When we attempt to understand anything regarding the mind, it is important not to leave anything out of the equation.
"Experts" at studying the mind, deny the existence of many things that are part of 'illogical hate'. But hate in and of itself, can never be eradicated, nor should it be.
Let's just take a hard look at the truth concerning "hate". Psalm 11:5 - "He puts the righteous and the wicked to the test. He hates those loving violence". In the world of logic; scripture is not necessarily needed to make a secular point of reality. Although God has all the answers, the world does not accept his logic or truth.
Hate is necessary and can be used for a outcome that is good. Most would agree that you must hate to kill the enemy. If you don't hate the one who is trying to kill you, you will most likely die. This does not mean that you hate for no reason. And it does not mean that you want to hate, it means that you are forced to hate.
When we reject God and his forgiveness, God is forced into hating our actions and inaction's. If we do not repent of these things, God will be forced into punishing us.
But hate, like many other emotions, is hard to learn to control. And without God as our trainer, we will not succeed. The word hate is thrown around a lot. You hear it all the time; "I hate this, I hate that; I hate that person; I hate this weather; I hate this food". It goes on and on forever. We are a world full of so-called haters.
But there is a difference between saying you hate something or someone, and showing someone you hate them by being evil and mean, or even harming them. It is not our place to hate, even the haters! It is not our place to hate the person, but we can hate what they do or say. We can hate their disobedience and the unwillingness to accept God's way.
Can we use hate to stop hate? Well, let's look at it this way. If you ask God to stop the hate of war and killing, he will have no choice but to kill the haters and killers. If you or we decide to take it unto ourselves, we will need to hate to be able to kill. If a intruder breaks into your home and threatens your family, can you love the murderer while you are killing him? Could you kill someone that you loved? And if so, how hard would that be. What if you needed to make that decision in a split second?
If God uses hate 'and love', can we manage to juggle them in a way that is righteous and justified, ourselves? And does God allow hate to exist? Or did he create it for a purpose we don't understand? Should we have our rights of thought taken away? Can truth be considered hate? And if truth is hate, then who will make the decisions concerning which thought is hateful?
You see; no one can really know the true thoughts of another person. We can only 'guess' that someone hates, based on their actions, not their words. And even then, it is only a guess with no way to know for sure of the motives in question.
We can only be convicted of a crime if we have 'acted' in a way that is outside the law, not for being outside the box in regards to our thoughts. Even if you admit to your thoughts of hate; they are only thoughts.
And what are the breeding grounds for hate? It is as simple as following the road once traveled. Where did your journey begin, and where are you now? No one can deny that, the road you have traveled, and the bumps along the way, are what makes you who you are. The places where you took a wrong turn, may have led you down a path that was bumpy or even dangerous.
You may have found yourself unable to turn around on the narrow road with cliffs instead of ditches. You may have ran out of gas or had a flat tire, and had to walk a rocky path. You may have lost your footing and sprained your ankle. You may have been attacked by wild animals!
Your past is what dictates your future and shapes who you are in the present. You are a product of things that you have done, or things that have been done to you. Good things or bad things, it really doesn't matter, they both can shape the mind into something horrifying and evil.
So where did you come from? Was it the school of hard knocks, or the school of pixie dust and soft bunnies? The school of hard knocks, will either make you tough or break your will. The school of pixie dust and soft bunnies, will make you weak and stupid, and not able to understand the pain that goes along with hard work. And where is this breeding ground of hate and lies and discrimination, based on all the wrong criteria? Just look at the road you were forced to travel; the schools! All of them!
That's right; they must all be called in, so to speak, for questioning. They must be held to task for the things they teach and the things they don't teach. All the schools have been infiltrated with spies for evil, with the goal of turning out those who hate the truth and love the lies. And this is the place where the murderers have come from! These killers come from a place where they preach the gospel of inclusion, but only if you are from the right family, or are an athlete, or you are beautiful or handsome, tall and thin, smart with a nice smile, or if your family is well off.
They teach fairness, but are unfair. They teach helpfulness, but only help those who they like. They teach opportunity, but only to certain groups. And even when they say the right things, they don't really mean it because their whole purpose is to rid themselves, and the world, of anyone they don't deem desirable. They teach no God, and that the only reason to live is to make money and become a deviant like themselves. They want you to see discrimination where there is none, and goodness and love where there is none.
Hate has become their new way to love, and love their new way to hate. They see any truth as the enemy, and any rules they have not written as hate speech. They hate those who they say are hateful, and love those who do actually hate. They say it is wrong to discriminate, but then they discriminate against white men.
If you mix hate and education together, what do you get? You get ignorance on a grand scale, and confused young people who are looking for a way out. In some cases they commit suicide, and in other cases they wish to kill as many people as possible, as their only way to deal with all the hate and lies forced on them by the education system.
All mass killings and shootings have a direct connection to the schools, and then the ongoing lies of hate that the left in this country use as poison to wreck the mind of millions. So who is to blame for all the killings and hate and perversion? The left; you know; the Demonrats, the liberals, the haters of God's way, the real racists and the ones who hate the most, but then tell everyone else not to do it.
They are Satan's beloved family members, and the cause of everything evil around the world!