Jesus said; “I am the truth and the way and the life”. How does Jesus define these three words? In a world full of those who claim to have all the facts, how can we know for ourselves that these so-called truths are really based in what ‘Jesus’ would call, “truth”?
Can there really be a monopoly on truth, or is the world full of nothing but shades of gray. Is the truth only what our feeble minds think it is? Or can truth be absolute with an immovable foundation?
For Christians this should be an easy question to answer, but don’t be so sure! Sometimes I wonder how Christians can have the faith to be saved, but no faith in the truth that rules the universe.
What does it mean to really know the truth, and how can we obtain the ability to know it when we see it, or hear it, even though it has been long lost and abandoned by the whole world.
Truth is very elusive because it is unpopular and sometimes frightening. On the other hand, un-truths are usually complete fabrications made up of fantasy and wishful thinking instead of reality. Perception by others or what they think of you is a simple example. You lie to create a desired affect, and if it works, you can feel good about yourself; or so it seems.
Many truths are just simply not something people want to admit. So, they just throw out the truth and replace it with a lie, and this becomes an addiction. Most addictions can lead to death, and the addiction to lies is no different.
All addictions are a sin against God, but there is one that is not, the addiction to the love of God, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the truth of the Holy Spirit.
There are those who give themselves over completely to the dreams and aspirations of the flesh, while all along denying the dreams and aspirations of Christ. And the dreams and aspirations of Jesus are those not unlike our own. He desires to be loved by you. And to love him is to believe his truths, and to believe his truths is to admit you are a liar, and give up the addiction to lies, and pick up the mantle of truth.
But how can you pick up the mantle of truth if you don’t recognize truth? And where do you begin the search? The search will not be easy! Remember the lies you are addicted to are a powerful addiction, more powerful than any drug.
Yes; there will be those who claim that they don’t lie, but just claiming that you are not a liar, is a lie itself. Romans 3:3-4 says; “True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises to God, does that mean God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s word will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them”.
And this is the way to truth and life. To believe God and his word and Spirit, above all else! Don’t believe your eyes, don’t believe your ears, don’t believe your own thoughts, and don’t believe the voices of anyone except God.
The world will always lie to you, but God’s words will never be proven wrong. So why are there, so-called Christians that don’t believe the truths of God’s word? Why would a Christian be open to the lies of things, like evolution, when it is clear that God’s word declares that we were made in his image? How can this be?
Is God a monkey? Or was he so flawed that it was necessary that he evolve also? Why would God build a home only to tear it down later and rebuild it? Is it because the foundation was flawed and needed to be replaced? Was the wood full of termites and weakness, and were the dimensions all wrong? Did the roof leak and the fireplace not draw because God forgot to install a flue? Was the floor weak and full of holes, and did the rats fill the crawl space?
You see; God does not make mistakes! Only sick minded people with no common sense from the Holy Spirit make those kind of mistakes. Why would you bother to call him your Master, or your Savior, or your God if you take him as a fool? Why would you believe any human over God? And why would you trust your own judgement over his?
So who do we believe? The one who builds the house, or the one who creates the raw materials to build it with? Don’t tell me you are confused! How can that be so?
God creates from nothing, and people extract from God’s creation. We are just vampires feeding off of the blood of others. Evolution has no power to create! It is only a bad idea to help explain away something the world does not want to admit. Evolution has no life, it cannot talk to you and defend its ignorance. Why do you believe something that has no life? It only represents death and ignorance of the real truth.
And the real truth is that the lying rats have taken over the house that the world built. It is dilapidated and falling apart as we speak. But God’s home is free from rodents and disease and death.
So who do you choose to believe? Other flawed and sick humans just like yourself, or the God that gave you life and will be there waiting for you when he calls in your debt?
As for me; I choose the wonderful God who loves me for no reason, yet he has many reasons to hate me. I choose to believe all the things that he has created and promised. I choose to try and love him as he would have me love him, and not see him in the way that removes his powerful nature from the equation.
So therefore; I trust the things that he has said, regardless of rather I like them or dislike them. Truth is all that matters to me! And God’s word and Spirit are the only truths. His power is the only power. His love is the only love. And his future is the only future.
If there is one thing that I have learned after a lifetime of ignorance and lies, it is that we can never see truth until we give up on ourselves completely, and go ‘all in’ for the truths that God, can and will, show us.
If we really give ourselves over to him, he will surely show us the way. But the way is rarely a direction the flesh wants to travel, yet as painful as the trek might be, we must walk the walk of God’s path, even if it means that we must walk through fire, instead of walking on the water.