Three Wise Men and the Petulant Child - Father, Son and Holy Spirit

I knew, even as a small child at about four years of age, that God had chosen me for something. God was always there whispering in my ear and showing me the way of the, child like mind. I clung to those feelings as long as I could, but inevitably the world began to have its way, and the God I once heard so clearly was smothered out by the many voices of the society.

Growing up, it way easy to fall into the trap of judging everyone on everything that doesn’t matter. Everyone did it, and if you did not walk the line, you would be the next target of rage! I can’t speak of anyone else, but I saw things that I knew were wrong and just looked the other way. The gang mentality was always waiting to crush you if you showed any hint of exposing their disdain for anything outside of their fake reality.

Like the rest of society, they thought that the only way to prop themselves up, was to tear you down. This is not a statement about bullying, but simply an observation regarding the God-less behavior of the accepted world around us.

The over-zealous desire to have and be what you don’t have, and who you will never be, is the cause of all evil. And where do we learn these evil ways? Many generations have been teaching it from the very beginning; they are called parents. Few would ever admit that they are the cause of their children’s destruction. But the truth is clearly out there for all to see. Hypocrite parents confuse love for misguided desire for the success of their children at any cost, including the cost of their souls!

And what about the souls of the people that are trampled to death by the running of the hoofed creatures from hell? Who is at fault for their destruction? It is the ones who call themselves God’s children, ‘millions of spoiled petulant Christians’!

Before you hate me for telling the truth; remember, Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus called him “the rock”. How many times has the cock crowed in your backyard? And who am I to criticize you, with only one exception, I serve God only by telling the truth, and you deny him by making up your own!

Truth has become the lost ark of the covenant, and lies the golden calf. People still choose the gold over the ark, and the words of Satan, over the words of God. Yes; it is true that Satan’s promises look more exciting than God’s. Just remember that looks are only skin deep, and the clothing you wear can hide all sorts of ugly things.

The best salesmen are also the best liars. And Satan and his demons are the very best at what they do. The world has fallen for the scam, and have sold out completely to the beautiful lies. Loving the beautiful lies are the surest of ways to see your way into ‘Hell’!

And is there anyone paying attention to your ignorance? Of course! A whole host of spirits and powers watch each person’s every move and thought. They use your unfaithfulness to God’s way as a way in to your heart. They plot against God and use you as their willing bait. Evil loves you because you further the cause of Satan and destroy lives along the path of lies.

You should be afraid, but strangely you are not. The three wise men are taking notes and planning your future, and you should take notice. God has been holding back the dark ones from hell, and they are chomping at the bit to get their hands on you!

Jesus is pleading for you and asking that the Father give you just one more chance. And the Holy Spirit is screaming your name in hopes that you will pull your fingers from your ears and hear his cries. The Father has had enough of your petulant, childish disobedience, and will soon turn his back on you, as you have turned your back on him.

Jesus will plead until there is no time left, and the Holy Spirit will cry the tears of a parent who has lost their only child. The three wise men are The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and of course you are the petulant child who has called God a liar and a thief and a killer and a tyrant. You know it is true! Don’t bother lying any more, it will only make things worse.

Do you really believe the three wise men, or do you believe what you want to believe? Is God a man or a woman? Is he black or white? Is he God or the devil? Is he truth or lies? Is he weak or strong? Is he real or a figment of the imagination of crazy people? Do you control your destiny or does he?

Choose! Stand with the three wise men, and become one of the team. The most powerful team that will ever exist, and they hold your life in their hands!

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