Locked and Loaded (Part 2)
Locked and loaded is just a different way of saying; ‘ready for anything’. But how many of us can actually say with complete confidence that we are ready for anything, including a face to face meeting with the Almighty Creator of the universe; God?!
Who can walk up to God with their head held high, and their nose in the clouds, confident that they are someone special and have done everything right in the sight of God? No one!
This is not a question of salvation, but rather what we do with our salvation. Being saved is the beginning, but what do we do with our salvation on the road to the meeting with God at the end of the race?
If you are saved, then you should be ready and waiting at the starting line, not mistakenly believing that you have crossed the finish line. In reality the green light has been lit, but you might still be waiting to lite the fire of the race to heaven.
And don’t be fooled by your own ignorance of God’s truth, the road to heaven is fraught with the death traps from hell! The cheese in these traps will become more and more irresistible, to even those who consider themselves good and honorable Christians.
The things that most of us consider to be; just normal things of life, are in actuality a complex system of excuses calculated and activated by Satan himself. The every day things of life that we take for granted have become addictions that no one is willing to give up. 2 Timothy 3:1-5; “You may as well know this too Timothy; that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad. They will be hardheaded and never give in to others; they will be constant liars and troublemakers and will think nothing of immorality. They will be rough and cruel, and sneer at those who try to be good. They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshiping God. They will go to church, yes, but they won’t really believe anything they hear. Don’t be taken in by people like that”!
If you have accepted Christ, then you have taken an oath to love, honor, and obey the master of the universe! Not unlike getting married, you have promised to be faithful to Christ and only give yourself to him, or have I missed something? “For you will hate one and love the other, you cannot serve God and man”; Matthew 6:24. And although you love your new wife or husband, you clearly will ‘demand’ faithfulness as a prerequisite to any of the rights of marriage. So why do we treat Jesus as if he is not the head of the household? Would you give your life for your wife or children? And if so; why not Jesus?
It is because you have been caught in the snare of Satan, and stripped of all the weapons of warfare offered to you by Christ Jesus! Your power as a Christian is regulated by, and in direct correlation with your sin life. But wait, you might say; “I have no sin because Jesus has forgiven me”! Yes; Jesus does forgive you if you have faith and ask for forgiveness, but don’t think for even one second that you won’t sin millions of times after your initial moment of salvation.
Just remember, you will never achieve true spiritual victory in this flesh life without working hard at faithfulness to Christ and rejection of Satan’s traps. You might think you are locked and loaded, but the only thing locked is you mind to God’s truth, and your thoughts and delusions of grandeur are loaded high on the wagon of false success and true failure.
Romans 13:8 says that we should pay all our debts except one; never stop paying the debt of love. And if God’s word proclaims for us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, then what is our life’s work supposed to be? Is it not obvious to you? God and his truth must come first! Yes; even before yourself and those you love! And especially the “things” you love!
And if we don’t use God’s word to feed the Holy Spirit we have no hope. Not a God’s word that has been stomped into submission and cut and trimmed like a bad movie, until the truth cannot be recognized, but a word of God, taken ‘as is’ and believed as is, with no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Or should that be butts?
So; what is the most powerful weapon in the universe? Love; but not just the word love, which has been turned into a worthless cliche by a world full and overflowing with idiocy and hatred, for all things Godly and righteous. But the true power of love that brings forth a life giving, and changing ‘explosion’, that offers us forgiveness and mercy, elation and rapture. True kindness and selflessness are its hallmark and truth its foundation.
If you are truly full of the love that God desires for you to possess, you cannot love anything that is not breathing! True love can only exist between you, God and those who he loves. So if you truly want to be a ‘powerful’ soldier for God, there are only two things you need to win the war, a nuclear bomb ‘called love’, and a strong enough faith to push the launch button!