Defenders of God's Truth

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Trading Places

Many have asked the question; why am I here, and what is the meaning of my life? Few ever learn the answers to life, and usually it is because they are fearful of the truth.

The story begins long, long ago, in a place far away from the earth. There was a Spirit Being called, The Holy One. We will refer to him as the One. We will also refer to him as male in form.

The One was the most powerful being in a place called “divine”. There was no life as we know it, but there were untold numbers of spirit beings. These spirit beings were created ty the One, and they loved him and served him. They were builders and creators for the One, but the One was the source of their power.

The One would create, then set his creation into motion, and watch as his power moved and created reality. The One was a creator at heart, and creating was one of the many powers that gave him pleasure.

Love was always part of who he was, but he was thinking about a new form of love that wasn’t automatic. A love that was special, because it was to be ‘grown’, not ‘programmed’. A love that was not a sure thing.

For this creation to happen, he must be willing to accept rejection from his creation, and endure the pain of hate. He must create things that can become evil; the opposite of who he is! This creation would be something completely new. It would be not eternal. It would be a world of physics and things that all degenerate and cease to exist. Breakdown and decay would be the defining feature, and flesh instead of spirit would be the thing to love and worship.

Why would ‘The One’ want these things? Could it be that his perfection was not good enough for him? Or could this creation be the way for him to re-create himself? For a creation to be truly perfect, it must include absolute freedom. But freedom in and of itself, is only one ingredient. With freedom comes choices, and with choices comes mistakes. To be allowed to choose would mean that mistakes would lead to consequences, with random outcome.

So; freedom is not always good. The One would make his creation capable of miscalculation and deception. Of course, he would make it very simple to understand; he wanted his new creation to have the choice of loving him or hating him.

Nothing of the natural world existed before this; the One would create it all. The entire universe with all of its clockwork and design, moving at the conduction and direction of the great creator. A builder and creator is always looking for a challenge, and the One would create, ‘just that’.

Everything in the cosmos would be physical and mortal in nature. It would have a beginning, ‘and an end’. Before this there was no death, no decay and no imperfection. Now there would be a world perfectly suited for war!

A war with many facets and freedoms. A war of the fight for survival and control. Living flesh and mortal beings, would be at the center of the universe, and a battle over useless things would become the battle to end all battles.

Time did not exist before, but now there would be a ticking time bomb inside of everything in the physical universe. It would only be a matter of time, and this new reality would dissolve into nothing. All things will now be slaves to time.

Time would not be your friend! It would haunt you and stalk you, and measure your every move and thought. Your many footsteps will only lead you into the grave. And your creator will also watch your every step, and judge you based on what you spend ‘his’ time stepping in.

The lives of billions would be used as judgement for choices, wrong and right. How you choose to use his gift of time would be the standard of life and death, reward or punishment, good or evil. The One would have the thing he wants the most; Creation that would love him with no strings attached, but at what cost for the ones that choose, not to love him? And what cost to the One?

You see; we were given something that the One could never have, the ability to sin and do evil. Yet he decided to become one of us, with only sin and evil, not part of his humanity. And at the same time, he traded places with us, and died a criminals death, therefore giving us a chance to be forever reborn and reacquainted with the ‘only truth’ and power of his spirit.

It was you and I who should have died on that cross. But instead, he took us down and put himself up, even though he was, and is the most powerful being of them all. His undeserved love for us overcame his hate for sin, and his great mercy shined through like the light in the eyes of a newborn.

All the sudden, we were saved from ourselves and allowed to live on and be loved forever. With no pain, no sickness, no old age, hate or disappointment; we will be in the arms of love forever, happy and perfectly content, because he made it so!