Killing Satan (Part 2)

The ultimate goal of Satan is to separate you from God and his love for you. Not because of his hate for you, but because of the hate he has for God. Yet, because his desire to hurt God is translated into a pathological need to rob God of a loving relationship with you, Satan will torture you knowing God is watching the carnage. Satan’s hate for God makes him do anything and everything to hurt God. Although God is perfect and cannot make a mistake, we are his one and only ‘achilles heel’! And Satan plays it for all its worth, and we are the only flowers in God’s heavenly garden that refuse to show colors.

So who is at fault in this mad and reckless display of disloyalty and dishonor? It is you and me, of course! Without us, and our disloyalty, Satan would be jobless. Do you see it? We give evil a reason to exist. Yes, you and I are complicit in the evil activity of Satan and his demons, and in many cases have become one of them. Our dreams and wishes and desires are now ‘one with Satan’.

Do you wish to break the chains of slavery to Satan? Or do you love the tingle sin gives you more than the rush of the Holy Spirit? Shall we sell our soul to Satan at the cost of losing the ability to love or be loved ever again? Eternal separation from the most valuable of all treasures, forever?

What! Do you think Satan will learn to love you? Are you really that stupid? Love is all we really have, because all other things can be taken from you. Your money, your home, your car, your youth, your health, and your very life can be taken in a split second.

Love cannot exist where Satan resides! And neither can true prosperity, in regards to your relationship with God. The love of the Holy Spirit is your power to defeat Satan’s evil, but it must be channeled through our Almighty Creator God.

In other words, you cannot attempt to battle Satan and his demons alone! You will lose! You are powerless, and unable to activate the power of the Holy Spirits love without direct intervention by, ‘The Son of God’!

And if you have a demon problem, Jesus might have a problem with you! Don’t be ignorant, demons are always there and are everywhere you go, regardless of rather you believe it or not. And if you don’t believe it, you are in more trouble than you can imagine!

It is no different than if you won’t admit you have, or are sinning. We all have sinned, and in the same mold we are harboring the oppression of demons at all times. So in order to deal with them, we must first admit we have them. Most people will not admit that they have demons, and their reasons vary greatly. But without a willingness to acknowledge your addiction, there can be no escape!

Marching to a different drummer is just code for; no thank you God, I’ll have it my way! We must be in complete submission to God and his way, and at war against anything the world holds claim to. If the world claims it as theirs, that just means that it is Satan’s invention.

Satan’s inventions are everywhere, and it doesn’t take a genius to see them clearly. And Satan is no dummy, he invents the things that you ‘think’ you just can’t do without! Advanced technologies are a prime example. The rise in technological advancement is in direct correlation with the rise in hate for God. The internet is the new god, and you have become its favorite slut!

Access to information is only as good as it is truthful! And it is only as truthful as the ones who supply it. And just remember who the inventor of the internet is; ‘Satan’! Of course you will never admit that your “dumb phone” is your new god, and the internet your beloved messiah. Yet, the way you act is all the proof the real God needs.

You can never rid yourself of the demons unless you wash your hands of its dirty little tools, full of lies and perversion! You call it advancement, but in reality society is quickly degrading into a party of “fire and brimstone”. Even the churches and Christians are making excuses for God’s word, as if God has somehow made mistakes that need to be corrected by stupid men and women, who of course are smarter than God.

You can’t spend your time making out with Satan, as his tongue slides down your throat and turns your soul inside out like a filthy old sock, and at the same time claiming to love Jesus.

The ultimate weapon of Satan is lies, and the dumb phone is the hand-basket of all lies. If lies were red hot, you would hang on to them anyway, as it melts your hand right to the bone!

So how do we kill the power of Satan in our lives? We ask Jesus to bind Satan and then cast him out of our lives so we can be obedient and cast out the tools of Satan that bind us so tightly to the evils of this world.

We can choose to live our lives under the influence of evil or live our lives under the influence of Jesus. God has given us that choice. And even if you are saved by the blood of Jesus, you can still live your entire life out of his influence and direction. Saved and living outside the will of God ruins the life of the believer and wastes the time that God has gifted you with.

Our life was given to us to use in the service of God. Yes; a slave to his every truth and desire, not a slave to the desires of evil and Satan’s hate for God.

You can’t text God! You can’t e-mail God. You can’t call God, and you can’t catch him on twitter. God will not be found on the internet or taking a selfie with some stupid smile on his face. Do you know how dumb you look? God does!

The phone only robs you of the ability to conversate with God, because God speaks through the Holy Spirit, not the un-holy dumb phone. And speaking through the Holy Spirit takes practice and sacrifice.

Only if you choose the right way to communicate, will you then be able to kill the power of Satan in your life. Shake off the snake that has attached itself to your hand and sling it into the fire. Take away the enemy’s weapons, ‘and it will flee’!