Sowing the State of Mind

State of mind is everything. If you are in the wrong state of mind for the task at hand, you will always fail.

The things that a person believes are not made up of circumstance, but choice. Most try to justify their beliefs by claiming the victim status. In other words, they make up any reason they can to deflect the fact that they have chosen lies over truth.

Just what is it about lies that are so appealing to so many people? Well; lies are told always to convince you that something offered to you is what you already want. You just must have whatever it is, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Most people worship the lies because lies can be anything they want them to be. Just imagine; anything at all that you want, or want to be, can be yours if you just embrace the lies and reject the truth.

The same could be said about people of faith. They want desperately for there to be a God who can bail them out when their sinful ways cause calamity. So in some cases, they are looking for and hoping for, something that others might consider lies.

So how do believers convince anyone who believes that our truth is a lie, and their truth is reality, that God's truth is the only truth? Those who don't believe God's truth think that we are lying to ourselves for the sanctuary of a God who rescues us from death and darkness. And Christians believe that the unbelievers are lying to themselves, for the sanctuary of living their lives as they see fit.

And hope in and of itself, is not useful. You can hope for anything you want, but hope without truth and a catalyst to empower it, is no hope at all. You can hope for your body to live forever, or never get old, but that has never happened and never will. Only by escaping the body and slipping into a everlasting body, will you be able to live forever.

Both sides of the equation want some of the same things, but one of them is making a catastrophic mistake! Truly there are only two sides. There is no middle ground. There is no safe place in the middle of the road. You believe all of God's truth or none of it! God does not accept half truths!

God is truth! God is made up of truth. The building blocks of who God is are unbreakable, and Jesus is the capstone of the arch. If you pull one stone, the whole thing crashes in on your head. You must accept all of the stones of truth along with Jesus, 'the keystone of creation'.

The things that you choose to call lies, must be carefully examined, weighed and measured to see if they really do, or don't fit. If you build your life on lies, you will soon find that the pieces just don't quite fit properly. It doesn't matter how badly you want to make them fit, they just won't! You will be building an arch that will fall and crush you when you need it the most. God expects you to do your homework. Never believe what another human tells you without testing it thoroughly.

Do you realize that there was a first for everything? Why would you trust a professor to teach you the truth without making sure said professor is not teaching lies? Did the professor write the first musical note? Or did he invent the first language or math? Anyone can teach something that has already been taught. And are they teaching so-called truths that cannot be disproved? The only thing they have done is re-invent theft!

These men and women are just mortal humans just like the rest of us. They can be some of the most perverted freaks in the world because they are given incredible power and wealth and most times use it to fulfill their most twisted and perverse fantasies. They must turn the young into sexual deviants and haters of all morality. Truth and morality have now become the enemy. And even if this were not true; why would you give them the power to shape the mind of the weak.

There is nothing special about these people. By what standard do you judge them to be gods? Yes; that is exactly what you are doing! You might try to deny it, as I know you will. But it does not change the fact that you would rather hand the young over to the gods of this world, but you would never hand your child over to the true God, in fear that he just might take them.

What morons you all are. Even the Christians think that the colleges can do no wrong. But the opposite is the truth! They can do no right! Indoctrination is their 'only' goal.

So explain once more, why you trust your children to any teacher anywhere. If they are not children of God themselves, they have no business touching the mind of any child, anywhere!

Go ahead and trust but not verify, you will get exactly what you deserve! Punished by God for your lazy, incompetent and quite frankly corrupt ideas of who God really wants you to trust, you will eventually see where you have gone wrong, but it will be far to late to save your children, or yourself!

Yes; our God is angry with us! Angry because he watches as our faith further withers on the vine. It withers because we continue to put the things of the world before, the things of God. Wealth and the comforts of life are not, nearly as important to God as they are to you.

And because we trust the comforts and success of life, over the comforts and success of our place with God, we will reap the harvest we really deserve.

What does it mean to be "born again"? Do you even really know the answer? Is it just forgiveness, or is there more to it that we are failing to understand? From God's point of view, to be born again means that you have died and been raised back up into another life. The new life is nothing like the old one. We have now become the sons and daughters of the great Creator God!

And along with being reborn, we must dispose of all the things that made us who we were before. You cannot continue to live for the "good things" of life and expect God to, just look the other way. Your transformation must be swift, while stomping out the fires of evil and sin. Never looking back at the things you used to love and admire. Dump the ashes of your former self, and bury them so deep that no one could ever recover them.

Trust only God and his way! Trust nothing of this world! If the whole world thinks it is the thing to do; run as far and fast as you can away from it. Any education apart from God's education is evil! God must be the new college, and the college of Satan must be burned to the ground! Forget about making a living the way the world thinks you should, and ask 'only God' to show you the way to a prosperity that agrees with the Holy Spirit.

Who made the rule that the amount of money that you make must take precedent over everything, including God?! If it wasn't God, then who? Of course you already know the answer, you will just never admit it.

God has, and will never have, a hand in the cult of prosperity and prosperity preaching. The only prosperity we should work for, is the treasure in heaven that God stores up for us, based on selflessness and humility, not greed and pride. And it is greed and pride that causes you to send your daughter off to college only to serve yourself and your need for them to succeed. But the things that most of them succeed at are becoming a God hater and a drunken slut!

A person driven by the ideas and the moral decay of a all powerful professor who will rape their mind and their body. The college will put its seed inside of your child and a evil offspring will be the result. 'You' will have been the cause, and reason for your child to become a lost soul, destined for hell! That's right; you will have murdered and raped the child you say you love! This is the problem with believing you are intelligent and know better than even God himself.

Do you really believe that God is inside any of these schools? Do you really think that God believes that these professors are smart or moral? Do you think God wants you to turn your children over to Satan? Well; you have already done it?

Now reap the harvest!

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