In many ways today, the Christian life is toothless and unwilling to live life in a way that is consistent with the teachings of Christ.
There are too many who stand on willing ignorance instead of the discomfort of inconvenient truth. They, too often, look to the Bible to legitimize their own desire and sinful torture of the words of God.
This is a powerful trick of Satan, and the most common mistake made by confused and misguided minds who wish to make Christianity into their own little pot of clay.
The moment that you give in to this type of thinking, you have said yes to the whims of Satan. If all is well in your life, you should run like hell, because you are likely on your way there! And Satan is very pleased, because you are blindly following the unholy spirit instead of blissfully following the Holy Spirit.
Satan is constantly on the attack. There is not one second of your life when Satan is not lying in wait. He can destroy your life inside the same moment that you believe that everything is going ‘your way’. Satan will trick you by standing out of the way while you feverishly dig your own grave with your bare hands! You frantically thrash about, scratching and clawing, as your fingernails break backwards and the filth fills the void.
God is always speaking to each of us, but so is Satan! Many spend their lives not able to recognize whose voice they are listening to. God stands on one side of your grave and Satan on the other. God holds out his hand to help you up, but Satan has his foot on your back pushing you down. Satan promises you gold if you just keep digging. But God promises you something gold cannot buy.
You stop, just for a moment, and look at your broken and bleeding hands. You are confused and unsure of yourself. You look up at God, as his hand is waiting to feel your grasp. You look over at Satan and see riches and beauty and comfort; but how can this be? How can you see beauty in such evil? Yes, these enchanting and tantalizing things that we hold so dear are actually in opposition to the ways and the truths of God. And Satan can, and will, flourish when surrounded by your idols, which you serve, instead of God.
The only way to truly know God is to remove all obstacles that stand between you and his throne. Yet, there again is Satan. Standing there, glaring at you! And as you try to look around him to catch a glimpse of the throne, he holds another distracting idol up to block your view. And you just can’t help yourself. The image of the idol is so alluring, and your eyes are super glued to its evil splendor! You try to break the spell by looking from side to side, but Satan is as fast as lightning.
God is watching in total disbelief as you are completely fooled by the greatest liar of all. Yet God is the answer to defeating and casting out the evil one. Satan has no power that you have not given him! That’s right, it is you who has invited him into your life by worshiping all of the things he controls! And your problem is that you refuse to accept the truth because you love the things Satan has created much more than the things God has created!
Because we know that Satan is immortal, we know that we cannot kill him. But we can, through God’s power, make him impotent and powerless. And this is your way out of the prison of the mind that Satan has entrapped you with. He has captured your thoughts and put them in chains, and locked them in a box of death. Your every thought has become a creation of Satan, not God.
To reject Satan is to reject his creation, and to reject his creation is to rob him of his power over you. Every little thing that you refuse to give up, hold you tightly in the grasp of Satan’s will. Every time you give in and accept one of Satan’s creations, you reject one of God’s! And every ‘little thing’ that you take in to your heart from Satan carries with it; demons! Your gift from Satan for your loyalty, is a basket full of hell! You cannot accept the things of Satan without accepting him also.
Small things matter! And it is the small things in life that will be used against you by Satan, because the small things are the stepping stones into the abyss. The small things are the bait, that when taken in, turn from a tiny worm to a giant serpent that eats you from the inside out!
You can never remove Satan from the garden, but you can keep him from eating all the crops. And the gate keeper is God who can, and will, put his foot on the neck of the evil one, if you will only give the ‘whole garden’ over to him. And not just the weeds either! All of it! Including the tomatoes and the grapes, and that luscious corn, and all of the things you think you love. They must become his if you wish to kill the power of Satan.