Defenders of God's Truth

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Blood, Fire and Water

Every now and then, it is wise to go over again why faith is so very important. Without faith, there is nothing to look forward to except death. Regardless of how young you are, every step you make and every breath you take bring you closer to the grave.

Our bodies are the most improbable things in existence. Look at it this way; we are not ‘at all’ necessary in ‘any world’, or universe. We are not needed to maintain the earth or anything in the cosmos. Some even say that we are detrimental to the earth’s existence. But of course, only someone who does not believe in God’s power to maintain the planet would be that stupid!

God may not like our filth and trashy ways, but he is in complete control and fully willing and able to clean up after we have soiled our diapers.

Science does not believe in a God; but of course they have no problem believing in higher powers like aliens and little green men; oh yeah, and women or some variance thereof! Science will say that life, including all life, just happened? Don’t tell that to a couple having trouble making babies.

‘Life is not easy’. Death is very easy; just slip on some ice and hit your head, and poof! Your gone! But on the other hand, dig around at the bottom of a pond and make a mud pie, then let it set there for a million years and see if it becomes a baby. How stupid is that?!

What does it take for life to create itself? Life can exist if it has three things. A energy source, water and an environment suitable to maintain said life. Blood alone is just one thing that must be present for humans, ‘as we presently know them’, to exist. Science is, as we speak, working hard to create blood cells that could, conceivably be used in humans. But the work is just, so far, another theory.

The point is this; even if they succeed, it will be at great cost, and many years of research. And what would it take to achieve the same outcome in the middle of a muddy pond; or anywhere else on earth?

Plasma is made of water, salts, and protein. The solid part of blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Just ask anyone who has prepared baked alaska, and you will quickly learn that it is almost impossible, or at least very difficult, and it is only cake and ice cream!

And if the earth; ‘all by itself’ could create blood, did it also create itself and the other needed ingredients for blood to exist? Does the earth have a conscientiousness? And if so, why can’t it speak to us and answer our questions?

Any honest person with half a brain, knows that even the simplest item you can think of cannot create itself. Even though the raw materials needed to create a simple pencil are wood and carbon, that does not conclude that if a tree falls and is left to rot for a million years, that it will bear “pencil fruit”.

Science could not help itself; they just had to start with the most complicated of God’s creation to attempt to prove their weak argument for evolution. Why not start with the simple pencil? Because the small things in creation actually make a more powerful argument than the big ones. If a pencil can not create itself, then how could anything else?

The truth is; if you can convince a person that their life has no meaning, ‘other than the meaning that science places on it’, you will only be passionate about ‘sin’! Where there is no Creator, there is no morality or purpose, except to acquire as much as possible, as quickly as possible, at any and all cost! Including your soul!

Science is like food; there is some food that is good for you, and there is some that is poison! Dog crap is not good food! And science has a lot of dog crap in it! And they expect you to swallow it all! They find a way to mix truth and lies together and won’t allow you to pick out the crap before you eat it. Because they know full well, that their science without crap makes no sense at all. Science needs the crap as the glue it hold their fantasies together.

“Creation” makes complete sense, but creation with no Creator makes absolutely no sense. As simple as an arrowhead is, a stone cannot simply turn itself into a perfectly symmetrical, working arrowhead. Science says that if you throw a stone at another stone trillions of times, eventually it will become a arrowhead. How convenient it is that you cannot live long enough to witness their miracle in person.

Faith is not ignorant, ‘non science’ based belief! Do you believe that the car you drive, or the home you live in had no creator? If not, then why would you believe that, simple random chance could build anything? Science says that organization is of man, and creation is made from disorder and chaos. Does it really take blind faith to believe in creation? Or does it require blind faith to believe in evolution with no explanation of “original life force”.

And what is original life force? Look at it this way; you can have all the fuel in the universe, but without a spark to start the fire, there can be no flame. Also life cannot exist without life. Alone; Adam would have never survived, but with just one more person, life can now flourish

Remember, there are three things that must already be in place for life to keep living. A energy source, water and a suitable environment. So where did they come from? It doesn’t take faith to realize that fire or any other energy cannot create itself. Also remember this; if science can’t explain it, they will just make something up! Now that’s what I call creation skills!

Faith; God’s science!