Defenders of God's Truth

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The Poison of Truth

It is said that the average person will make 773,618 decisions in a lifetime, and more than one quarter of them will be decisions they will come to regret.

A good guess would be that the decisions they regret are much higher, because admitting mistakes can be a hard thing to do. If we are truly honest with ourselves and God, we will find that we are wrong more than we are right.

And what about the decisions of a moral nature? Just how many of those will we misjudged? Of course, we should judge the importance of our decisions based on how consequential they are. The most important decisions we will make in our lives are the ones discerning truth, and or reality.

If you want to know the real truth, where do you go to get it? Would you read a book? Would you ask a friend? And if you choose to trust one of them, should you ask yourself, where did they find the truth that they are propagating?

The things you choose to believe are the building blocks of who and what you are. And what happens to you if you are unlucky enough to be built on nothing but falsehoods and fiction? And is it your fault if you have been mislead throughout all of your life? And at what point do you decide to question all of the things you have been taught by the world, some with bad intentions and others who were just plainly wrong? And what damage has been done to your mind and soul? Or do you even want to know the real truth?

If you were starting a small business and you were still learning how to run the business, how would you pick someone to advise you? Would you choose someone who is trustworthy of someone who is knowledgeable? Just because someone is knowledgeable does not mean that they are also trustworthy. And likewise, trustworthy people may not have "usable knowledge".

There are two types of knowledge. Useless knowledge, and usable knowledge. If you read a book, about how to drive a nail, you might know everything there is to know about that one thing. But, if you have never used a hammer what good is that. You would have all the methodology without any of the skill. And what if the author of the book was a fool? What does that make you? The lazy attempt at knowledge is one without experience. If you have no experience, your knowledge is useless!

Facts, figures and instructions are only a possible road map, and that is if the map has been made correctly. If you don't walk the walk, it is only talk! Talking alone, has never created anything, except hate and ignorance.

Also, there are two types of discovery. Learning to drive the nail will certainly mean that you are going to experience hitting your hand with the hammer. But the hammer, most likely won't kill you. So you go right ahead and try driving the nail. But if you are warned not to eat a certain type of berry because it will poison you, are you going to take that chance?

Who do you trust? And how do you know what facts are really facts and what facts are really poison? Are you willing to gamble with your life? The best way to do that is to listen to the wrong person. But what about the berries? How will you know which ones you can eat?

If you are told not to eat a certain berry, just don't! It really doesn't matter if you never know for sure if it is poison. If it can kill you, just be careful. But we should always be willing to strike our hand with the hammer, because that experience won't kill you. Then you can learn how to build a house by the best teacher of all; "experience"!

And why is this important? We live in a world where everyone thinks, that they think for themselves. But nothing could be further from the truth. Everywhere you look, there is someone trying to sell you something. The business of advertisement is the most powerful of all propaganda! The media complex is "all powerful"! Those who have something to sell will pay insane amounts to advertise their product. And because advertising works, the producers of the commercials have great influence and power over the producer of the product, and power over the minds of the society.

We are bombarded with images that are two fold. They are not just selling a product, but also a sick agenda. Their goal is to propagandize everything they produce and therefore shape society into something God hates! Yes, God hates the sin of those who choose to spread influence, propaganda and indoctrination, contrary to his truth. And his truth is his words, found in the Bible that he has upheld and protected for the past, the present and the future.

There is no truth outside of God's truth. Without the influence of God's spirit, you can never truly have wisdom. Without God's spirit, you can never really have an education, because you lack a foundation of the ultimate author and teacher and healer of the mind.

The mind is just a vessel. Waiting to be filled with 'something'. The question is, who will you allow to be your source of truth? What human can you trust to fill your mind with the fuel that makes it run? How pure is the fuel you have been sold? Is it perfectly clean and refined with no contamination, or is it spoiled and foul, leaving you stranded and helpless with no way to get you home? And as for the ones who have sold you the lies, can you call them and ask them to bail you out? Of course not. Their whole purpose is to leave you stranded and lost in a world with no hope and no truth.

The truth; what a wonderful thing it is. You may not always like what the truth says to you, but it will never fail you. It will always be there to hear your cries, and to wipe the tears away. It will always be there to help you down the path of reality and real facts. Truth will never lie to you, and has no agenda of hate. Only the agenda of love and forgiveness, wisdom and life, that only truth can deliver. And how do we know and recognize the truth when we hear or see it? Only God and his reality can be trusted. If the things you hear and see do not align with God and his holy word and spirit, they are lies.

The world without faith in God's truth cannot recognize the concept of God's virtual reality. Their mind has been lost to a world of spiritual darkness and wandering thoughts of self worship.

For them the only way out of their dreamscape is to give up all the things they thought were true and refill their minds with something that is a stranger to them.

Everything that exists is held together by God's truth not human's. Why not take just a little taste of the only truth that offers eternal life? Just a tiny little nibble off the edge. You might be surprised, because you might find that there is nothing sweeter than a story of truth with no aftertaste, or a surprise ending.

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