Graveyard of Truth (Part 2)

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I would add that he is the way to the truth, and true life. And if Jesus is truth, then when we reject the truth, we also clearly reject him!

True life cannot exist without truth. Truth is as essential as oxygen or water or food. Without truth, all things that exist in the physical world disappear. Most of us try our best to live on lies, and spend all of our years defending them. As you may or may not imagine; God is greatly offended by the love of lies!

Yet, the world has made its choice! Satan over God, hate over love, hell over heaven, death over life, fantasy over reality. The world has become a website with everything your heart desires. All you need to do is ‘click’ on your favorite perversion and Satan comes running to your beck and call. Promising much, ‘and giving much’; Satan gives you what you want, but never points out the deadly consequences. Even a common tree is smart enough to dig as deep as it must to find the water. But, humans always look for ‘what they think’ is the easy way to quenching their thirst. Working hard and digging for the truly pure water is just too much to ask.

Lies are like salt water, if you consume it, it will become a poison that delivers an agonizing death. Only water that has been lifted up by the sun and purified by God’s miracle called “desalination” is made fresh. When it comes to lies, “when it rains it pours”. This is especially true when we lie to ourselves, because over time, lies become so much a part of you that you begin to believe them. To believe in ones self is always a mistake, because there is only one truth, and Jesus is that truth. We must believe Jesus and only Jesus, and base ‘everything’ on his words and deeds.

Why are lies so loved by those who practice them? Lies and deception are one in the same. And if you wish to deceive, it is always to gain an advantage. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it is always ‘against God’. And if you love your lies, you have chosen lies over Jesus, and must in turn hate truth, which is who Jesus is! Where has truth gone? Our lives have become one giant lie! From fairy tales like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, and all of the animated movies that rake in millions of dollars, while at the same time molding your children’s minds into a social lesson of twisted lies. As far as Satan is concerned, truth is dead and buried!

Right down to the smallest detail, the media complex has rammed its sick idea of what they want the world to be, right down your throat and the world just swallows it all. The world wants these things to be true, but God knows they are not!

There was a time when truth was celebrated, but today it is despised and offensive! And just because you call yourself a Christian, don’t think that makes you the master of all truth. You might believe the most important truth of all; the truth that Jesus is our Savior and Lord, but at the same time, ingest every other stupid lie you can think of!

You see, truth has a life of its own. It is jealous and demands your complete loyalty. It will not tolerate your faithlessness and infidelity to reality. Can’t you see, that if it is not true, it is not real, and if it is not real, it does not exist?

Only God can call things into existence that don’t exist! And only God can create just by saying that something is real. And only God can make something truthful! You have no authority at all over what is true! God tells us what is true and what is lies, and you must submit!

Wait! You are different, you are special! God surely sees your brilliance, and your far reaching talent. Of course you can think for yourself, and make decisions without God; right? After all, why would we bother God with things we can figure out on our own? He is a busy man, and I am sure he trusts me completely.

The excuses never end for those who choose to live a lie. And God still loves you, I don’t know why. He asks you to believe, but you choose to deceive. He asks you to follow, but that is too much to swallow. He asks you to show trust, but you defer to lust. He asks you to be kind, but you have your own mind. He asks you to fight, but you embrace the flight. He offers honey, and we bury the stinger!

Truth is all we have left, after all the dust settles. Even the purest gold has no value in comparison to God’s truth. The best lies are the ones hidden inside of the best truths. But truth and lies don’t mix well, and the spiritual reaction can be violent, and even explosive.

Stirring the pot won’t help you to find the truth, but staring into the jar of God’s truth until the crap settles to the bottom will let you see the perfect and clear reality of God. Stare carefully into the words of God, and let the truth settle into your mind, and God will bless you with the living word, and throw out the lies of death.

Seek truth, regardless of your perception of it, and it will surely set you free!