Defenders of God's Truth

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The Divided States Of America And The Revelation Of A Demon Nation (Part 1)

There are many in the United States who believe that God had a hand in the ‘making of America’, and then there are those who believe that only evil men made America great. And even its greatness is in doubt where the left is concerned, but how would they define greatness? What would it take to truly make America great by their definition of greatness?

In the Garden of Eden, Eve thought that partaking in the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, would make her “like God”. But in the end, which God did she become like? Her God had become Satan! And so the story takes shape. Division had become something new, a powerful tool of Satan, and a trick of misdirected zeal for things ‘not of God’! And to this very day, we can clearly see the hate of Satan and his demons who’s greatest wish is to destroy America from within.

And why America? Because with all of its faults, America has shared the faith of God with more people than all the other countries combined. So America must be destroyed for Satan to have any chance of taking the souls of all of those who have been given the gift of life.

So where would Satan begin his reign of terror and ‘questionably covert’ destruction? Of course it would begin in the hearts of those in which Satan sees promise of control over others. Just try to be logical, regarding control of the mind, and therefore the human race.

Why do some people have great power, and other have, little or none? And what makes us trust one person and not the other? Is it intellect, debating skills, wealth? Or is it a collection of things that have absolutely nothing to do with leadership?

So why would we empower a gutless, spineless, quivering fool to be a judge? Because people tend to elect and empower people like themselves! And the leaders at the top all want to empower people below them that they can control and manipulate. For many years men held most of the positions of power, and women were relegated to relatively powerless positions. But today women have been elected to powerful positions, many times because of their gender alone. This is a catastrophic mistake! Not because they are women, but because gender alone is no reason to make any person powerful!

All you need do, is to look and pay attention, and you will see the effect of this mistake. Just listen to them speak, and curse, and you will see the incredible hate burning in their eyes and vomiting from their mouth! These sociopathic, demon possessed, hell hounds are on a rampage for Satan and are soiling the drawers of all the other women who are God fearing, hard working lovers of truth and righteousness.

They claim God, yet hate God at the same time. They hate the things God demands that they love, and love the things God demands them to hate! I could name them all, but you already know exactly who I an talking about.

And why did Satan choose to offer sin to the world? Because he knew the future and chose to use women as the linch pin to the passenger train to hell. The power of the female must never be underestimated. Powerful men can and will be led around like a dog on a leash, because women have a rope with a noose that men will happily slip around their neck, just to get a wink and a smile.

The power was designed for procreation not politics! Political power and preaching were meant ‘by God’ to be a man’s job. And procreation and child rearing a woman’s job. All too often, women have gave up their children for the all mighty power of the dollar, and the misplaced power of the male. In other words, they want it both ways, but inevitably this will lead to inadequacies in all areas of their life!

Want proof? Just choose any liberal or progressive woman who has been placed in any position of power, and watch crazy flourish at its highest level possible. Just take a moment and listen to insanity that cannot be explained. These women are living proof that Satan and demons exist!

Their whole purpose in life is to smother the life out of the churches and eliminate them completely. Then replace them with houses of ill repute, ran by things that are not quite human, yet not quite demons! They hate what God has made them to be, and wish to cut out their parts that make them God’s creation and stitch in things that make them monsters!

The minds of these monsters are plotting the murder of all those who disagree with their sick demented plans for God’s golden country. Satan will be jealous of their ‘home made hell’ if they are allowed to take their deviant and demented plans any further!

The U.S. is already unrecognizable and will completely be lost if someone does not step up! But who will be called upon by God to exterminate these monsters? It must be all God fearing lovers of Jesus; those we call, women.

They are our only hope, and it seems so fitting that they would destroy the very evil that women helped create. They are perfect for the job and God will raise them up to turn the tides of history and help bring forth the Kingdom of God and crush the kingdom of Satan!

Wake up! My sweet and beautiful lovers of Jesus, and stand up to those who wish to rape your children’s minds with thoughts from hell! Be brave and bring the cowards to their knees with the true power that God created you with.

Change the course of history with the powers that God has given you, the same powers that have been so misused and misplaced. Become the thing that God created you to be and stand up for righteousness and God’s original will for you. Fight for your Savior and bleed for your Savior, and die for your Savior if need be.

You can destroy the world or save the world, do not delay your decision! ACT NOW!