God's Lives Matter
Each time the world turns, the dark shadows leave behind a new layer of evil. It is time for this world to, ‘get a clue’, about who exactly sets, and keeps the world turning.
What a bunch of imbeciles we have in the country, and the world for that matter. How egocentric can a population be, and what will it take to shake them out of their dreamscape, and make them see just how ignorant they are acting?
Let’s face it; the world has fallen over the proverbial cliff and left their faith at the edge, just like a herd of pigs. One pig decides to run aimlessly from Jesus and all the others follow, like the mindless drones they truly are.
They so hate themselves, that they are searching for anything that makes them feel alive and with purpose. And because they have failed to find the real truth in life, they ignorantly follow after ‘anything’ that gives them purpose, even if it is ‘demonic insanity’! And the chickens haven’t come home to roost, but the demons sure have!
So who are these people who have taken God’s creation and turned it into a coloring book of evil? It is those who have ‘learned’ by having faith in the wrong teachers. If as a very young child, you learn to walk from a person with no legs, there might be a small problem. If you learn from the snake, you will end up being one yourself. Slithering about for the rest of your life, you will never really know the truth, and even though you have legs, they will be useless to you all because you listened to the devil, ‘the evil serpent’ from hell.
And just like your legs; your mind also can be tricked into ‘not being used’! Your legs don’t work if you don’t use them, and the mind is no different. The most evil of all teachers is Satan, and the teachers of today are following in his footsteps, like the demonic marching band they truly are.
It is not ‘that you learn’, it is ‘what you learn’! And the things that are accepted as truth in our culture today are not the product of God’s voice. We are all God’s lives! Our life force does not belong to us, it belongs to the one who created it. You have no rights or freedom! You are only free to do what God demands!
And since you belong to God, you must reject the beliefs of the world and give up on your own, so-called knowledge, and relearn everything in God’s image. If your ideology is not in perfect alignment, ‘and context’ with God’s proclamations and claims to the truth, then ‘you are the enemy’s of God’!
You cannot believe in God, and not believe in his limitless power at the same time! And God can and does choose who to bless and who to curse, based on his will and nothing more. Any decision you make on your own, without God, is wrong even if it is right, because you have left him out of the conversation. If you do not ask for God’s help in deciding anything; then you will find yourself walking a dangerous path of darkness and evil and death of the soul.
And if you have made the choice to hate, and plot against those who love God, then you have taken the wrong side! Guess what, there are only two sides! God’s side and Satan’s side. The search for truth is God’s search, and the search for contempt for God’s truth is Satan’s search. Do you know which one you have chosen? Pray that you might have just made a mistake, because the consequences of rejecting God’s truth are catastrophic, ‘and worse’ if you know who you are hating.
There is no God in the world of hate. You cannot claim love as your master, and at the same time; loot, burn, destroy, murder, injure and curse those who refuse to be one of you! You cannot claim love, then hate a whole group for the actions of a few. Hate does not need a reason to exist. Hate is a reaction to nothing. Hate loves itself and rejects true compassion and tolerance for anything godly. Hate makes no sense, yet it believes that it has all the answers. Hate has no remorse and will only act sorry for its evil if it sees its deserved punishment about to reveal itself.
Hate sees only differences, not likeness or harmony. Hate will never truly change its mind, so it must be defeated! If you are a hater; God himself will bring the rain, but not the cooling water of truth, but the rain of hellfire that melts the flesh along with the hate inside.
Hate only sees hate! It does not see truth or love or righteousness, or even the future pain that hate will inflict on those who practice the destruction of others. Hate is the ultimate self destruction, and will use you to destroy yourself and anyone else around you and in your path. Hate only sees color or gender when it serves its purpose, it really doesn’t care what color you are, it only lives to kill and hate, and does not care who or what you think you are.
So; what color are you, and what does God think? Will there be black and white people in heaven? Maybe we will be covered with beautiful flowers, all colors, red, white, blue, pink and yellow. Or maybe we will have fur, like a beautiful kitten; soft and love-able, and ready to always be snuggled and looked upon as a creation of God. And what if your fur is not the right color, will you be looked upon as inferior? Or maybe we will be all one color, or have no color at all. Or maybe we will be invisible, and maybe God will make us blind as punishment for our ignorance.
Does anyone else see how stupid this all is? Obviously God loves colors. Just look at his creations; green grass, blue oceans and his incredible flowers. A red sunset, a yellow canary or a beautiful blue bluebird. A red cardinal or a simple brown sparrow. Why would we change anything God has made; or hate it?
And does God look at you with adoring eyes, or does he see something else entirely? Or do we have a blind God who can’t see how awesome you think you are? Or maybe you think you are ugly or dumb; does God see you the same way you see yourself?
Of course God only judges you by the content of your character, and the correctness of your faith. What do you have faith in? Your color? Your race? Your intellect? Your ‘so-called’ education? Satan and his demons? Your wealth or you strength, which all can be taken away in an instant!
Some even have faith in their ignorance of the truth, because it is always easier to have faith in a lie than the truth! And the truth here is that God does treat some people differently than others, based on their actions and words. Words can be evil, but actions can be a threat to life and liberty. And if differences between you and another person are a cause for hate, then you have stepped on the toes of your Creator!
There are two types of people; those who will pray for you if you disagree, and those who will burn your house down if they don’t like what you believe. God does not tolerate hate for any of his children! There can be no excuse for hate. Even if they harm you in some way; you can hate what they do, but not God’s child. This means that you cannot act in a hateful way unless you are willing to answer for your sin; face to face with God!
There is no justification for hateful acts, even if someone has hated you first. God is the judge and jury for all of those who choose to break God’s laws. God loves law and order, and will always be on the side of any moral law. Love with no tolerance for sin of any kind, is the true answer. Love is more powerful than hate, love is more powerful than sin, and love can melt away any differences that we might have between us.
But like many things of the world, hate can become an addiction. And addictions always spiral out of control, then habits are formed that can make evil actions inevitable. There are many different excuses for hating someone, but before you make the decision to embrace your hatred for anyone, take some time to think about why they believe what they do. Is your hatred brought on by ideology, that may, or may not, be a logical one? Always remember, that truth is a great healer. When you accept the truth, it allows you to adjust your mind to the inevitable. And truth is always easy to recognize because ‘it is rock solid’, unlike a lie or deception for your own profit.
The search for the lost treasure of truth is, ‘no doubt’, one of the latest victims of a widespread pandemic; served up to the world by the forces of evil and Satan himself. Many have given their lives in the fight for the truth, and Jesus was the first of these sacrifices. If the truth matters, then let this truth soak in! Jesus loves us all! It does not matter what color your skin is! And yes, he loves all the idiots who hate for all the wrong reasons. And the most common reason for their hate is their lack of true faith! The kind of faith that saves millions of lives each year, and feeds the hungry, and heals the children, and brings everlasting life to those who ask for it.
Yes; the love of Christ is all you need to save the world from itself. He could have destroyed the whole world, instead of allowing evil men to murder him! But instead, he gave them a chance to repent, and the greatest gift of all; the truth, the way, and the life that all of us, deep down inside are searching for.
And the only way to acquire this gift is to stop hating and begin loving the truth, which is a gift to God, and to yourself, not a battle against a unbeatable God and a unwinnable war.