Defenders of God's Truth

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The Breath of Life

The word of God says that God formed a man’s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person. Genesis 2:7.

It is clear that Adam’s first breath was the breath of the flesh, not of the spirit. The spirit must exist before the life of the flesh. The mortal body needs the spirit to exist, but the spirit does not need the flesh.

The heart relies on oxygen to beat; oxygen that can only make it to the heart if the brain keeps you breathing. The heart cannot begin, or continue to beat without the breath of life. The heart then sends oxygen to the rest of the body including the brain so thought and reason and even sinful thought can be produced.

Your body cells use oxygen you breathe to get energy from the food you eat. This is called ‘cellular respiration’. All life would cease to exist if the exchange of gases between oxygen and carbon dioxide stopped.

Inside the womb; oxygen must already be in place for the heart, or any organ for that matter, can be formed, and the mother, not unlike God, supplies the oxygen to the unborn. This is proof that oxygen really is the ‘breath of life’.

But what about the heart? The heart has been central in literature, fiction and the Bible for thousands of years. Does it really have a place in the actions of good, or evil? Yes it does; its called getting excited!

Heart rate is very sensitive to your submission to thought. The slightest little thing can spike your heart rate and cause exhilaration or shear panic! The body wants to slow your heart down because it just feels so good. On the other hand, stress and a fast heart rate does not feel good.

This is just a simple mans way of saying that; yes, the heart really does have a mind of its own. Just think; your whole body is communicating. Each part loves the other part and knows exactly what needs to happen when one of them is in trouble. Your heart talks to your lungs and your lungs talk to your muscles and everyone works together to bring harmony. And as we all know, misguided excitement can cause many different types of sin!

And here is where it really gets weird! God the Father, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit have placed a part of themselves inside your heart. And if this is so, then how much of what goes on inside your body has the ‘hands on treatment’ by God? What a wonderful thought! The thought that God himself would literally touch your heart in this incredibly intimate way, is the making of a happy heart..

So; if God is in our heart, then what about the rest of your body? And if the joy of the Lord is brought on by the Holy Spirit, then how much more then shall we pray that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit would take complete control of our entire body? God the Father, was and is, our great designer, and who knows more about the inner workings of the flesh and the spirit?

Our heart then, is a direct reflection of what makes us good or evil. And if we don’t have Jesus in our heart, then the only thing left is evil. Our spirit longs to escape from the boundaries of the flesh and be free once more, to fly the flight of real freedom. The flesh of the heart is more important to a lost soul because the flesh is all they have. A saved person on the other hand, should know that the more we love God the more we realize that the flesh has no real value.

We cling to the things of the world simply because our faith is weak. The stronger the faith, the weaker the love for the world becomes. And as much as your organs love you, and work diligently to keep you happy, they also look forward to the day when the fight to keep on living will be over. They will gladly serve you and work themselves to exhaustion, right up to the end.

Like a beloved pet; they will someday die and disappear, leaving nothing behind except a memory. But the spirit will be freed, and your life force; the things that make you, you, will live on forever. Your heart will be replaced by a far better one, and your lungs will breathe the breath of real life. Not oxygen, but the powerful and refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit. And your minds eye will see nothing but the beauty of heaven, which is far greater than the flesh mind can possibly imagine.

And Jesus will no longer need to live in your heart, because you will live in his! Not a flesh heart, but a heart made up of love and intense happiness, that makes you leap, then bounce, then fly with the speed of light into the arms of bliss!

There will be no more need to worry about anything! Not the future, not your wealth, or the lack of it. You will never be lonely, and you will never be afraid. You will never feel left out or mistreated and you will be with the one who loves you the most, and will uphold your real life; his and your eternal breath of life, shared together forever.