Locked and Loaded (Part 1)

For those of us who believe God, I wonder how many know what God sees while he watches every move we make. God really does know the smallest of details, regarding every second you live, from the moment of conception.

I am sure that God is not surprised to see our total disregard for the next life, as we feverishly scamper about, worshiping and serving this life on earth.

Like a mouse caught in a trap, if it doesn’t kill us we will drag the trap along with us the rest of our lives. We are so obsessed with our scampering, that only a direct hit to the scull will stop us. Those who don’t die will chew off their own limbs in an attempt to get back to hoarding and storing our treasure. Why does God take a back seat to everything we think is important? Maybe we are wrong!

The life of a mouse can range from just a few months to about 4 years. Most live less than 2 years. The mouse has no concept of lifespan or even time. It lives by instinct alone, and has no ambition. It only lives to survive and procreate, with no concern about age or possession.

What if God had created us to only live two or four years? How would that change how we think and live out our lives? Of course we would need to mature much more quickly, and a mouse matures in six weeks. How would our priorities change, and what effect would this have on society? Humans are very different from animals, but some might argue that point. Humans work to acquire, out of greed and ambition, but animals don’t sin, and therefore live only to be what God has made them to be.

Humans on the other hand live only to please themselves and therefore are capable of sin and evil, and not much more. Yet God gives most of us more than enough time to change our mind and to reject pride and embrace humility. God warns us of the traps, but that cheese just looks and smells so good. God made the cheese, but the trap is Satan’s. The great trick of Satan is to take something good and adorn it in such a way as to make it appear irresistible. It doesn’t take much! A little blink of an eyelash, or a flash of a little ankle, or maybe just a tiny bit of eye contact, and the heart begins to race.

The look of something new; a shiny object revealing itself to you, like a wink and a nod. It draws you in, closer and closer, and then all the sudden, whammy! And it ain’t cupids arrow either, it’s Satan’s guillotine!

But God sets no traps. Anything that God offers you is yours for the price of faith and faith alone. The cheese is free, and life is yours to use as you wish, all he asks is that you believe. And not just say you believe, really believe; with all your heart and strength and mind.

And believing means accepting certain things that are unpopular with the flesh. Things like, death of the flesh actually means life of the spirit. And time is given to you only to find your way back to God, and that takes ‘some’ longer than others. And nothing that is good can come from the easy road, but must come from suffering and hard work.

But wait! You might say; what is free about hard work and suffering? Just remember, your actions dictate rather you believe or not. These actions are different for each of us. For some of us the road might be bumpy, and for others it might seem pretty smooth. And if you have fallen short in regards to your selflessness, then climbing the mountain of your sin might be a tad difficult!

There is no contradiction when it comes to the struggle between good and evil! We struggle with sin every day of our life. And it is this struggle, and the fight that rages inside of us, that God watches with such tender jealousy, Jesus has already given his life to you! So now it is your turn, through your faith and belief, to return the gift by giving your life to him.

This life that God has granted you with, regardless of its length, must be treated in a way as to reflect the incredible value that God places on it. Your conception of this life that God has granted you, must carry with it the mindset of urgency that God requires!

Live as though there is no tomorrow, and plan only the servitude to God Almighty! Only a fool would plan for something that they have no control over. Without Jesus there will be no tomorrow! The trap will close with a might crash, and there will be no second chance. You will have wasted the life that God has trusted you with, and the next time you open your eyes, it will be to see all of the things that God has warned us about! Eternal grief, and fire and brimstone. This will be your so-called future. Death from this world can release you from the earth’s grasp, but death will only be a dead man’s dream, a fantasy that can never be, because you lost the battle against sin and evil by locking God out and loading your pockets with false treasures. Remember; there is only one true treasure and it cannot be found on earth!