Show Hate No Lovin

Although love and hate are just words, is it possible that they are really much more than that? There are those who would say that hate or love cannot exist without the human brain, but don’t be so sure. What if love and hate were spiritual in nature only? What if the brain is only a willing participant?

What if hate is a living entity; a life form of its own? And what if love also is a sentient being? And what if they can speak to you, and hear your reply? And just for a moment, try to accept the idea that they are both attempting to control your thoughts and therefore control your actions.

And if this is true, then what power do you have to resist the power of mind control? And should we accept the idea that we could be completely under the control of another being and not know it?

Most of us would never admit that we don’t have a mind of our own. We want to believe that we are intelligent and wise and informed. But what is the real truth when it comes to our thoughts and actions?

Just for a moment, let’s look at the things that lead us around by the nose. Our lust for certain things is unstoppable, and dangerous. We freak out over food and drink, alcohol and drugs are our lovers and sexual partners. We get all tingly inside if our stock trades go through the roof. We feel all warm and fuzzy when we sit in the drivers seat of our next new car. We look at common objects as things that are evidence of our conquests, and we crave all the things that God hates.

And if these things are things that God hates, and we love them, what does that say about us? If these are hateful things that we love, are we not showing love toward the very things that God hates, and therefore choosing hate over love and evil over God?

And how long will God stand for this? When will his patience run out, and his anger be in full bloom? Are we all so blind that we have not seen it yet? Open your eyes and look at the things that are blatantly obvious and you just might understand were we are, and what is about to happen to our world.

Jesus has left the room, and is about to saddle up. His white horse is ready and waiting, snorting and chomping at the bit and raring to go! He knows full well what Jesus is thinking and can’t wait to carry him into battle.

Never allow yourself to believe that living on the side of hate will be tolerated by God. Most of us will say that they don’t love hate, but what if you don’t even recognize it when you hear it speaking?

Is it possible that many of us have picked he wrong friend? How many people are going to end up in hell because they made a mistake? Did they choose the wrong friends, or marry the wrong person, or believe something about salvation that was totally wrong? Or did they not bother to read God’s word and therefore never really learn the things that he demands? And even if they did read his words, did they choose only the things that make them feel good, and throw the rest of it out to the trash heap?

The word of God is not a box of candy! We can’t choose the flavor we want and leave the rest to rot. We must study carefully the things in God’s word we love, ‘and’ also the things we fear. How can you truly know God if you refuse to accept all sides of his complex nature?

And yes; God is a very complex God. Would you expect anything less from the Creator of the universe? And God’s love for us is also complex. On one hand his love is more powerful then we can understand, and because of that fact, his wrath is also more powerful than we can understand.

Can love exist without hate? Think about it. How would you know what warmth felt like if you never felt it? And by the same measure how would you know what cold was like if you had never experienced it? And in the same fashion, you can’t know poverty if you have always been wealthy.

God’s heaven cannot be appreciated if you haven’t seen and been a part of this awful world. Yes; this awful world is more than awful, it is a world full of people who choose hate over all other things.

And why would anyone choose to show love to the very thing that wants to eliminate said love? As with all things; ‘that which makes no sense can always be attributed to demonic forces’. All illogical thoughts and actions are from demonic power and hell itself!

Satan and his demons hate love. Love is part of all things God. Love is the glue that holds all righteousness, morality, virtue, mercy, honor, justice and truth in place.

So; why do so many people love hate? Because hate has no demands. Hate does not threaten you with punishment. Quite the contrary; hate promises wealth and health and freedom to live any way you please. Hate has no bible and no god and no consequences. Hate allows you to have and do anything you want. Money and wealth of all kinds are there for the taking, if you will only give your life over to its allure and beauty.

So why does hate find such a warm place in your heart? Because it is so easy to give it everything it wants. It will never complain or claim that your hate is not strong enough. And hate will always give you more of itself to spread around and infect all of those who you think you love.

Don’t be foolish and believe that hate can always be recognizable, it can mask itself and become something, or someone, that you think is a ‘nice person’. How many times I have heard people say things like, “oh, that person is a nice guy, or girl”. But how do you really know that? You can’t!

We must be very careful not to align ourselves with anyone who has not passed the test of time. We must watch every move, and study every word, because eventually hate and evil will rear its ugly head; it just can’t help itself!

When we love hate, we also love all the things that God is repulsed by. And remember this; hate can hide itself inside of all the things you love. But love can find no shelter, it cannot hide itself because it shines so brightly. Love floods the room and lights the pathway. Love brings a smile of righteousness and truth, while hate brings a smile of deceit and lust for your soul. While hate hides in the dark corners of a closet, love permeates everything around it and brings light from heaven to show you the way to true happiness.

There is no need to look any further for the love that we seek than the light of our life. And that light can only be lit by the Son of God. He pushes out the darkness of hate and lets the flood of life inside your heart. He gives what we really need, true love that will last forever and true happiness is the result.