R.I.P. Here Lies The Truth

Jesus said; “I am the truth and the way and the life”. How does Jesus define these three words? In a world full of those who claim to have all the facts, how can we know for ourselves that these so-called truths are really based in what ‘Jesus’ would call, “truth”?

Can there really be a monopoly on truth, or is the world full of nothing but shades of gray. Is the truth only what our feeble minds think it is? Or can truth be absolute with an immovable foundation?

For Christians this should be an easy question to answer, but don’t be so sure! Sometimes I wonder how Christians can have the faith to be saved, but no faith in the truth that rules the universe.

What does it mean to really know the truth, and how can we obtain the ability to know it when we see it, or hear it, even though it has been long lost and abandoned by the whole world.

Truth is very elusive because it is unpopular and sometimes frightening. On the other hand, un-truths are usually complete fabrications made up of fantasy and wishful thinking instead of reality. Perception by others or what they think of you is a simple example. You lie to create a desired affect, and if it works, you can feel good about yourself; or so it seems.

Many truths are just simply not something people want to admit. So, they just throw out the truth and replace it with a lie, and this becomes an addiction. Most addictions can lead to death, and the addiction to lies is no different.

All addictions are a sin against God, but there is one that is not, the addiction to the love of God, the sacrifice of Jesus, and the truth of the Holy Spirit.

There are those who give themselves over completely to the dreams and aspirations of the flesh, while all along denying the dreams and aspirations of Christ. And the dreams and aspirations of Jesus are those not unlike our own. He desires to be loved by you. And to love him is to believe his truths, and to believe his truths is to admit you are a liar, and give up the addiction to lies, and pick up the mantle of truth.

But how can you pick up the mantle of truth if you don’t recognize truth? And where do you begin the search? The search will not be easy! Remember the lies you are addicted to are a powerful addiction, more powerful than any drug.

Yes; there will be those who claim that they don’t lie, but just claiming that you are not a liar, is a lie itself. Romans 3:3-4 says; “True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises to God, does that mean God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s word will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them”.

And this is the way to truth and life. To believe God and his word and Spirit, above all else! Don’t believe your eyes, don’t believe your ears, don’t believe your own thoughts, and don’t believe the voices of anyone except God.

The world will always lie to you, but God’s words will never be proven wrong. So why are there, so-called Christians that don’t believe the truths of God’s word? Why would a Christian be open to the lies of things, like evolution, when it is clear that God’s word declares that we were made in his image? How can this be?

Is God a monkey? Or was he so flawed that it was necessary that he evolve also? Why would God build a home only to tear it down later and rebuild it? Is it because the foundation was flawed and needed to be replaced? Was the wood full of termites and weakness, and were the dimensions all wrong? Did the roof leak and the fireplace not draw because God forgot to install a flue? Was the floor weak and full of holes, and did the rats fill the crawl space?

You see; God does not make mistakes! Only sick minded people with no common sense from the Holy Spirit make those kind of mistakes. Why would you bother to call him your Master, or your Savior, or your God if you take him as a fool? Why would you believe any human over God? And why would you trust your own judgement over his?

So who do we believe? The one who builds the house, or the one who creates the raw materials to build it with? Don’t tell me you are confused! How can that be so?

God creates from nothing, and people extract from God’s creation. We are just vampires feeding off of the blood of others. Evolution has no power to create! It is only a bad idea to help explain away something the world does not want to admit. Evolution has no life, it cannot talk to you and defend its ignorance. Why do you believe something that has no life? It only represents death and ignorance of the real truth.

And the real truth is that the lying rats have taken over the house that the world built. It is dilapidated and falling apart as we speak. But God’s home is free from rodents and disease and death.

So who do you choose to believe? Other flawed and sick humans just like yourself, or the God that gave you life and will be there waiting for you when he calls in your debt?

As for me; I choose the wonderful God who loves me for no reason, yet he has many reasons to hate me. I choose to believe all the things that he has created and promised. I choose to try and love him as he would have me love him, and not see him in the way that removes his powerful nature from the equation.

So therefore; I trust the things that he has said, regardless of rather I like them or dislike them. Truth is all that matters to me! And God’s word and Spirit are the only truths. His power is the only power. His love is the only love. And his future is the only future.

If there is one thing that I have learned after a lifetime of ignorance and lies, it is that we can never see truth until we give up on ourselves completely, and go ‘all in’ for the truths that God, can and will, show us.

If we really give ourselves over to him, he will surely show us the way. But the way is rarely a direction the flesh wants to travel, yet as painful as the trek might be, we must walk the walk of God’s path, even if it means that we must walk through fire, instead of walking on the water.

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The Power of the Silent and Unseen

It seems like today the louder the mouth, the more attention it gets. And not just attention, but credence. The process of drowning out everyone else, has become the weapon of choice for those who wish to remove God from the equation.

Not unlike the voices of the crowds who demanded the death of Jesus, persuaded by the chief priests and Jewish officials, we are still listening to the urging of the demons.

Most of us believe that demon’s and Satan don’t speak, but think again! Words spoken by mere humans are greatly over-rated and far too many times are used to judge the intellect of a person who may or may not be intelligent.

There are many ways to speak, or communicate with not just humans, but all forms of life on earth, including spirit life and animals. And even if you don’t know their language, you can still converse or engage in conversation. The problem is that the world has long forgotten the art of “silent and unseen” communication, and only understands the most primitive of form’s of communication skills; the obnoxious, smelly and filthy mouth!

God speaks in many different ways. God also hears everything, including prayers and thoughts. But why do some people feel as if they are not communicating well with God? And why does God refrain from using the human voice box as a tool of communication?

On a scale of one through ten, the voice would be low on the scale of communication tools, ‘one’ representing smoke signals, and the voice comes in at about a ‘five’. Telepathy would score a ‘ten’ because it is God’s way of communication. The voice is only a back up plan for the human race, because of our ignorance of God’s direct connection to our brain. God speaks the loudest when he makes no sound at all.

And do you listen when God taps on your skull? Or do you think your marbles have dis-lodged and are just rolling around? There is one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty, God will smack you upside your head if you are outside of his will!

And what would it be like if the rolls were reversed? What if God could not see or hear us? And what if in turn, we could hear him clearly, like he hears and sees us now? How then could God correct us when we go wrong, or answer a prayer? How then could God save us from our stupid selves? Would we yell and scream out to God, louder and louder, with no avail? Would we panic and run around like our hair was on fire? Would we give up and stop talking to God? Would we drown God’s voice out by playing loud music or just turning the TV up louder and louder? Would we give up on our salvation and throw the Bible in the trash? Would we burn down the churches and throw away the cross?

Would we stop loving others and take up the mantle of hate and envy and idol worship? Would we love things over and above all other things, and collect and hoard the things of this world? Would chaos break out and lawlessness and murder and war? Would we become sex perverts and begin thinking of new ways to have sex with anything that won’t run away? Would we become lazy and ignorant of anything logical and true? And would we even know the difference between truth and lies?

Sadly; the nightmare is already here! Because of our laziness and ego, we just can’t grasp the idea that a dumb old white man that we call God, is smarter than us. After all, we are modern and advanced in our thoughts and beliefs, and God is old and antiquated, out of touch and uneducated, boring and a tyrant. God makes up rules that are impossible to follow, and won’t even take the time to bother looking us in the eye and explain his lack of communication skills. He has no diploma or a degree, so how dare him tell me I am wrong about anything. God has no resume or proof of his rights to enslave the whole world! Who does he think he is …..God!!!!

Does “God” not have a voice? Is he so uneducated that he can’t even speak or write his thoughts in the dust with his finger? Is this who we worship? A deaf and dumb God who can’t read or write or see that we are waving our arms and jumping up and down trying to get his attention?

Let me tell you who this God is! He is not a human, but has been one. He is not from earth, but has lived here. He is our friend, but can quickly become your enemy. He loves you, but hates who you are. He speaks, but with actions not useless words. He created the physical world, but does not live inside of it. He wrote the laws of physics, but has no need to live by them. He created everything, and will destroy everything. He is unseen, but seen in everything. He is silent, but ear-piercing. He is loving, but unloved. He owns everything, yet worships nothing. He can turn tragedy into triumph, and triumph into tragedy.

Think of it and ask yourself, how different we are when compared to our God. John 19:8-10 shows us something very important. Notice that Jesus only spoke when Pilate insulted God and Jesus by claiming power over them both. Then Jesus spoke and pointed out the real truth. Pilate had asked him, “where are you from”? But Jesus gave no answer, why? And who was in control at that moment? Jesus knew the exact steps it would take for him to be handed over to the Jews, and in that moment in time, it would be his ‘silence’.

After Jesus refused to answer the first two questions, “where are you from”, and “you won’t talk to me”, he did answer the third question, but only because he was correcting Pilate’s false belief that he had the power to change and control God’s will. And here is what Pilate said; “don’t you realize that I have the power to release you or to crucify you”? With this, Jesus had no choice but to correct the lie. And here is his reply, “you would have no power at all over me unless it were given to you from above”.

Jesus knew that the power of his silence would be the trigger that made possible the forgiveness of the whole world. The world was about to be changed forever, all because he was unwilling to defend himself and only’ defend God’s truth’ and will. Even while dying on the cross, his concern was not for himself, but for others.

Jesus was silent during all the torture and pain and his last words were these; “he is your son, she is your mother”, “I’m thirsty”, and “it is finished”. Why would these things be the last thoughts of a man about to be crowned as the most powerful King in the universe? Notice that Jesus didn’t say, my hands and feet hurt, instead he showed concern for how we perceive each other, and what we should offer to the world.

Treat those you come in contact with as your own son. Honor those who treat you in this way as your own parent. Give those who thirst for the truth, God’s words, and fight to defend God’s name. Now I have done my part, so it is time for you to use your faith to become all that I would have you be.

Much more can be read into those words of Jesus. But the silence is the most pure of golden gifts. He knew his way home, and he also knew it was through the door of death. Just like you and I, there is only one way home. Kicking and screaming on the way out the door won’t help.

This silence from Jesus concerning his pain and his impending death, tells us all we need to know of his selflessness and unbreakable love, even for those who will never love him in return. This is what true faith is. Not just a faith that believes even though it cannot see or hear the truth, but a faith that also can hear and see even though the ears don’t hear and the eyes cannot find their Savior.

Faith is so much more than we can comprehend with our weak ears and our blurry vision. We can hear God’s voice inside of our mind. He speaks with much more volume inside your mind where the walls of the world and the voices of darkness cannot drown out the truth. We can see him and his beautiful nature through the eyes of those we love. We can see him in the beauty of a simple flower, or a clear blue sky, if we are willing to accept his image through his creation. And if that is not enough for you, then just look at the face of Jesus while he was giving his life on the cross, just for you. Just watch as he takes his last breath for you, and see the face of God, because God gave him everything, including his image,

This will be our heaven, we will finally be able to see and hear everything clearly. We will ask ourselves why we were so deaf-blind and disabled. We will see ourselves as we once were, and understand the extent of our dysfunction.

And because we can now hear and see, it will be as if we spent our entire life in darkness and silence, unable to speak or be spoken too. We will leap with joy when the vail has been lifted and we can see, feel and hear our loving Jesus as we always dreamt we should.

Always remember, it is our own weakness that makes us unable to hear the voice of God and hear the truths of the Creator. Don’t ask God to communicate your way, ask him to give you the ability to communicate his way.

You can’t reach him on Satan’s “stupid phone”, or see him on streaming video. You won’t find him in a bar, having a drink, or at a football game choking down some suds. You won’t run into him at your children’s sports games and you won’t see him at the beach, half naked getting a tan. You won’t catch a glimpse of him at your lavish, over-blown wedding and you can’t find him at your wasteful honeymoon. You can’t hear him with your God hating music blaring into your ears, and you won’t here his voice if you won’t shut your foolish mouth! You can’t love him if you love yourself and all the things around you, instead of him. And you can’t have real faith if you can’t, or won’t, communicate with him instead of talking over him.

But you might find him at a hospital or a retirement home. We might see his work at a children’s medical center, or even at a doctor’s office. You might see him feeding the hungry at a homeless shelter, or maybe even in a jail. But you are not likely to see him in a children’s day care, or elementary school. You won’t see his work at a high school or a university, and there is no God inside the walls the the state.

Yes; God is invisible and unheard by those who need to see and hear him the most. Teachers, politicians, doctors and lawyers. Judges and police, prosecutors and preachers, all have taken up the throne of God instead of listening to the one with all the answers.

The time to see and hear God has come. The hour glass is sputtering its last bits of sand, and God’s time to carry out his wrath is here.

Beware; the silence is about to become a lions roar, and the blindness is about to become a bright light, that lights every dark corner, and makes visible the face of Jesus.

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Sowing the State of Mind

State of mind is everything. If you are in the wrong state of mind for the task at hand, you will always fail.

The things that a person believes are not made up of circumstance, but choice. Most try to justify their beliefs by claiming the victim status. In other words, they make up any reason they can to deflect the fact that they have chosen lies over truth.

Just what is it about lies that are so appealing to so many people? Well; lies are told always to convince you that something offered to you is what you already want. You just must have whatever it is, and will stop at nothing to get it.

Most people worship the lies because lies can be anything they want them to be. Just imagine; anything at all that you want, or want to be, can be yours if you just embrace the lies and reject the truth.

The same could be said about people of faith. They want desperately for there to be a God who can bail them out when their sinful ways cause calamity. So in some cases, they are looking for and hoping for, something that others might consider lies.

So how do believers convince anyone who believes that our truth is a lie, and their truth is reality, that God's truth is the only truth? Those who don't believe God's truth think that we are lying to ourselves for the sanctuary of a God who rescues us from death and darkness. And Christians believe that the unbelievers are lying to themselves, for the sanctuary of living their lives as they see fit.

And hope in and of itself, is not useful. You can hope for anything you want, but hope without truth and a catalyst to empower it, is no hope at all. You can hope for your body to live forever, or never get old, but that has never happened and never will. Only by escaping the body and slipping into a everlasting body, will you be able to live forever.

Both sides of the equation want some of the same things, but one of them is making a catastrophic mistake! Truly there are only two sides. There is no middle ground. There is no safe place in the middle of the road. You believe all of God's truth or none of it! God does not accept half truths!

God is truth! God is made up of truth. The building blocks of who God is are unbreakable, and Jesus is the capstone of the arch. If you pull one stone, the whole thing crashes in on your head. You must accept all of the stones of truth along with Jesus, 'the keystone of creation'.

The things that you choose to call lies, must be carefully examined, weighed and measured to see if they really do, or don't fit. If you build your life on lies, you will soon find that the pieces just don't quite fit properly. It doesn't matter how badly you want to make them fit, they just won't! You will be building an arch that will fall and crush you when you need it the most. God expects you to do your homework. Never believe what another human tells you without testing it thoroughly.

Do you realize that there was a first for everything? Why would you trust a professor to teach you the truth without making sure said professor is not teaching lies? Did the professor write the first musical note? Or did he invent the first language or math? Anyone can teach something that has already been taught. And are they teaching so-called truths that cannot be disproved? The only thing they have done is re-invent theft!

These men and women are just mortal humans just like the rest of us. They can be some of the most perverted freaks in the world because they are given incredible power and wealth and most times use it to fulfill their most twisted and perverse fantasies. They must turn the young into sexual deviants and haters of all morality. Truth and morality have now become the enemy. And even if this were not true; why would you give them the power to shape the mind of the weak.

There is nothing special about these people. By what standard do you judge them to be gods? Yes; that is exactly what you are doing! You might try to deny it, as I know you will. But it does not change the fact that you would rather hand the young over to the gods of this world, but you would never hand your child over to the true God, in fear that he just might take them.

What morons you all are. Even the Christians think that the colleges can do no wrong. But the opposite is the truth! They can do no right! Indoctrination is their 'only' goal.

So explain once more, why you trust your children to any teacher anywhere. If they are not children of God themselves, they have no business touching the mind of any child, anywhere!

Go ahead and trust but not verify, you will get exactly what you deserve! Punished by God for your lazy, incompetent and quite frankly corrupt ideas of who God really wants you to trust, you will eventually see where you have gone wrong, but it will be far to late to save your children, or yourself!

Yes; our God is angry with us! Angry because he watches as our faith further withers on the vine. It withers because we continue to put the things of the world before, the things of God. Wealth and the comforts of life are not, nearly as important to God as they are to you.

And because we trust the comforts and success of life, over the comforts and success of our place with God, we will reap the harvest we really deserve.

What does it mean to be "born again"? Do you even really know the answer? Is it just forgiveness, or is there more to it that we are failing to understand? From God's point of view, to be born again means that you have died and been raised back up into another life. The new life is nothing like the old one. We have now become the sons and daughters of the great Creator God!

And along with being reborn, we must dispose of all the things that made us who we were before. You cannot continue to live for the "good things" of life and expect God to, just look the other way. Your transformation must be swift, while stomping out the fires of evil and sin. Never looking back at the things you used to love and admire. Dump the ashes of your former self, and bury them so deep that no one could ever recover them.

Trust only God and his way! Trust nothing of this world! If the whole world thinks it is the thing to do; run as far and fast as you can away from it. Any education apart from God's education is evil! God must be the new college, and the college of Satan must be burned to the ground! Forget about making a living the way the world thinks you should, and ask 'only God' to show you the way to a prosperity that agrees with the Holy Spirit.

Who made the rule that the amount of money that you make must take precedent over everything, including God?! If it wasn't God, then who? Of course you already know the answer, you will just never admit it.

God has, and will never have, a hand in the cult of prosperity and prosperity preaching. The only prosperity we should work for, is the treasure in heaven that God stores up for us, based on selflessness and humility, not greed and pride. And it is greed and pride that causes you to send your daughter off to college only to serve yourself and your need for them to succeed. But the things that most of them succeed at are becoming a God hater and a drunken slut!

A person driven by the ideas and the moral decay of a all powerful professor who will rape their mind and their body. The college will put its seed inside of your child and a evil offspring will be the result. 'You' will have been the cause, and reason for your child to become a lost soul, destined for hell! That's right; you will have murdered and raped the child you say you love! This is the problem with believing you are intelligent and know better than even God himself.

Do you really believe that God is inside any of these schools? Do you really think that God believes that these professors are smart or moral? Do you think God wants you to turn your children over to Satan? Well; you have already done it?

Now reap the harvest!

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Taming the Untameable Mind

(James 3:7-8) "Men have trained, or can train, every kind of animal or bird that lives and every kind of reptile and fish, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is always ready to pour out its deadly poison".

From the very beginning, humans have spent their entire existence attempting to change or manipulate their environment, but in many cases, this is just not possible. You would think that common sense would over ride the fantasy of ignorance, but don't hold your breath.

The earth controls us, we don't control it. We can never be its master, and if the earth decides to swallow us all, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it. For anyone who is honest with them self, they will admit that we are all powerless to change, or tame the power of the earth.

And there are many other things that we are powerless to manipulate. The weather, the sun, the moon and the stars, all walk their own walk at the direction of God. And even our own brain cannot be controlled. You might think you are in control, but 'think again'!

Do you really believe you can say 'no' to your brain? Can you tell your mind, "no I will not sleep"? Can you say 'no' to food? What about water? Can you tell your mind that you are not going to poop? Of course not. If you touch a hot surface, who makes you jerk you hand away? You don't think about it, it just happens. Your mind takes over and yanks the steering wheel. And in the same way, we have thoughts we didn't think about having. "What was I thinking", is a common observation of everyone at one time or another.

And what about that thing called 'thought'? Do you let your mind run wild, or do you spank it and say, "bad brain", you stop thinking like that! You see; it is a really good thing that other people don't know what you are thinking, because the mind is a terrifying book to read. And if you cannot control your own thoughts, then how can the socialists do it for you? 'They will kill you'!

Socialist dictators have murdered over 100 million men, women and children. And why? Because they could not control their thoughts. The thought police are here and you better be ready to fight! Should it be against the law to hate? Should it be illegal to have racist thoughts? Should anyone be imprisoned for hating for any reason? Can we hate someone who is trying to kill us? Why can't a person "think" whatever they want? As long as they don't allow themselves to act out their hate or racism, who are they hurting but themselves? Thoughts of hate are wrong, but they are still just thoughts.

So, if one person does not agree with the thoughts of another, it is likely that the thoughts of the two are at odds with one another, right? So who gets to punish, or even kill who? And if you are thinking something, should you be allowed to speak it? And if you don't speak it, will it well up inside of you and cause you to act out? Does hate grow if speech is suppressed? If you don't allow hate speech to be released, it will fester into obsession that will become far worse than just thoughts. And this is exactly what causes mass killings!

The very act of suppressing thoughts and speech is the very thing that creates acts of horror. Just being able to speak your mind can have a calming and relaxing affect on the mind of a angry and confused, and possible killer. And knowing that others in the world agree with you takes away the "isolation factor" which is another cause of anger and hate.

Don't doubt it; suppression kills! Attempting to control the minds of others is just another way to imprison anything or anyone you disagree with. Beware; a imprisoned mind is like a trapped animal, it will sooner or later strike back!

So if the mind is out of control, how do we attempt to resolve the problem? The world thinks that shaming and hating your personal thoughts is the answer. This will never work! Thoughts of hate can be managed, but you will never eliminate them. They will always be there, cowering in the dark corners of the mind, seething and simmering and becoming harder and harder to manage. Then all at once the mind disconnects from reality and explodes with rage and seeks to rid itself of anyone it perceives as a suppressor.

Guilty and innocent will die, because the rage of suppression and mental imprisonment is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish between friend or foe.

If you hate someone because they hate a person, or group that you are trying to protect, does this justify your hate for them? So let's get this straight; you hate because you disagree with someone who thinks thoughts of hate; right? So you have the right to hate, but only if said hate agrees with your way of thinking? And since you don't agree with the other persons hate, they have no right to hate, right? Do you realize just how crazy that is? It is alright for you to hate, because your hate is justified? But; who is the one who makes the decision to justify one hate over the other?

Part of the problem is that hate has been redefined by haters! The haters have defined hate in a way that has shrunk its threshold into a odorless fart. They are outraged by smaller and smaller toots. And maybe there was no toot at all, maybe you just thought about tooting.

Where does this end? Will the things people hate you for, become more and more minuscule, and less and less important? And at the same time grow into a reason for the death penalty, carried out by the greatest haters of all?

Nothing has changed for thousands of years. You can't do whatever you want, but you can think whatever you want. And as throughout history, thought is still under attack because it is the last vestige of hope. Thought is the one thing that the world has not been able to take from you. They can take your life, your freedom, but they will never be able to take your thoughts.

Always remember; all emotion was made possible by our Creator God. Even hate has a purpose, but can be misused when twisted into a tool of the self-righteous. And the same can be said for love. Many evils have been committed in the name of love, because it isn't what you 'coin' something, it is the action behind it. Love can be hate and hate can be love, and even God hates sin. So is it a sin to dislike someone who is sinning in a way that is offensive to you?

Speaking out against the sin of others is a job that was given to us by God. His word points out sin and we are expected to,' in turn' point it out as a way to bring salvation to those who disagree with the ways and truths of God. There can be no debate; God commands us to hate the sin, but not the sinner. This is not a new idea, but implementing the policy would be something not practiced by most people. And make no mistake, hating the person instead of the sin is widely practiced. And because of this misguided hatred for the wrong thing, we have made a enemy of a friend, and a friend of a enemy.

You must hate sin, because without the hate for sin, there can be no love for righteousness. And what does it mean when we hate sin? Does it mean that we look the other way when we see or hear a person acting or speaking in a way that is offensive to God? Or do we point the finger at the offender regardless of race, sex or personal beliefs?

Do you see it? If you just look the other way you have offended God. And if you don't look the other way you have offended God's enemy's. Is it really that simple? Yes! And if you choose to side with God, you will certainly be hated by the ones who claim hate as their god.

God will win this war. So make sure you are cheering for the right team, because once you fly the flag of the enemy, you have committed treason against God Almighty, and the only thoughts you will have in the future are thoughts of hate, with love nowhere to be found and no chance of ever feeling it again.

'Think about it; God is listening'.

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The Poison of Truth

It is said that the average person will make 773,618 decisions in a lifetime, and more than one quarter of them will be decisions they will come to regret.

A good guess would be that the decisions they regret are much higher, because admitting mistakes can be a hard thing to do. If we are truly honest with ourselves and God, we will find that we are wrong more than we are right.

And what about the decisions of a moral nature? Just how many of those will we misjudged? Of course, we should judge the importance of our decisions based on how consequential they are. The most important decisions we will make in our lives are the ones discerning truth, and or reality.

If you want to know the real truth, where do you go to get it? Would you read a book? Would you ask a friend? And if you choose to trust one of them, should you ask yourself, where did they find the truth that they are propagating?

The things you choose to believe are the building blocks of who and what you are. And what happens to you if you are unlucky enough to be built on nothing but falsehoods and fiction? And is it your fault if you have been mislead throughout all of your life? And at what point do you decide to question all of the things you have been taught by the world, some with bad intentions and others who were just plainly wrong? And what damage has been done to your mind and soul? Or do you even want to know the real truth?

If you were starting a small business and you were still learning how to run the business, how would you pick someone to advise you? Would you choose someone who is trustworthy of someone who is knowledgeable? Just because someone is knowledgeable does not mean that they are also trustworthy. And likewise, trustworthy people may not have "usable knowledge".

There are two types of knowledge. Useless knowledge, and usable knowledge. If you read a book, about how to drive a nail, you might know everything there is to know about that one thing. But, if you have never used a hammer what good is that. You would have all the methodology without any of the skill. And what if the author of the book was a fool? What does that make you? The lazy attempt at knowledge is one without experience. If you have no experience, your knowledge is useless!

Facts, figures and instructions are only a possible road map, and that is if the map has been made correctly. If you don't walk the walk, it is only talk! Talking alone, has never created anything, except hate and ignorance.

Also, there are two types of discovery. Learning to drive the nail will certainly mean that you are going to experience hitting your hand with the hammer. But the hammer, most likely won't kill you. So you go right ahead and try driving the nail. But if you are warned not to eat a certain type of berry because it will poison you, are you going to take that chance?

Who do you trust? And how do you know what facts are really facts and what facts are really poison? Are you willing to gamble with your life? The best way to do that is to listen to the wrong person. But what about the berries? How will you know which ones you can eat?

If you are told not to eat a certain berry, just don't! It really doesn't matter if you never know for sure if it is poison. If it can kill you, just be careful. But we should always be willing to strike our hand with the hammer, because that experience won't kill you. Then you can learn how to build a house by the best teacher of all; "experience"!

And why is this important? We live in a world where everyone thinks, that they think for themselves. But nothing could be further from the truth. Everywhere you look, there is someone trying to sell you something. The business of advertisement is the most powerful of all propaganda! The media complex is "all powerful"! Those who have something to sell will pay insane amounts to advertise their product. And because advertising works, the producers of the commercials have great influence and power over the producer of the product, and power over the minds of the society.

We are bombarded with images that are two fold. They are not just selling a product, but also a sick agenda. Their goal is to propagandize everything they produce and therefore shape society into something God hates! Yes, God hates the sin of those who choose to spread influence, propaganda and indoctrination, contrary to his truth. And his truth is his words, found in the Bible that he has upheld and protected for the past, the present and the future.

There is no truth outside of God's truth. Without the influence of God's spirit, you can never truly have wisdom. Without God's spirit, you can never really have an education, because you lack a foundation of the ultimate author and teacher and healer of the mind.

The mind is just a vessel. Waiting to be filled with 'something'. The question is, who will you allow to be your source of truth? What human can you trust to fill your mind with the fuel that makes it run? How pure is the fuel you have been sold? Is it perfectly clean and refined with no contamination, or is it spoiled and foul, leaving you stranded and helpless with no way to get you home? And as for the ones who have sold you the lies, can you call them and ask them to bail you out? Of course not. Their whole purpose is to leave you stranded and lost in a world with no hope and no truth.

The truth; what a wonderful thing it is. You may not always like what the truth says to you, but it will never fail you. It will always be there to hear your cries, and to wipe the tears away. It will always be there to help you down the path of reality and real facts. Truth will never lie to you, and has no agenda of hate. Only the agenda of love and forgiveness, wisdom and life, that only truth can deliver. And how do we know and recognize the truth when we hear or see it? Only God and his reality can be trusted. If the things you hear and see do not align with God and his holy word and spirit, they are lies.

The world without faith in God's truth cannot recognize the concept of God's virtual reality. Their mind has been lost to a world of spiritual darkness and wandering thoughts of self worship.

For them the only way out of their dreamscape is to give up all the things they thought were true and refill their minds with something that is a stranger to them.

Everything that exists is held together by God's truth not human's. Why not take just a little taste of the only truth that offers eternal life? Just a tiny little nibble off the edge. You might be surprised, because you might find that there is nothing sweeter than a story of truth with no aftertaste, or a surprise ending.

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So Beautiful

We all live in a world of confusion. Confusion regarding everything, not just some things. Questions abound; life, death, the future and the past. Why are we here and what is the meaning of life? Life can be a struggle for those who have no solid answers to these questions. Have you ever noticed that if there were no God, there would be no chance of any future?

For those who have no faith that there is a God, I truly feel sorry for you, because if you do not change your mind, then there is no hope for you or those you love. And this faith we speak of, need not be one of a spiritual nature. Of course, there can be no forgiveness or eternal life without faith in Jesus, but why can't we start with the premise that without something other than ourselves, death is the only thing left to look forward to?

So as much as I hate to leave God out of the conversation, let's just take a moment and look at everything from a standpoint without a God. Having no God is a real problem for the scientific community. No explanation has ever been given that explains why science propagates the idea that there must be other life in the universe, but there cannot be a God. They embrace the idea that there could certainly be highly advanced life, that is far and away much more powerful and able to do things we might never achieve.

I have even heard them say that "they might be so advanced that we might see them as a type of God". So it's okay for them to believe in their choice of God, but the Christian God is not acceptable?

Let me get this straight; without our "Creator God", they would make one up to take his place, then they could make up the rules along they way and write them down and make everyone follow them? Is that right? Of course it is! If we could wipe the memory of our Creator God from the minds and history of mankind, nothing would change, because logic would take the place of memory.

The first person to see the pyramids logically believed that someone made them,. And this could be said of anything that has organized structure. Even if not one person could remember God, they would soon realize that a creator is necessary, and would begin to search for him. And why do we search for him? Some search so they can disprove his existence. Others search because they know that no creation could exist without a creator.

And what is this creation all about? It is about a entity that existed before mankind, who chose to be a creator and lover of his creation. This entity was the totality of love, and his desire was to share this power with others who would love him in return. And this entity was a creator of balance. His creation would be created with the same logic that he himself was built upon. And so with his powerful love, he built the cosmos and the universe and a world to give to his children.

God knew the future, but his love was, "so beautiful", that he gave himself completely to the world he had created. A world that would reject and hate and attempt to murder the only source of selfless love.

A entity with unspeakable power that was willing to give it all up for those who were not capable of understanding just how painful his sacrifice would be. A love that none of us can appreciate, until we are face to face with him at last. There is nothing of the flesh that can be compared to the beauty of God's love. All we can do is try.

We can only speculate and search inside of our own lives and past to even attempt to understand or feel God's kind of love. Not unlike a couple in love who's love is in full bloom, God see's us in a way that we cannot understand. He sees something beautiful that has such incredible potential but knows the reality of that potential may never be seen by us, until it is to late.

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? God loves us in this way, and much, much more! Real love carries no baggage. Real love has no selfishness. Real love only sees beauty and not the flaws. Real love is perfect and unbreakable. Real love will die for you, and give itself completely, even when love is not returned. Real love sees things in another person that others don't see. Real love feels unworthy of another persons love for it. And real love will never die.

I know the exact moment when I realized I could not go on living without my love, and wife of thirty six years. There was nothing different about that day, except that God had chosen that exact moment in time to show me the girl that he sees.

It is difficult to explain how I saw the beauty of the soul and the spirit and the flesh in that moment. The angels would be envious of that incredible vision of heavenliness. Oh!, the pain of a breaking heart when we could not be together. It still hurts to even think of it; a fate worse than dying could ever be. In that moment I came as close as possible for any human, to feel how God feels every time he looks at you. But sadly, in God's case, he must eventually see you as you really are. He wants to wrap his arms around you and squeeze you tightly. But he can't because you have been unfaithful, and the dust and filth of the dirt road you travel down cannot come in contact with the spirit of the Almighty.

He desperately wants to be with you! The pain of separation is too much to bear! He fears that you might not love him as you once did. His heart breaks because he can't touch you, or hear your voice once more.

No human can accurately describe the love God has for us. And most cannot feel it because of their own weakness. To love is to ache inside. To love is to worry. To love is to fear that you love someone more than they love you. To love is a sacrifice, because you must give yourself completely to it.

And it is love that should control your life, not ambition and greed. Hate is easy, but love is hard. Oh, how beautiful love could be if only we could love the way God loves us. But maybe trying is all that God expects. And maybe the more we try, the more our love will grow, and oh how beautiful that would be. 'So beautiful'.

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The Building Blocks of Murder

When we attempt to understand anything regarding the mind, it is important not to leave anything out of the equation.

"Experts" at studying the mind, deny the existence of many things that are part of 'illogical hate'. But hate in and of itself, can never be eradicated, nor should it be.

Let's just take a hard look at the truth concerning "hate". Psalm 11:5 - "He puts the righteous and the wicked to the test. He hates those loving violence". In the world of logic; scripture is not necessarily needed to make a secular point of reality. Although God has all the answers, the world does not accept his logic or truth.

Hate is necessary and can be used for a outcome that is good. Most would agree that you must hate to kill the enemy. If you don't hate the one who is trying to kill you, you will most likely die. This does not mean that you hate for no reason. And it does not mean that you want to hate, it means that you are forced to hate.

When we reject God and his forgiveness, God is forced into hating our actions and inaction's. If we do not repent of these things, God will be forced into punishing us.

But hate, like many other emotions, is hard to learn to control. And without God as our trainer, we will not succeed. The word hate is thrown around a lot. You hear it all the time; "I hate this, I hate that; I hate that person; I hate this weather; I hate this food". It goes on and on forever. We are a world full of so-called haters.

But there is a difference between saying you hate something or someone, and showing someone you hate them by being evil and mean, or even harming them. It is not our place to hate, even the haters! It is not our place to hate the person, but we can hate what they do or say. We can hate their disobedience and the unwillingness to accept God's way.

Can we use hate to stop hate? Well, let's look at it this way. If you ask God to stop the hate of war and killing, he will have no choice but to kill the haters and killers. If you or we decide to take it unto ourselves, we will need to hate to be able to kill. If a intruder breaks into your home and threatens your family, can you love the murderer while you are killing him? Could you kill someone that you loved? And if so, how hard would that be. What if you needed to make that decision in a split second?

If God uses hate 'and love', can we manage to juggle them in a way that is righteous and justified, ourselves? And does God allow hate to exist? Or did he create it for a purpose we don't understand? Should we have our rights of thought taken away? Can truth be considered hate? And if truth is hate, then who will make the decisions concerning which thought is hateful?

You see; no one can really know the true thoughts of another person. We can only 'guess' that someone hates, based on their actions, not their words. And even then, it is only a guess with no way to know for sure of the motives in question.

We can only be convicted of a crime if we have 'acted' in a way that is outside the law, not for being outside the box in regards to our thoughts. Even if you admit to your thoughts of hate; they are only thoughts.

And what are the breeding grounds for hate? It is as simple as following the road once traveled. Where did your journey begin, and where are you now? No one can deny that, the road you have traveled, and the bumps along the way, are what makes you who you are. The places where you took a wrong turn, may have led you down a path that was bumpy or even dangerous.

You may have found yourself unable to turn around on the narrow road with cliffs instead of ditches. You may have ran out of gas or had a flat tire, and had to walk a rocky path. You may have lost your footing and sprained your ankle. You may have been attacked by wild animals!

Your past is what dictates your future and shapes who you are in the present. You are a product of things that you have done, or things that have been done to you. Good things or bad things, it really doesn't matter, they both can shape the mind into something horrifying and evil.

So where did you come from? Was it the school of hard knocks, or the school of pixie dust and soft bunnies? The school of hard knocks, will either make you tough or break your will. The school of pixie dust and soft bunnies, will make you weak and stupid, and not able to understand the pain that goes along with hard work. And where is this breeding ground of hate and lies and discrimination, based on all the wrong criteria? Just look at the road you were forced to travel; the schools! All of them!

That's right; they must all be called in, so to speak, for questioning. They must be held to task for the things they teach and the things they don't teach. All the schools have been infiltrated with spies for evil, with the goal of turning out those who hate the truth and love the lies. And this is the place where the murderers have come from! These killers come from a place where they preach the gospel of inclusion, but only if you are from the right family, or are an athlete, or you are beautiful or handsome, tall and thin, smart with a nice smile, or if your family is well off.

They teach fairness, but are unfair. They teach helpfulness, but only help those who they like. They teach opportunity, but only to certain groups. And even when they say the right things, they don't really mean it because their whole purpose is to rid themselves, and the world, of anyone they don't deem desirable. They teach no God, and that the only reason to live is to make money and become a deviant like themselves. They want you to see discrimination where there is none, and goodness and love where there is none.

Hate has become their new way to love, and love their new way to hate. They see any truth as the enemy, and any rules they have not written as hate speech. They hate those who they say are hateful, and love those who do actually hate. They say it is wrong to discriminate, but then they discriminate against white men.

If you mix hate and education together, what do you get? You get ignorance on a grand scale, and confused young people who are looking for a way out. In some cases they commit suicide, and in other cases they wish to kill as many people as possible, as their only way to deal with all the hate and lies forced on them by the education system.

All mass killings and shootings have a direct connection to the schools, and then the ongoing lies of hate that the left in this country use as poison to wreck the mind of millions. So who is to blame for all the killings and hate and perversion? The left; you know; the Demonrats, the liberals, the haters of God's way, the real racists and the ones who hate the most, but then tell everyone else not to do it.

They are Satan's beloved family members, and the cause of everything evil around the world!

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