If all the dead from the past were spread out evenly across the earth, each of the 7.4 billion alive today would have 15 dead bodies under their feet.
In this world of death, everything there is will eventually die. Even the sun will burn out and the earth will disappear into nothingness.
Some death is a good thing, but others are destructive and even evil. Common sense tells you that uncontrolled breeding and lifespans would destroy all life.
Life itself has a mind of its own. It obsessively clings to its own continuation, and thrives on the fear of the host body. It has no concept of the life after death, and is blind to anything but ‘self’.
Truth and lies are part of our humanity, and they also have a life of their own. Truth knows full well that it has life giving power, but lies hate the truth, and will not listen to anything it has to say. So far truth has been losing the battle, and the consequences are very evident and clear for anyone to see.
The one and only goal of lies is to ‘kill and bury’ all truth! If lies have their way, even God himself will cease to exist! But truth can set you free, and lies only have the power to enslave. And this slavery we speak of is alive and well! Destroying souls and ruining lives, it has taken over the world and has become all powerful. Living your life built on nothing but lies has become very popular, and something to be proud of.
But why? Really; it is very simple, the world is attached to lies because they are the easy way out of God’s world of unpopular truths. These truths are hard to swallow, and are in stark contrast with the flesh part of all humans. They just hate the truth, and the body completely agrees! The flesh doesn’t want to die, or even accept its truth. The lies even lie to themselves, in an attempt to alter reality and change the future into a eternal life for lies.
Just like the life of the flesh, lies will be swept away by God and all that will be left is truth. Not the truth of the world, but God’s truth which can never die. When the bodies burst from their graves, truth will be with them. The earth and stone from the graves will explode like millions of bomb blasts, and God’s truth will set us free. When the dust settles, the lies and liars will take their place in the ground and be swallowed up by the earth, never to live again!
And we can see these things very clearly, liars know they are liars, and lies have no rules! They will stop at nothing to stop the truth, but truth cannot sin and will play by God’s rules at all times. Truth stands on its own, and when you speak the truth, it seeks to find its way into the hearts of those who are searching for it. Lies, on the other hand, are a poison that permeates the body, mind and soul. It is a cancer that cannot be removed, and becomes a permanent part of the victim of its evil!
Once you become a demonic liar, everything in your life and future is controlled by a lie. You can’t tell the truth about anything because lies have become your god and your first love. Everything you want to be, everything you own, and every relationship you have is built on lies, the building blocks of hell itself!
And today all around the world, lies have taken their place as a very powerful weapon against those who love the truth. Any and all truth is hated by the powerful, and loved by the powerless. And if God’s chosen ones do not stand up and fight for truth, all will be lost!
Christian’s possess the truth that can set the whole earth free. But truth cannot be carried by those who don’t embrace it. If Jesus is truly in your heart, then truth is patiently waiting for you to drop the shield, and pick up the sword!
I know; the sword is heavy and hard to wield, it is sharp and dangerous. You could harm yourself because you have not practiced the art of swordsmanship. You are weak and frail, and afraid you might lose the fight. And all of this because your faith is weak, and you don’t trust Christ to push you aside, take the sword and kill the enemy himself!
Some may say that truth is easy and lies are hard; but this simply is not so. The truth is; in many cases, unacceptable to the majority, regardless of their faith or the lack thereof. Most of us try to ignore the truth when it makes us uncomfortable, or causes fear.
Look at it this way; we can be sad, we can be hungry, we can be disabled, we can be in pain, we can be suffering, we can be cold or hot, or poor, or homeless, or hated, or ugly, or old, or addicted, or job less, or even demon possessed. And all of these things are connected to our bodies, the flesh, and the physical world. All things that have no lasting value.
The truth can be found in all these things regardless of our disdain for them. Hate and fear for the truth is the calling card of all the dictators and despots of the past, present and future.
America is on the threshold of a nightmare, and despotism is already poised to take over and redefine the ‘truth’. Our lives are about to change into hell on earth, and few see it coming.
The door to Revelation has been unlocked, and the unimaginable is peering through the crack, directly at you! And this is just one more of many truths that won’t be accepted until it is far to late.