Defenders of God's Truth

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Corona, Crown of Thorns

Corona; A part of the body resembling or likened to a ‘crown’.

The most harmful mistake a Christian can make is to reject God’s reign over ‘all things’, regardless of ones distaste for some of them.

Just who is it that is in control anyway? Has Jesus ‘gone fishin’? Sitting by the lake, and splashing the water with his feet, is he oblivious to all the pain and suffering all around him? Is he unable to rescue us? Or does he even care?

There are those who claim that God had no hand in the creation of evil things, but who defines evil anyway? Does that mean that he didn’t create humans? Who can deny mankind’s evil?

Psalms 52:5 says;” but I was born a sinner, yes, from the moment my mother conceived me”. So who are we to claim the rights of definement, that are so clearly the rights of God alone? How dare we claim as truth anything that is not of the Holy Spirit and the Bible, which was conceived and written, and upheld by the same Holy Spirit?

God has no patience for those who flippantly disregard the truth, that he is the master of all things, including the smallest of them. The tiniest and the most colossal! And even things that we wrongly might think he does not notice.

Yet, God sees it all. And God ‘can’ control it all! There is nothing he does not know. And that includes every germ and toxin in your mind and body. So why would God allow a virus to attack so many people and take the lives of those who he claims to love? It is really very simple. It is the heart that condemns or acquits, because only God alone can truly know the heart.

And what does all this mindless chatter really mean? It simply means that God has only one goal for you on his mind. And that thing is bringing you home. God knows that, clearly this life has no meaning without the hope and truth of heaven.

Although few Christians live their lives in a way that reflects the war against evil and the fight for truth, that does not change the fact that we are all soldiers in the war for our future. A future that only holds the death of the body in its hands.

And what about this thing called death? Is it the dreaded end of everything for you, or is it something entirely different than what you think it is?

We all fear it, but why? Is it because it is the unknown, or is it because we don’t want to leave things and people we love behind? Or is it because we simply don’t understand how or when we will leave this body, or the circumstances around our so-called death.

Will we grow old and tired and broken? Or will we die young from some sickness or disease? Will we suffer, or will we go quickly in some accident? Is the fear of the unknown that powerful? And is it possible for us to somehow know the future and the circumstances of our death?

The most important question of all questions is this. If you found yourself dead, and walking the path toward the arms of Jesus, would you look back at earth and wish you were still there? Would you turn your back on heaven and the loving arms of your Savior? Or would you look around and see the splendor of God’s world and break out into tears of happiness?

And this is where humans and God usually part ways. God loves all of his children and wants them home as soon as possible and safely in his loving power. A power so great that when you step inside of its light, all things become clear. The light lifts you up as gravity no longer has a grip on your future. You are no longer held down by the powers of the world. You glow with God as the aura of his power surround you. You feel electric, and the pulse of God throbs through your new body. It can only be described as a never ending orgasmic love. All of creation looks on in envy of your new found place in God’s universe.

And why are you there? Because you are dead! And why are you dead? Because God loves you and has brought you home. So if you truly believe God, then why would you see death as a catastrophic end?

We must strive to understand that death without faith is worse than death. And death with faith is only a river we must cross to get to God. For some the river is wild and requires much struggle to cross, yet for others the river has become a beautiful stream of cooling water, which requires little or no effort to cross.

Yet for those with faith in Christ, he will be waiting on the other side with his arm stretched out to pull you across. He is a powerful magnet, drawing you closer and closer to the finish line. When you grab his hand it will be like the flipping of a light switch. The heavens will ignite and burst with his life-giving light. You are now back home where you were always meant to be.

So; should we question God when we leave this world, or should we thank him for breaking us out of the prison of misdirection? All death is in the hands of Jesus, and all life is in the arms of his Holy Spirit. In everything in life an death, there is give and take, this is the nature of God’s creation. Who are we to question such a magnificent Creator and Savior of all things.

This is what faith is all about. It is easy to believe in God, but what about just ‘believing’ God? Faith is trusting that all things, regardless of our ignorance of their true nature, are in God’s control and will, in the end, turn out as God wishes and for his glory, and your happiness.

You see; it is never how the story begins, ‘but how it ends’! God is waiting…………