Hotrods to Heaven

Imagine for just a moment how the citizens of heaven must perceive those of us in the world. Dashing about in a race to the top; the world is consumed by the necessity of winning.

When is a win really a win, or do we even have a clue in regards to real winning? And should we trust ourselves to define something that is clearly, ‘not clear’? So, if we can’t trust ourselves then who or what do we look to for guidance?

Certainly, we can’t look to the world because in many cases those who are winners from the world’s point of view, are in reality, the biggest losers of all!

So let’s start by asking God what he thinks. Luke 12:15 says; “Beware! Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are”.

Speaking of life, in a play by Shakespeare the character Macbeth said; “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing”. And in sound and fury, as the dust settles, we can hear a sound like thunder pounding and roaring and shaking the earth beneath our feet. And as we look, we find ourselves inside of a fire breathing dragon! Its teeth gleam like polished silver, and its colors are like a mirror of the deep blue sea. Its eyes are like fire and its tail stares at you with red demon eyes. Its voice is a deep growl that roars like an earthquake. It crouches down like a tiger, ready to strike.

Its wings are spread wide, inviting you in for the ride of life and death. It is beautiful and evil at the same time. You can’t help but to look into its reflection and touch its gleaming body. It wants your complete loyalty, and will settle for nothing less.

Smoke billows from beneath and shrouds the firelight as the thundering sounds become more powerful. It is at a fevers pitch, as if a imminent explosion is poised and being held back by something or someone.

And this someone is you! As if you are holding the button down with your thumb, just waiting for the exact moment to unleash hell! The race is about to begin, and the supernatural hot rods are lined up and stretching around the globe, and about to launch into a race to the finish line.

The diseased minds of the drivers have lost the ability to understand what ‘true’ winning really is. It isn’t who crosses the finish line first, its where the finish line is. With no sense of direction you might go south, instead of north!

And while inside the clutches of misdirected passion, the drivers no longer are controlling, but are being controlled by the beautiful sound and fury of the dragon racers.

An object that once had no life, now has more power over you than anything living. You worship it, you lovingly wipe it, and you will spend you last dollar maintaining it. You have given your soul over the inanimate, and rejected the animate.

Then suddenly the flag is unexpectedly dropped, and the whole world is racing toward a finish line. But there is chaos because the location of the finish line is not clear to them, and in many cases, unknown. Panic sets in, and the hot rods begin to crash into one another, with some speeding in one direction, and others in a different direction.

Some believe that blocking the way of others will increase their chance of finding the finish line, so they begin to crash into one another and fight among themselves. Killing breaks out all over the world. Some believe the finish line is in one place and others think it is somewhere else. Rumors of where different finish lines are spread like wildfire, and lead many to run over the edge of a cliff to their death, and others simply crash into trees or buildings and burst into flames. But others escape the bonds of the child seat and jump to their freedom, forever leaving behind the trail of broken and rusty parts strewn about by the Hot Rod from hell.

What will save us from the things of this world? What object can we bow down to, and what thing or person can we rely upon when we are desperate for answers that we can’t comprehend? Nothing from the physical world can save you from yourself! You will always be your own worst enemy!

The shiny things of this world are only the millstone that you carry around your neck, and eventually it will drag you under. Only the power that brings you life can offer a future, the same power that makes you who you are.

Think of it for just a moment; without the spark that starts the flame that makes you have life, nothing else matters! So how do we win the battle and find the finish line?

There is only one way to eternal life. Renounce everything of this world. And why not? Just look at yourself, what are you really? I know; you are a shiny new car, everything is brand new. It smells new and drives new, and looks so cool! But soon the car gets its first dent, and then a chip, and then the tires wear out. And if you don’t take care of it, it will fall apart and leave you stranded.

You once were so beautiful and strong, and now you are beginning to fall apart. Your youth has been replaced by dents, dings and a broken muffler. And soon you will be sent to a wrecking yard where youth and newness is nothing more than a memory.

Proof that the physical world is only a short term allusion of being a winner. We were all born losers because our sinful bodies will, sooner or later, turn on us and become the enemy. The future holds nothing for those who worship the rotting things of the physical world.

Temporary as it is, we must maintain and keep our bodies at their best so we can serve God until he allows us to be freed from the prison of this body. So step away from being a winner, because we must become the biggest losers of all to become the greatest winners.

Just remember; the real world is not where you are now. The real world is outside the body and no longer part of the brick and steel of this cold and unforgiving planet.

Which thing would you choose? The promise of sickness, disease, hatred, death, suffering and fighting from start to finish, to only lose your life at the end of your battle? Or the promise of living forever in youth and health and happiness?

In this crazy world, winning is nothing you think it is and everything you don’t. So unbuckle your seat belt and bail out of the race toward nothingness, because at the end of the line, there will be nothing of this life that you can pack and take with you. Not one thing! No money, no clothing, no family, no friends, no pets, no home, no car, no food and not even your body can be carried through the gated walls of heaven.

When and if your spirit arrives at the gate, God will be there waiting to re-create you again. He made you once, and he will make you again. Only now everything you thought you were, will be far greater. God will supply everything, and this world will just be a giant mud hole when compared to the splendor of your true riches.

God will love you in a way that you have never felt, and you will love him in a way you never thought possible. Then the real feeling of winning the ultimate race to the finish will be yours to enjoy forever. And true praise will come from the highest authority ……..’God’.


Holy War

War is a word that seems to be over-used and misplaced. But when speaking of things of a spiritual nature, it could very well be under-used.

Who are the players in this war we speak of? And why is the war necessary? And what is at risk or in jeopardy if the war is not won?

There are many in this world who feel powerless. And there are just as many who mistakenly feel that they are in control, and have the power to control all the aspects of their life.

It is sometimes easy to make the mistake of feeling in control, because the world at large believes that success is measured by physical and monetary achievement. Self aggrandisement is everything in the world of the unholy and the self proclaimed holy ones, but in both cases they are making an ‘eternal mistake’.

True power in the universe, and our tiny little planet comes from only two sources, the unholy spirit and the Holy Spirit. Both are spirits of untold power and should be taken very seriously, and even feared.

It is a simple matter of choice; which one do you choose, and how easy is it to mistake one for the other? Sadly; this is where the world has planted its seeds; in a graveyard where the seeds of faith grow only on the rotting corpses of those whose souls are lost. Lost to the whims of the unholy spirit that robs the true power from heaven from all of those who choose the power of the world over the power of the Holy Spirit.

And what has the unholy offered you as a bribe to turn your back on the Holy? Even Jesus fought with Satan, when Satan offered Jesus a bribe; in Luke 4:6-7. And the devil told him, “I will give you all these splendid kingdoms and their glory, for they are mine to give to anyone I wish, if you will only get down on your knees and worship me”.

So are you or your knees in the garden of death, planting the seeds of corruption, or are you on your knees praying that Jesus will drown you in the waters of the Holy Spirit? And how can you recognize a person with the unholy spirit as a passenger on their train to hell?

Look at it this way; if the Holy Spirit recognizes itself, it also sees clearly in whom the unholy is vacationing inside of. And if you have that same Holy Spirit you can see evil clearly yourself.

The Holy Spirit offers you many different types of power, but in most cases, we fail to take advantage of said powers. Seeing non-human powers inside another person is only one of them. If you want true power, given to you by God, you must learn to see the un-seen through the eyes of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Your eyes will lie to you and leave you doubting the Bible and its ultimate power of truth. All, and any power offered to you as a Christian is acquired through the Holy Spirit. Wisdom and intellect and powerful faith can only be activated by blind faith, and blind faith is like a muscle, you must work with it and build its power over time. You must practice the right kind of faith and be willing to see where you are wrong and correct it, and refine it in a way that pleases its author and giver.

Faith is the first step in a Christian’s new life, but without the Holy Spirit, faith will become useless and die on the vine. Growing faith grows by the watering of the Holy Spirit, and as faith grows the Holy Spirit gives power to the faithful. And with a powerful faith, full of the Holy Spirit, anything is possible.

Faith is the weapon we use to kill our sin, and the Holy Spirit is the projectile that faith launches at the target. Whether your target is evil or good, the Holy Spirit can create good or destroy evil.

The Holy Spirit can also empower you in ways that most don’t understand. Remember; the Holy Spirit of God is an unlimited power that is waiting for you to access it and defeat the world and all things evil. This unlimited power can also create incredible victory is our very short lives.

So how do we get this incredible power? We ask for it; it is just that simple. But like all things God, we must rely on him to be the judge of how much power we can handle. The size of your faith will dictate the measure of power God will allow.

Luke 11:13 says; “and if even sinful persons like yourselves give children what they need, don’t you realize that your heavenly Father will do at least as much, and give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him”?

So pray for faith and ask for the Holy Spirit every day. Over and over again, plead with your God. Lord God, my author and giver of life, change me into the child you wish me to be and honor me with more and more faith each day. Reach inside my mind and change anything about it you wish. I give myself over to your mind changing power, and ask to humbly serve my loving Savior, Christ Jesus.

Make me the person you want me to be so I can be empowered to do your will and only your will, not my own. Remove anything in my mind, including memories and sinful thoughts that hold me back from being all I can be for you. And last but not least, cause me to truly love you. Not only in word, but also in deed. Make me feel a love for you, more powerful than any love the world can experience. Help me see into the eyes of the only one who truly knows love at its most powerful. And when I say ‘I love you”, Lord; make it a powerful truth that reaches the deepest part of my soul and your ears.

Is there anything more I can say my Lord? I thank you for loving me, yet I don’t understand why you would. Only the Holy Spirit can make me see the truth of what I am. I am nothing! I am no one! I have now power! I live only through the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can barely believe that you would accept me, let alone love me.

And I want to love you back. I desperately want to love you in a way that pleases you, but I am unsure of my ability to do so. And I know that without your Holy Spirit I can never be the man that you wish me to be. So, Lord fill me with your loving Holy Spirit and wash me clean with your mercy and truth. Touch me with your hand, and heal me with your power of forgiveness. Empower me so I can do your will and live my life with only heaven in my sights and your Spirit in my soul.


Show Hate No Lovin

Although love and hate are just words, is it possible that they are really much more than that? There are those who would say that hate or love cannot exist without the human brain, but don’t be so sure. What if love and hate were spiritual in nature only? What if the brain is only a willing participant?

What if hate is a living entity; a life form of its own? And what if love also is a sentient being? And what if they can speak to you, and hear your reply? And just for a moment, try to accept the idea that they are both attempting to control your thoughts and therefore control your actions.

And if this is true, then what power do you have to resist the power of mind control? And should we accept the idea that we could be completely under the control of another being and not know it?

Most of us would never admit that we don’t have a mind of our own. We want to believe that we are intelligent and wise and informed. But what is the real truth when it comes to our thoughts and actions?

Just for a moment, let’s look at the things that lead us around by the nose. Our lust for certain things is unstoppable, and dangerous. We freak out over food and drink, alcohol and drugs are our lovers and sexual partners. We get all tingly inside if our stock trades go through the roof. We feel all warm and fuzzy when we sit in the drivers seat of our next new car. We look at common objects as things that are evidence of our conquests, and we crave all the things that God hates.

And if these things are things that God hates, and we love them, what does that say about us? If these are hateful things that we love, are we not showing love toward the very things that God hates, and therefore choosing hate over love and evil over God?

And how long will God stand for this? When will his patience run out, and his anger be in full bloom? Are we all so blind that we have not seen it yet? Open your eyes and look at the things that are blatantly obvious and you just might understand were we are, and what is about to happen to our world.

Jesus has left the room, and is about to saddle up. His white horse is ready and waiting, snorting and chomping at the bit and raring to go! He knows full well what Jesus is thinking and can’t wait to carry him into battle.

Never allow yourself to believe that living on the side of hate will be tolerated by God. Most of us will say that they don’t love hate, but what if you don’t even recognize it when you hear it speaking?

Is it possible that many of us have picked he wrong friend? How many people are going to end up in hell because they made a mistake? Did they choose the wrong friends, or marry the wrong person, or believe something about salvation that was totally wrong? Or did they not bother to read God’s word and therefore never really learn the things that he demands? And even if they did read his words, did they choose only the things that make them feel good, and throw the rest of it out to the trash heap?

The word of God is not a box of candy! We can’t choose the flavor we want and leave the rest to rot. We must study carefully the things in God’s word we love, ‘and’ also the things we fear. How can you truly know God if you refuse to accept all sides of his complex nature?

And yes; God is a very complex God. Would you expect anything less from the Creator of the universe? And God’s love for us is also complex. On one hand his love is more powerful then we can understand, and because of that fact, his wrath is also more powerful than we can understand.

Can love exist without hate? Think about it. How would you know what warmth felt like if you never felt it? And by the same measure how would you know what cold was like if you had never experienced it? And in the same fashion, you can’t know poverty if you have always been wealthy.

God’s heaven cannot be appreciated if you haven’t seen and been a part of this awful world. Yes; this awful world is more than awful, it is a world full of people who choose hate over all other things.

And why would anyone choose to show love to the very thing that wants to eliminate said love? As with all things; ‘that which makes no sense can always be attributed to demonic forces’. All illogical thoughts and actions are from demonic power and hell itself!

Satan and his demons hate love. Love is part of all things God. Love is the glue that holds all righteousness, morality, virtue, mercy, honor, justice and truth in place.

So; why do so many people love hate? Because hate has no demands. Hate does not threaten you with punishment. Quite the contrary; hate promises wealth and health and freedom to live any way you please. Hate has no bible and no god and no consequences. Hate allows you to have and do anything you want. Money and wealth of all kinds are there for the taking, if you will only give your life over to its allure and beauty.

So why does hate find such a warm place in your heart? Because it is so easy to give it everything it wants. It will never complain or claim that your hate is not strong enough. And hate will always give you more of itself to spread around and infect all of those who you think you love.

Don’t be foolish and believe that hate can always be recognizable, it can mask itself and become something, or someone, that you think is a ‘nice person’. How many times I have heard people say things like, “oh, that person is a nice guy, or girl”. But how do you really know that? You can’t!

We must be very careful not to align ourselves with anyone who has not passed the test of time. We must watch every move, and study every word, because eventually hate and evil will rear its ugly head; it just can’t help itself!

When we love hate, we also love all the things that God is repulsed by. And remember this; hate can hide itself inside of all the things you love. But love can find no shelter, it cannot hide itself because it shines so brightly. Love floods the room and lights the pathway. Love brings a smile of righteousness and truth, while hate brings a smile of deceit and lust for your soul. While hate hides in the dark corners of a closet, love permeates everything around it and brings light from heaven to show you the way to true happiness.

There is no need to look any further for the love that we seek than the light of our life. And that light can only be lit by the Son of God. He pushes out the darkness of hate and lets the flood of life inside your heart. He gives what we really need, true love that will last forever and true happiness is the result.
