Who We Are

Nobody; that is who we are. Educated by God alone, with no man-made, preconceived ideas of what a true education is. We live and breath the Holy Spirit’s power of intellect and ability to serve God alone.

We believe God. We know that the same God who created “all things” is also able to uphold his words, and keep them flawless throughout time.

We doubt all things human and fully embrace all things eternal. We know that there is no future or eternity without our God. No man or human power can grant us life, forgiveness or overcome death. Only our God can deliver these universally desired gifts of eternal life.

We know who God really is. Not some jolly Santa Claus type figure, but a powerful, yet loving superman with the cosmos worshiping at his feet. A Spirit of unimaginable power that created everything and continues to hold it all in a magical waltz of spiritual magnificence.

We believe that God himself became a human. He put himself in our place on that cross, and even began his human life in the womb, weak and powerless just like you and I. We believe that he loved us so much that he took our guilt and bore our punishment, knowing that many would not accept his gift of anguish.

We believe that our spirit, which is what makes us who we are, was always with God, and heaven was and is our only true home. We believe we were sent here to live our lives in the service of Almighty God, and not man. We believe that all of our job descriptions are the same; servants of God.

We know that God is preparing a beautiful experience, and an incredible home for us, based and built on the building blocks of our treasures. Treasures that can only be stored up if they are created in the first place, by the deeds of your life.

We want others to join us in the fight against evil and the fight for the truth of God’s word. And we believe that the weapon of warfare is in the name and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ — “our only hope”.

Our mission is very simple, serving God by serving others.

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