves, because over time, lies become so much a part of you that you begin to believe them. To believe in ones self is always a mistake, because there is only one truth, and Jesus is that truth. We must believe Jesus and only Jesus, and base ‘everything’ on his words and deeds.

Why are lies so loved by those who practice them? Lies and deception are one in the same. And if you wish to deceive, it is always to gain an advantage. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it is always ‘against God’. And if you love your lies, you have chosen lies over Jesus, and must in turn hate truth, which is who Jesus is! Where has truth gone? Our lives have become one giant lie! From fairy tales like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, and all of the animated movies that rake in millions of dollars, while at the same time molding your children’s minds into a social lesson of twisted lies. As far as Satan is concerned, truth is dead and buried!

Right down to the smallest detail, the media complex has rammed its sick idea of what they want the world to be, right down your throat and the world just swallows it all. The world wants these things to be true, but God knows they are not!

There was a time when truth was celebrated, but today it is despised and offensive! And just because you call yourself a Christian, don’t think that makes you the master of all truth. You might believe the most important truth of all; the truth that Jesus is our Savior and Lord, but at the same time, ingest every other stupid lie you can think of!

You see, truth has a life of its own. It is jealous and demands your complete loyalty. It will not tolerate your faithlessness and infidelity to reality. Can’t you see, that if it is not true, it is not real, and if it is not real, it does not exist?

Only God can call things into existence that don’t exist! And only God can create just by saying that something is real. And only God can make something truthful! You have no authority at all over what is true! God tells us what is true and what is lies, and you must submit!

Wait! You are different, you are special! God surely sees your brilliance, and your far reaching talent. Of course you can think for yourself, and make decisions without God; right? After all, why would we bother God with things we can figure out on our own? He is a busy man, and I am sure he trusts me completely.

The excuses never end for those who choose to live a lie. And God still loves you, I don’t know why. He asks you to believe, but you choose to deceive. He asks you to follow, but that is too much to swallow. He asks you to show trust, but you defer to lust. He asks you to be kind, but you have your own mind. He asks you to fight, but you embrace the flight. He offers honey, and we bury the stinger!

Truth is all we have left, after all the dust settles. Even the purest gold has no value in comparison to God’s truth. The best lies are the ones hidden inside of the best truths. But truth and lies don’t mix well, and the spiritual reaction can be violent, and even explosive.

Stirring the pot won’t help you to find the truth, but staring into the jar of God’s truth until the crap settles to the bottom will let you see the perfect and clear reality of God. Stare carefully into the words of God, and let the truth settle into your mind, and God will bless you with the living word, and throw out the lies of death.

Seek truth, regardless of your perception of it, and it will surely set you free!

Graveyard of Truth (Part 1)

If all the dead from the past were spread out evenly across the earth, each of the 7.4 billion alive today would have 15 dead bodies under their feet.

In this world of death, everything there is will eventually die. Even the sun will burn out and the earth will disappear into nothingness.

Some death is a good thing, but others are destructive and even evil. Common sense tells you that uncontrolled breeding and lifespans would destroy all life.

Life itself has a mind of its own. It obsessively clings to its own continuation, and thrives on the fear of the host body. It has no concept of the life after death, and is blind to anything but ‘self’.

Truth and lies are part of our humanity, and they also have a life of their own. Truth knows full well that it has life giving power, but lies hate the truth, and will not listen to anything it has to say. So far truth has been losing the battle, and the consequences are very evident and clear for anyone to see.

The one and only goal of lies is to ‘kill and bury’ all truth! If lies have their way, even God himself will cease to exist! But truth can set you free, and lies only have the power to enslave. And this slavery we speak of is alive and well! Destroying souls and ruining lives, it has taken over the world and has become all powerful. Living your life built on nothing but lies has become very popular, and something to be proud of.

But why? Really; it is very simple, the world is attached to lies because they are the easy way out of God’s world of unpopular truths. These truths are hard to swallow, and are in stark contrast with the flesh part of all humans. They just hate the truth, and the body completely agrees! The flesh doesn’t want to die, or even accept its truth. The lies even lie to themselves, in an attempt to alter reality and change the future into a eternal life for lies.

Just like the life of the flesh, lies will be swept away by God and all that will be left is truth. Not the truth of the world, but God’s truth which can never die. When the bodies burst from their graves, truth will be with them. The earth and stone from the graves will explode like millions of bomb blasts, and God’s truth will set us free. When the dust settles, the lies and liars will take their place in the ground and be swallowed up by the earth, never to live again!

And we can see these things very clearly, liars know they are liars, and lies have no rules! They will stop at nothing to stop the truth, but truth cannot sin and will play by God’s rules at all times. Truth stands on its own, and when you speak the truth, it seeks to find its way into the hearts of those who are searching for it. Lies, on the other hand, are a poison that permeates the body, mind and soul. It is a cancer that cannot be removed, and becomes a permanent part of the victim of its evil!

Once you become a demonic liar, everything in your life and future is controlled by a lie. You can’t tell the truth about anything because lies have become your god and your first love. Everything you want to be, everything you own, and every relationship you have is built on lies, the building blocks of hell itself!

And today all around the world, lies have taken their place as a very powerful weapon against those who love the truth. Any and all truth is hated by the powerful, and loved by the powerless. And if God’s chosen ones do not stand up and fight for truth, all will be lost!

Christian’s possess the truth that can set the whole earth free. But truth cannot be carried by those who don’t embrace it. If Jesus is truly in your heart, then truth is patiently waiting for you to drop the shield, and pick up the sword!

I know; the sword is heavy and hard to wield, it is sharp and dangerous. You could harm yourself because you have not practiced the art of swordsmanship. You are weak and frail, and afraid you might lose the fight. And all of this because your faith is weak, and you don’t trust Christ to push you aside, take the sword and kill the enemy himself!

Some may say that truth is easy and lies are hard; but this simply is not so. The truth is; in many cases, unacceptable to the majority, regardless of their faith or the lack thereof. Most of us try to ignore the truth when it makes us uncomfortable, or causes fear.

Look at it this way; we can be sad, we can be hungry, we can be disabled, we can be in pain, we can be suffering, we can be cold or hot, or poor, or homeless, or hated, or ugly, or old, or addicted, or job less, or even demon possessed. And all of these things are connected to our bodies, the flesh, and the physical world. All things that have no lasting value.

The truth can be found in all these things regardless of our disdain for them. Hate and fear for the truth is the calling card of all the dictators and despots of the past, present and future.

America is on the threshold of a nightmare, and despotism is already poised to take over and redefine the ‘truth’. Our lives are about to change into hell on earth, and few see it coming.

The door to Revelation has been unlocked, and the unimaginable is peering through the crack, directly at you! And this is just one more of many truths that won’t be accepted until it is far to late.

"B E L I E V E"

The word “believe” shows up in the Bible over two hundred times. You can’t have faith without believing, and you can’t believe without faith. Do believe and faith mean the same thing? I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that both are needed to satisfy God.

The ‘B’ in believe could denote the word; become. The ‘E’; everlasting, the ‘L’; loving, the ‘I’; immortality, the ‘E’; entrusted, the ‘V’; victorious, and the ‘E’; enduring.

To become, simply means to change. But change into what? Most of us would most likely agree that we are not all that Jesus would have us be. There are things in our life that we have not corrected and are always there as a blaring example of just how far away from being like Christ we are.

The argument could be made that becoming something else is a step we must take to be willing and able to ask Jesus to forgive us. And this step of becoming something new begins with the realization that we have not kept our part of the bargain.

So; when we decided to give ourselves over to Christ, does that mean that we can remain the same person that we were before? Or; do we dust off the old, and welcome in the new life that Jesus, so mercifully, has offered us.

And if we accept God’s gift of a new life, then who does the hard work of making us a “brand new person”? And as a brand new person, how do we handle the sin and the demons that have made your heart its home for so long?

Sin will constantly be looking for a new back door to sneak through. You can tackle the sin, and even rip the ball away, but if you let it up, you will only be letting it free to sneak up on you once again. Holding it down, tying it up, and locking the cell door behind you, is the only way to become someone new.

When sins of the past call your name, you must not answer! Old habits must begin to disappear, and new ones must be practiced. If you believe, you must begin by becoming someone new!

The second letter represents ‘everlasting’. Once we have asked Jesus to forgive us, we must understand the consequences of choosing, and accepting, his sacrifice which joins us to Jesus forever in a way that was not possible before ‘Calvary’. Once you join this click, your everlasting life is under the ownership and eternal control of your master; Jesus!

He can’t be fired, and he will never take ‘no’ for an answer! But you can still mess it up if you don’t become someone new, because you believe, ‘his truth’s’. Trusting him with your everlasting future is the second step in ‘believing’.

The third letter in ‘believe’ represents loving. For most people, admitting that true love is something the majority of us never experience, is not something they are willing to accept. So, how do we know if we are loving the way Jesus wants us to? There is only one example of true love that we can look to; and see love in a way that is selfless and true. And this love is the ‘tough love’ of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. I speak of knowledge and the Holy Spirit in this way because we all know that all ‘true knowledge’ comes from the Holy Spirit.

And knowledge is a direct link to love, and the secret truths about the way God loves you. And the only way we can learn to love in the way God loves, is to tap in to the powerful examples of his ‘tough love’. Love can be very painful. I am convinced that God’s love for his children is a huge source of pain and suffering for God. And if you don’t believe that this is true; then just look at Jesus on the cross and that should convince you of the truth.

And Jesus has already prepared a beautiful mansion for you where every step to the door, and every flower in the vase has been meticulously picked and kept new and perfect for your homecoming. But most of these heavenly mansions will go unoccupied as a painful reminder of the loss of billions of souls. Yet; Jesus keeps on loving you in ways that you, or I, cannot possibly understand.

We can ‘only aspire’ to love like Christ does; yet this is exactly what he demands! Asking and praying every day; over and over again, we must ask our Lord to help us learn how to love in a way that pleases him, not us.

My Lord and teacher; please teach me how to love you, and those you choose me to bless with your truth and great forgiveness. Teach my heart to submit to your love, and recognize it when I see it, so in this way I can learn it and share it.

The letter “I” is the next in line and it has a life of its own that creates mystery and controversy. “Immortality” has, in the past, been seen as a, not so likely possibility. But more and more as time goes by, the reality of its existence is beginning to come into focus. Many things in the word of God have been scoffed at, and looked upon as impossible, then some new technology comes along and makes them think twice.

Information; for example, is a good place to start. It is a little confusing when you study the subject, but it seems to me that good science would admit that information cannot be destroyed. This is something that is still in the infantsy of discovery. So let’s just throw the ball around for fun!

Just take a look at computer information storage. In the distant past you would have been crucified for even talking about something like the smart phone, but today it is just another toaster! Nothing mysterious here; right!? Don’t be so sure. Many times; things that are evil will end up being a witness against itself. The smart phone and the internet are a perfect example. The phone has become a way for the beast to reveal its image to the world, and the internet, and social media have become a weapon against God and his children.

On the other hand, the phone has given rise to images, not noticed before, all around the world. Ghost’s and goblin’s, UFO’s and strange cryptids have become commonplace, and unexplained sightings have removed the stigma from things like ghost’s, spirits of all kinds, and cryptids like bigfoot.

The dream of immortality would become an awful nightmare, if a everlasting universe of heaven did not exist. What would you do if God’s creation was not there for you to be immortal inside of? Would you just float around in limbo forever with nothing to touch or smell or see with your now useless body? Hell can come in many forms, and forever alone is one of them!

Better to die, and slip into the arms of nothingness, than to exist forever without God’s love. The companionship of our Father in Heaven is the only true way to eternal happiness. Immortality of the flesh should be feared not desired. The only immortality available to us is the immortal soul. And immortality is not part of an afterlife with Satan. To be immortal is a privilege reserved for those who believe God and wish to forever worship him and love him in ways that we can’t yet understand. But, you can be sure of this; being with God will be far, far better, than any life we can possibly create for ourselves on this ‘mortal’ planet.

“E”; is next in line, and ‘entrusted’ is the word it will represent. Not only do we need to trust God, we must also be trustworthy ourselves. How easy it is to trust God in comparison to trusting ‘any human’! We are inherently not trustworthy and incapable of loyalty to anything or anyone that does not agree with our earthly desires. We find ourselves; all to often worshiping mortality and the ‘worldly way’, more often than not. Our eyes are locked upon ‘things seen’ instead of the things unseen, wrongly believing that things unseen do not really exist.

This is when we find ourselves walking a completely different path than God. Our flesh eyes are not open to the things of the spirit world, and only when we close them to everything worldly can we then begin to see. Your eyes cannot be trusted, because nothing of this world of flesh and blood is compatible with the eternal nature of the spirit world.

To truly be trusted by God, we must deny the powerless flesh and absorb the reality of God’s secret hidden world. A world hidden only because mankind refuses to shut off the flesh, and turn on the spirit!

So how can the body become more like the spirit, without the death of the flesh? The Holy Spirit is always speaking, every second of every day, longing for us to listen. And the more time we spend listening to the Holy Spirit, the more we can take on its attributes. In other words, we can model ourselves after the things we see and hear the Holy Spirit revealing to us. But beware; there are other spirits waiting and watching for the perfect moment of your weakness!

And these other spirits, ‘or voices’, are very, very good at what they do! Many people have spent their entire lives not understanding that they have been listening to the wrong voices. And if you have been untrustworthy in this way, you have failed to recognize the voice of God, and have turned the truths of God into the lies of Satan. Leaving out any part of believing is a thrust to the heart of Christ.

The letter ‘V’ is the next letter and it might represent ‘victorious’! Victory can never really come without being ‘claimed’. Christians must stand on the mountain and cry out to the world; “Victory is mine through Jesus my only hope and Savior”! And by what means do we climb the mountain, and by what power do we fight our way to the top?

What does victory mean to Jesus? And how can we be sure we understand it in the way he would demand! Victory is ‘ongoing’ and is a lot like our forgiveness. Jesus forgives us of the past and brings us into ‘right standing’ with him. But; Jesus does not take away our choices. We can, at any moment, choose to reject Jesus and his truths. And victory is ours as long as we give our faith completely to his truth and love.

But most humans don’t know how to give themselves over to ‘anything’, but there own desires. True victory desires nothing for themselves. True victory is inside that one moment when you suddenly realize that you are a helpless moron, and God is your ultimate master! Without God’s presence, you would disappear like a puff of nothingness. You would be no more than a fart that you thought was there, but you weren’t really sure. And victory that has ‘meaning’, understands that you do not, without Christ!

“E” is the next letter, and ‘enduring’ is the next word. To endure is to finish the job you have started, and keep your faith from start to finish, even if you cannot see the end, or the middle, or even sometimes the very beginning.

God has a plan for all of us; every one who has ever lived has a list of tasks to complete, and these tasks God has assigned you are the things that make up what your life is supposed to be. They are the only reason God has allowed you to exist!

Life is not about having a good time at God’s expense! Our life is meant to be in the service of our Lord and Savior. And like any good soldier, we must earn our stripes. We must endure the basic training from God, and do our very best to learn his way and his truths before we can win any battles. Life is a fight to the finish, and the enemy is you!

Hebrews 3:10; regarding the people if Israel; God said; “I was very angry with them, for their hearts were always looking somewhere else instead of up to me and they never found the paths I wanted them to follow”. So; do you see it? God has built the perfect road for us to follow! The most beautiful of roads, with a level surface and a clear view of the destination. There is wonderful weather along the path, and the smell of roses in a warm breeze.

But you choose to follow a different road. A difficult road; harsh and bumpy, and a coming storm cloud ahead. Dark and full of lightning, crashing and flashing in the night sky. You walk straight at the storm and right into the arms of a tornado. Its evil growl whispers in your ear; “come with me and you will live forever inside my power, and be powerful yourself”. You are mesmerized by the flashing lightning and hypnotized by the voice of thunder. The black clouds seem powerful to you, and the powerful wind pushes you on down the path to darkness. No need to endure, because the wind will carry you easily to your destination, and a place where enduring becomes a eternity of torture and endless pain.

But, God’s road is a road of endurance ‘then’ happiness and rest. A short trip to heaven, and a small price to pay for an eternity of euphoria and a perfect world of unimaginable bliss and happiness. So, keep up the fight and endure with all your strength, and God will be there to travel with you along the road to true success. Enduring is a gift to your Creator, and a beautiful part of life, if you endure along the right path. Stop at the split in the road and look carefully into the future. What will you choose? Wealth and riches for a short life, or treasure in heaven forever and ever?

God's Lives Matter

Each time the world turns, the dark shadows leave behind a new layer of evil. It is time for this world to, ‘get a clue’, about who exactly sets, and keeps the world turning.

What a bunch of imbeciles we have in the country, and the world for that matter. How egocentric can a population be, and what will it take to shake them out of their dreamscape, and make them see just how ignorant they are acting?

Let’s face it; the world has fallen over the proverbial cliff and left their faith at the edge, just like a herd of pigs. One pig decides to run aimlessly from Jesus and all the others follow, like the mindless drones they truly are.

They so hate themselves, that they are searching for anything that makes them feel alive and with purpose. And because they have failed to find the real truth in life, they ignorantly follow after ‘anything’ that gives them purpose, even if it is ‘demonic insanity’! And the chickens haven’t come home to roost, but the demons sure have!

So who are these people who have taken God’s creation and turned it into a coloring book of evil? It is those who have ‘learned’ by having faith in the wrong teachers. If as a very young child, you learn to walk from a person with no legs, there might be a small problem. If you learn from the snake, you will end up being one yourself. Slithering about for the rest of your life, you will never really know the truth, and even though you have legs, they will be useless to you all because you listened to the devil, ‘the evil serpent’ from hell.

And just like your legs; your mind also can be tricked into ‘not being used’! Your legs don’t work if you don’t use them, and the mind is no different. The most evil of all teachers is Satan, and the teachers of today are following in his footsteps, like the demonic marching band they truly are.

It is not ‘that you learn’, it is ‘what you learn’! And the things that are accepted as truth in our culture today are not the product of God’s voice. We are all God’s lives! Our life force does not belong to us, it belongs to the one who created it. You have no rights or freedom! You are only free to do what God demands!

And since you belong to God, you must reject the beliefs of the world and give up on your own, so-called knowledge, and relearn everything in God’s image. If your ideology is not in perfect alignment, ‘and context’ with God’s proclamations and claims to the truth, then ‘you are the enemy’s of God’!

You cannot believe in God, and not believe in his limitless power at the same time! And God can and does choose who to bless and who to curse, based on his will and nothing more. Any decision you make on your own, without God, is wrong even if it is right, because you have left him out of the conversation. If you do not ask for God’s help in deciding anything; then you will find yourself walking a dangerous path of darkness and evil and death of the soul.

And if you have made the choice to hate, and plot against those who love God, then you have taken the wrong side! Guess what, there are only two sides! God’s side and Satan’s side. The search for truth is God’s search, and the search for contempt for God’s truth is Satan’s search. Do you know which one you have chosen? Pray that you might have just made a mistake, because the consequences of rejecting God’s truth are catastrophic, ‘and worse’ if you know who you are hating.

There is no God in the world of hate. You cannot claim love as your master, and at the same time; loot, burn, destroy, murder, injure and curse those who refuse to be one of you! You cannot claim love, then hate a whole group for the actions of a few. Hate does not need a reason to exist. Hate is a reaction to nothing. Hate loves itself and rejects true compassion and tolerance for anything godly. Hate makes no sense, yet it believes that it has all the answers. Hate has no remorse and will only act sorry for its evil if it sees its deserved punishment about to reveal itself.

Hate sees only differences, not likeness or harmony. Hate will never truly change its mind, so it must be defeated! If you are a hater; God himself will bring the rain, but not the cooling water of truth, but the rain of hellfire that melts the flesh along with the hate inside.

Hate only sees hate! It does not see truth or love or righteousness, or even the future pain that hate will inflict on those who practice the destruction of others. Hate is the ultimate self destruction, and will use you to destroy yourself and anyone else around you and in your path. Hate only sees color or gender when it serves its purpose, it really doesn’t care what color you are, it only lives to kill and hate, and does not care who or what you think you are.

So; what color are you, and what does God think? Will there be black and white people in heaven? Maybe we will be covered with beautiful flowers, all colors, red, white, blue, pink and yellow. Or maybe we will have fur, like a beautiful kitten; soft and love-able, and ready to always be snuggled and looked upon as a creation of God. And what if your fur is not the right color, will you be looked upon as inferior? Or maybe we will be all one color, or have no color at all. Or maybe we will be invisible, and maybe God will make us blind as punishment for our ignorance.

Does anyone else see how stupid this all is? Obviously God loves colors. Just look at his creations; green grass, blue oceans and his incredible flowers. A red sunset, a yellow canary or a beautiful blue bluebird. A red cardinal or a simple brown sparrow. Why would we change anything God has made; or hate it?

And does God look at you with adoring eyes, or does he see something else entirely? Or do we have a blind God who can’t see how awesome you think you are? Or maybe you think you are ugly or dumb; does God see you the same way you see yourself?

Of course God only judges you by the content of your character, and the correctness of your faith. What do you have faith in? Your color? Your race? Your intellect? Your ‘so-called’ education? Satan and his demons? Your wealth or you strength, which all can be taken away in an instant!

Some even have faith in their ignorance of the truth, because it is always easier to have faith in a lie than the truth! And the truth here is that God does treat some people differently than others, based on their actions and words. Words can be evil, but actions can be a threat to life and liberty. And if differences between you and another person are a cause for hate, then you have stepped on the toes of your Creator!

There are two types of people; those who will pray for you if you disagree, and those who will burn your house down if they don’t like what you believe. God does not tolerate hate for any of his children! There can be no excuse for hate. Even if they harm you in some way; you can hate what they do, but not God’s child. This means that you cannot act in a hateful way unless you are willing to answer for your sin; face to face with God!

There is no justification for hateful acts, even if someone has hated you first. God is the judge and jury for all of those who choose to break God’s laws. God loves law and order, and will always be on the side of any moral law. Love with no tolerance for sin of any kind, is the true answer. Love is more powerful than hate, love is more powerful than sin, and love can melt away any differences that we might have between us.

But like many things of the world, hate can become an addiction. And addictions always spiral out of control, then habits are formed that can make evil actions inevitable. There are many different excuses for hating someone, but before you make the decision to embrace your hatred for anyone, take some time to think about why they believe what they do. Is your hatred brought on by ideology, that may, or may not, be a logical one? Always remember, that truth is a great healer. When you accept the truth, it allows you to adjust your mind to the inevitable. And truth is always easy to recognize because ‘it is rock solid’, unlike a lie or deception for your own profit.

The search for the lost treasure of truth is, ‘no doubt’, one of the latest victims of a widespread pandemic; served up to the world by the forces of evil and Satan himself. Many have given their lives in the fight for the truth, and Jesus was the first of these sacrifices. If the truth matters, then let this truth soak in! Jesus loves us all! It does not matter what color your skin is! And yes, he loves all the idiots who hate for all the wrong reasons. And the most common reason for their hate is their lack of true faith! The kind of faith that saves millions of lives each year, and feeds the hungry, and heals the children, and brings everlasting life to those who ask for it.

Yes; the love of Christ is all you need to save the world from itself. He could have destroyed the whole world, instead of allowing evil men to murder him! But instead, he gave them a chance to repent, and the greatest gift of all; the truth, the way, and the life that all of us, deep down inside are searching for.

And the only way to acquire this gift is to stop hating and begin loving the truth, which is a gift to God, and to yourself, not a battle against a unbeatable God and a unwinnable war.

Dying to Live

Are you ready? Ready to leave this world? Are you ready to leave everyone and everything you know behind? Are you afraid of death? And do you wonder why the God we worship sees a need to make us suffer in this way?

Romans 8:36 tells us that for his sake we must be ready to face death at every moment of the day - we are like sheep awaiting slaughter. Why did our Creator God make these mortal flesh bodies in the first place? Why not just go ahead and make us the spirit beings that he so desperately desires us to finally be?

We will never be an angel because God created us to be something far different. We are more powerful and looked upon by the angels and envied. Angels are messengers ‘only’, and are powerful servants of God’s order. Mankind on the other hand, was created to love and serve God ‘and’ other humans like ourselves. We also were created to live our lives storing up our rewards in heaven, and in this way there will be all levels of praise and honor among those who endured the flesh.

This is a battle that the angels never had to fight. They were created as they are; servants to God and God’s will, and no necessity to store up treasures in heaven or suffer the curse of the flesh! That’s right, there is a curse of the flesh. And this curse has a great purpose. Although we cannot earn forgiveness, we and our deeds will be measured and are the compilation of who we are, and the choices we make. And these choices will become the building blocks of our new home in heaven.

Like it or not; God is watching very carefully and measuring every single thought and step as a way to calculate your ‘chuckle-head refund’. And a bigger refund is better; right? Yes; I’m being silly, is that alright with you, or should I act like everyone else and take myself far to seriously.? Yet at the same time, this is a serious message, a message that should shock all who truly understand why we are here, and what God wanted from as from the very beginning.

So what is it that God wants from us? First and foremost, he wants our loyalty. Loyalty to all the things that he has claimed. In other words; stop calling him a liar! That’s exactly what you do if you reject any of the things the Bible proclaims. Any story, any law, or any prophecy. They all must be taken as they are, regardless of our own likes or dislikes. That’s right; the devil and demons, death and destruction, punishment and hell itself, are all things unpleasant to most of us, but just because it might not suit your personal taste, you had better swallow it anyway!

Everyone is just dying to live ‘on and on’. They fear everything, yet everything is God’s creation! This is how it was meant to be, death is our only escape, it is our only way out, and our only light at the end of the tunnel. We run from it as if it is our enemy, bent on murdering us, and torturing us until we finally succumb to its murderous hands!

But this is not God’s will for us! He loves us and does not wish for us to suffer. We bring the suffering upon ourselves by not being willing to accept God’s truth about real life, and real death, and what and who we really are. We all must die the death of the flesh, but that is not the end, but only the true birth of ‘you’!

And there we go, being all afraid again. Jesus took his turn, and we all must do the same. Living and dying, dying and living, what is the truth about our existence? And why is everyone so confused? The only reason for confusion is the unwillingness of all of mankind to simply embrace the things that they have no control over. Instead of accepting the obvious, they choose to fight a unwinnable battle against a unbeatable God! And instead of following God’s truth, they spend their years running from it.

The desire to live out eternity inside this rotting flesh is the height of utter ignorance! When you hug someone you love; what are you really hugging? Is it the flesh or the spirit? Which one is you? Our spirit is already ‘eternal’, that cannot be changed. Only the place you will inhabit will be in play. Your spirit cannot escape the future, and killing the body can’t save you from the throne of judgement!

The struggle to live is a powerful one. But what exactly does it mean to live? There are as many types of living as there are people, but only one of us has ever got it exactly right. Jesus gave up the flesh, because his perfect faith told him that the body, at best, was only temporary.

We cannot fight our death, or even postpone it, we can only spend what is left on Jesus. Your gift to him, and your way of showing your faith, is to die for him. Give your life in the flesh to him, because you know in your heart that you value it above all other things. Stop dying to live and start living to die; this is the truest measure of life and faith.

The Breath of Life

The word of God says that God formed a man’s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person. Genesis 2:7.

It is clear that Adam’s first breath was the breath of the flesh, not of the spirit. The spirit must exist before the life of the flesh. The mortal body needs the spirit to exist, but the spirit does not need the flesh.

The heart relies on oxygen to beat; oxygen that can only make it to the heart if the brain keeps you breathing. The heart cannot begin, or continue to beat without the breath of life. The heart then sends oxygen to the rest of the body including the brain so thought and reason and even sinful thought can be produced.

Your body cells use oxygen you breathe to get energy from the food you eat. This is called ‘cellular respiration’. All life would cease to exist if the exchange of gases between oxygen and carbon dioxide stopped.

Inside the womb; oxygen must already be in place for the heart, or any organ for that matter, can be formed, and the mother, not unlike God, supplies the oxygen to the unborn. This is proof that oxygen really is the ‘breath of life’.

But what about the heart? The heart has been central in literature, fiction and the Bible for thousands of years. Does it really have a place in the actions of good, or evil? Yes it does; its called getting excited!

Heart rate is very sensitive to your submission to thought. The slightest little thing can spike your heart rate and cause exhilaration or shear panic! The body wants to slow your heart down because it just feels so good. On the other hand, stress and a fast heart rate does not feel good.

This is just a simple mans way of saying that; yes, the heart really does have a mind of its own. Just think; your whole body is communicating. Each part loves the other part and knows exactly what needs to happen when one of them is in trouble. Your heart talks to your lungs and your lungs talk to your muscles and everyone works together to bring harmony. And as we all know, misguided excitement can cause many different types of sin!

And here is where it really gets weird! God the Father, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit have placed a part of themselves inside your heart. And if this is so, then how much of what goes on inside your body has the ‘hands on treatment’ by God? What a wonderful thought! The thought that God himself would literally touch your heart in this incredibly intimate way, is the making of a happy heart..

So; if God is in our heart, then what about the rest of your body? And if the joy of the Lord is brought on by the Holy Spirit, then how much more then shall we pray that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit would take complete control of our entire body? God the Father, was and is, our great designer, and who knows more about the inner workings of the flesh and the spirit?

Our heart then, is a direct reflection of what makes us good or evil. And if we don’t have Jesus in our heart, then the only thing left is evil. Our spirit longs to escape from the boundaries of the flesh and be free once more, to fly the flight of real freedom. The flesh of the heart is more important to a lost soul because the flesh is all they have. A saved person on the other hand, should know that the more we love God the more we realize that the flesh has no real value.

We cling to the things of the world simply because our faith is weak. The stronger the faith, the weaker the love for the world becomes. And as much as your organs love you, and work diligently to keep you happy, they also look forward to the day when the fight to keep on living will be over. They will gladly serve you and work themselves to exhaustion, right up to the end.

Like a beloved pet; they will someday die and disappear, leaving nothing behind except a memory. But the spirit will be freed, and your life force; the things that make you, you, will live on forever. Your heart will be replaced by a far better one, and your lungs will breathe the breath of real life. Not oxygen, but the powerful and refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit. And your minds eye will see nothing but the beauty of heaven, which is far greater than the flesh mind can possibly imagine.

And Jesus will no longer need to live in your heart, because you will live in his! Not a flesh heart, but a heart made up of love and intense happiness, that makes you leap, then bounce, then fly with the speed of light into the arms of bliss!

There will be no more need to worry about anything! Not the future, not your wealth, or the lack of it. You will never be lonely, and you will never be afraid. You will never feel left out or mistreated and you will be with the one who loves you the most, and will uphold your real life; his and your eternal breath of life, shared together forever.