It seems like today the louder the mouth, the more attention it gets. And not just attention, but credence. The process of drowning out everyone else, has become the weapon of choice for those who wish to remove God from the equation.
Not unlike the voices of the crowds who demanded the death of Jesus, persuaded by the chief priests and Jewish officials, we are still listening to the urging of the demons.
Most of us believe that demon’s and Satan don’t speak, but think again! Words spoken by mere humans are greatly over-rated and far too many times are used to judge the intellect of a person who may or may not be intelligent.
There are many ways to speak, or communicate with not just humans, but all forms of life on earth, including spirit life and animals. And even if you don’t know their language, you can still converse or engage in conversation. The problem is that the world has long forgotten the art of “silent and unseen” communication, and only understands the most primitive of form’s of communication skills; the obnoxious, smelly and filthy mouth!
God speaks in many different ways. God also hears everything, including prayers and thoughts. But why do some people feel as if they are not communicating well with God? And why does God refrain from using the human voice box as a tool of communication?
On a scale of one through ten, the voice would be low on the scale of communication tools, ‘one’ representing smoke signals, and the voice comes in at about a ‘five’. Telepathy would score a ‘ten’ because it is God’s way of communication. The voice is only a back up plan for the human race, because of our ignorance of God’s direct connection to our brain. God speaks the loudest when he makes no sound at all.
And do you listen when God taps on your skull? Or do you think your marbles have dis-lodged and are just rolling around? There is one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, God will smack you upside your head if you are outside of his will!
And what would it be like if the rolls were reversed? What if God could not see or hear us? And what if in turn, we could hear him clearly, like he hears and sees us now? How then could God correct us when we go wrong, or answer a prayer? How then could God save us from our stupid selves? Would we yell and scream out to God, louder and louder, with no avail? Would we panic and run around like our hair was on fire? Would we give up and stop talking to God? Would we drown God’s voice out by playing loud music or just turning the TV up louder and louder? Would we give up on our salvation and throw the Bible in the trash? Would we burn down the churches and throw away the cross?
Would we stop loving others and take up the mantle of hate and envy and idol worship? Would we love things over and above all other things, and collect and hoard the things of this world? Would chaos break out and lawlessness and murder and war? Would we become sex perverts and begin thinking of new ways to have sex with anything that won’t run away? Would we become lazy and ignorant of anything logical and true? And would we even know the difference between truth and lies?
Sadly; the nightmare is already here! Because of our laziness and ego, we just can’t grasp the idea that a dumb old white man that we call God, is smarter than us. After all, we are modern and advanced in our thoughts and beliefs, and God is old and antiquated, out of touch and uneducated, boring and a tyrant. God makes up rules that are impossible to follow, and won’t even take the time to bother looking us in the eye and explain his lack of communication skills. He has no diploma or a degree, so how dare him tell me I am wrong about anything. God has no resume or proof of his rights to enslave the whole world! Who does he think he is …..God!!!!
Does “God” not have a voice? Is he so uneducated that he can’t even speak or write his thoughts in the dust with his finger? Is this who we worship? A deaf and dumb God who can’t read or write or see that we are waving our arms and jumping up and down trying to get his attention?
Let me tell you who this God is! He is not a human, but has been one. He is not from earth, but has lived here. He is our friend, but can quickly become your enemy. He loves you, but hates who you are. He speaks, but with actions not useless words. He created the physical world, but does not live inside of it. He wrote the laws of physics, but has no need to live by them. He created everything, and will destroy everything. He is unseen, but seen in everything. He is silent, but ear-piercing. He is loving, but unloved. He owns everything, yet worships nothing. He can turn tragedy into triumph, and triumph into tragedy.
Think of it and ask yourself, how different we are when compared to our God. John 19:8-10 shows us something very important. Notice that Jesus only spoke when Pilate insulted God and Jesus by claiming power over them both. Then Jesus spoke and pointed out the real truth. Pilate had asked him, “where are you from”? But Jesus gave no answer, why? And who was in control at that moment? Jesus knew the exact steps it would take for him to be handed over to the Jews, and in that moment in time, it would be his ‘silence’.
After Jesus refused to answer the first two questions, “where are you from”, and “you won’t talk to me”, he did answer the third question, but only because he was correcting Pilate’s false belief that he had the power to change and control God’s will. And here is what Pilate said; “don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or to crucify you”? With this, Jesus had no choice but to correct the lie. And here is his reply, “you would have no power at all over me unless it were given to you from above”.
Jesus knew that the power of his silence would be the trigger that made possible the forgiveness of the whole world. The world was about to be changed forever, all because he was unwilling to defend himself and only’ defend God’s truth’ and will. Even while dying on the cross, his concern was not for himself, but for others.
Jesus was silent during all the torture and pain and his last words were these; “he is your son, she is your mother”, “I’m thirsty”, and “it is finished”. Why would these things be the last thoughts of a man about to be crowned as the most powerful King in the universe? Notice that Jesus didn’t say, my hands and feet hurt, instead he showed concern for how we perceive each other, and what we should offer to the world.
Treat those you come in contact with as your own son. Honor those who treat you in this way as your own parent. Give those who thirst for the truth, God’s words, and fight to defend God’s name. Now I have done my part, so it is time for you to use your faith to become all that I would have you be.
Much more can be read into those words of Jesus. But the silence is the most pure of golden gifts. He knew his way home, and he also knew it was through the door of death. Just like you and I, there is only one way home. Kicking and screaming on the way out the door won’t help.
This silence from Jesus concerning his pain and his impending death, tells us all we need to know of his selflessness and unbreakable love, even for those who will never love him in return. This is what true faith is. Not just a faith that believes even though it cannot see or hear the truth, but a faith that also can hear and see even though the ears don’t hear and the eyes cannot find their Savior.
Faith is so much more than we can comprehend with our weak ears and our blurry vision. We can hear God’s voice inside of our mind. He speaks with much more volume inside your mind where the walls of the world and the voices of darkness cannot drown out the truth. We can see him and his beautiful nature through the eyes of those we love. We can see him in the beauty of a simple flower, or a clear blue sky, if we are willing to accept his image through his creation. And if that is not enough for you, then just look at the face of Jesus while he was giving his life on the cross, just for you. Just watch as he takes his last breath for you, and see the face of God, because God gave him everything, including his image,
This will be our heaven, we will finally be able to see and hear everything clearly. We will ask ourselves why we were so deaf-blind and disabled. We will see ourselves as we once were, and understand the extent of our dysfunction.
And because we can now hear and see, it will be as if we spent our entire life in darkness and silence, unable to speak or be spoken too. We will leap with joy when the vail has been lifted and we can see, feel and hear our loving Jesus as we always dreamt we should.
Always remember, it is our own weakness that makes us unable to hear the voice of God and hear the truths of the Creator. Don’t ask God to communicate your way, ask him to give you the ability to communicate his way.
You can’t reach him on Satan’s “stupid phone”, or see him on streaming video. You won’t find him in a bar, having a drink, or at a football game choking down some suds. You won’t run into him at your children’s sports games and you won’t see him at the beach, half naked getting a tan. You won’t catch a glimpse of him at your lavish, over-blown wedding and you can’t find him at your wasteful honeymoon. You can’t hear him with your God hating music blaring into your ears, and you won’t here his voice if you won’t shut your foolish mouth! You can’t love him if you love yourself and all the things around you, instead of him. And you can’t have real faith if you can’t, or won’t, communicate with him instead of talking over him.
But you might find him at a hospital or a retirement home. We might see his work at a children’s medical center, or even at a doctor’s office. You might see him feeding the hungry at a homeless shelter, or maybe even in a jail. But you are not likely to see him in a children’s day care, or elementary school. You won’t see his work at a high school or a university, and there is no God inside the walls the the state.
Yes; God is invisible and unheard by those who need to see and hear him the most. Teachers, politicians, doctors and lawyers. Judges and police, prosecutors and preachers, all have taken up the throne of God instead of listening to the one with all the answers.
The time to see and hear God has come. The hour glass is sputtering its last bits of sand, and God’s time to carry out his wrath is here.
Beware; the silence is about to become a lions roar, and the blindness is about to become a bright light, that lights every dark corner, and makes visible the face of Jesus.