Locked and Loaded (Part 2)

Locked and loaded is just a different way of saying; ‘ready for anything’. But how many of us can actually say with complete confidence that we are ready for anything, including a face to face meeting with the Almighty Creator of the universe; God?!

Who can walk up to God with their head held high, and their nose in the clouds, confident that they are someone special and have done everything right in the sight of God? No one!

This is not a question of salvation, but rather what we do with our salvation. Being saved is the beginning, but what do we do with our salvation on the road to the meeting with God at the end of the race?

If you are saved, then you should be ready and waiting at the starting line, not mistakenly believing that you have crossed the finish line. In reality the green light has been lit, but you might still be waiting to lite the fire of the race to heaven.

And don’t be fooled by your own ignorance of God’s truth, the road to heaven is fraught with the death traps from hell! The cheese in these traps will become more and more irresistible, to even those who consider themselves good and honorable Christians.

The things that most of us consider to be; just normal things of life, are in actuality a complex system of excuses calculated and activated by Satan himself. The every day things of life that we take for granted have become addictions that no one is willing to give up. 2 Timothy 3:1-5; “You may as well know this too Timothy; that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them, and thoroughly bad. They will be hardheaded and never give in to others; they will be constant liars and troublemakers and will think nothing of immorality. They will be rough and cruel, and sneer at those who try to be good. They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshiping God. They will go to church, yes, but they won’t really believe anything they hear. Don’t be taken in by people like that”!

If you have accepted Christ, then you have taken an oath to love, honor, and obey the master of the universe! Not unlike getting married, you have promised to be faithful to Christ and only give yourself to him, or have I missed something? “For you will hate one and love the other, you cannot serve God and man”; Matthew 6:24. And although you love your new wife or husband, you clearly will ‘demand’ faithfulness as a prerequisite to any of the rights of marriage. So why do we treat Jesus as if he is not the head of the household? Would you give your life for your wife or children? And if so; why not Jesus?

It is because you have been caught in the snare of Satan, and stripped of all the weapons of warfare offered to you by Christ Jesus! Your power as a Christian is regulated by, and in direct correlation with your sin life. But wait, you might say; “I have no sin because Jesus has forgiven me”! Yes; Jesus does forgive you if you have faith and ask for forgiveness, but don’t think for even one second that you won’t sin millions of times after your initial moment of salvation.

Just remember, you will never achieve true spiritual victory in this flesh life without working hard at faithfulness to Christ and rejection of Satan’s traps. You might think you are locked and loaded, but the only thing locked is you mind to God’s truth, and your thoughts and delusions of grandeur are loaded high on the wagon of false success and true failure.

Romans 13:8 says that we should pay all our debts except one; never stop paying the debt of love. And if God’s word proclaims for us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, then what is our life’s work supposed to be? Is it not obvious to you? God and his truth must come first! Yes; even before yourself and those you love! And especially the “things” you love!

And if we don’t use God’s word to feed the Holy Spirit we have no hope. Not a God’s word that has been stomped into submission and cut and trimmed like a bad movie, until the truth cannot be recognized, but a word of God, taken ‘as is’ and believed as is, with no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Or should that be butts?

So; what is the most powerful weapon in the universe? Love; but not just the word love, which has been turned into a worthless cliche by a world full and overflowing with idiocy and hatred, for all things Godly and righteous. But the true power of love that brings forth a life giving, and changing ‘explosion’, that offers us forgiveness and mercy, elation and rapture. True kindness and selflessness are its hallmark and truth its foundation.

If you are truly full of the love that God desires for you to possess, you cannot love anything that is not breathing! True love can only exist between you, God and those who he loves. So if you truly want to be a ‘powerful’ soldier for God, there are only two things you need to win the war, a nuclear bomb ‘called love’, and a strong enough faith to push the launch button!

Locked and Loaded (Part 1)

For those of us who believe God, I wonder how many know what God sees while he watches every move we make. God really does know the smallest of details, regarding every second you live, from the moment of conception.

I am sure that God is not surprised to see our total disregard for the next life, as we feverishly scamper about, worshiping and serving this life on earth.

Like a mouse caught in a trap, if it doesn’t kill us we will drag the trap along with us the rest of our lives. We are so obsessed with our scampering, that only a direct hit to the scull will stop us. Those who don’t die will chew off their own limbs in an attempt to get back to hoarding and storing our treasure. Why does God take a back seat to everything we think is important? Maybe we are wrong!

The life of a mouse can range from just a few months to about 4 years. Most live less than 2 years. The mouse has no concept of lifespan or even time. It lives by instinct alone, and has no ambition. It only lives to survive and procreate, with no concern about age or possession.

What if God had created us to only live two or four years? How would that change how we think and live out our lives? Of course we would need to mature much more quickly, and a mouse matures in six weeks. How would our priorities change, and what effect would this have on society? Humans are very different from animals, but some might argue that point. Humans work to acquire, out of greed and ambition, but animals don’t sin, and therefore live only to be what God has made them to be.

Humans on the other hand live only to please themselves and therefore are capable of sin and evil, and not much more. Yet God gives most of us more than enough time to change our mind and to reject pride and embrace humility. God warns us of the traps, but that cheese just looks and smells so good. God made the cheese, but the trap is Satan’s. The great trick of Satan is to take something good and adorn it in such a way as to make it appear irresistible. It doesn’t take much! A little blink of an eyelash, or a flash of a little ankle, or maybe just a tiny bit of eye contact, and the heart begins to race.

The look of something new; a shiny object revealing itself to you, like a wink and a nod. It draws you in, closer and closer, and then all the sudden, whammy! And it ain’t cupids arrow either, it’s Satan’s guillotine!

But God sets no traps. Anything that God offers you is yours for the price of faith and faith alone. The cheese is free, and life is yours to use as you wish, all he asks is that you believe. And not just say you believe, really believe; with all your heart and strength and mind.

And believing means accepting certain things that are unpopular with the flesh. Things like, death of the flesh actually means life of the spirit. And time is given to you only to find your way back to God, and that takes ‘some’ longer than others. And nothing that is good can come from the easy road, but must come from suffering and hard work.

But wait! You might say; what is free about hard work and suffering? Just remember, your actions dictate rather you believe or not. These actions are different for each of us. For some of us the road might be bumpy, and for others it might seem pretty smooth. And if you have fallen short in regards to your selflessness, then climbing the mountain of your sin might be a tad difficult!

There is no contradiction when it comes to the struggle between good and evil! We struggle with sin every day of our life. And it is this struggle, and the fight that rages inside of us, that God watches with such tender jealousy, Jesus has already given his life to you! So now it is your turn, through your faith and belief, to return the gift by giving your life to him.

This life that God has granted you with, regardless of its length, must be treated in a way as to reflect the incredible value that God places on it. Your conception of this life that God has granted you, must carry with it the mindset of urgency that God requires!

Live as though there is no tomorrow, and plan only the servitude to God Almighty! Only a fool would plan for something that they have no control over. Without Jesus there will be no tomorrow! The trap will close with a might crash, and there will be no second chance. You will have wasted the life that God has trusted you with, and the next time you open your eyes, it will be to see all of the things that God has warned us about! Eternal grief, and fire and brimstone. This will be your so-called future. Death from this world can release you from the earth’s grasp, but death will only be a dead man’s dream, a fantasy that can never be, because you lost the battle against sin and evil by locking God out and loading your pockets with false treasures. Remember; there is only one true treasure and it cannot be found on earth!

Killing Satan (Part 3)

Satan is the master of mind manipulation. What ever you do, do not look down on him, or brush him aside in any way! He is a very powerful fallen angel, and you are a moron in comparison. He will always out smart you and your only chance is to allow Jesus to fight the fight for you.

And this is the problem; we don’t let Jesus control our lives, so where there is no control, there is no communication. Your choice is clear; a slave to Jesus, or a slave to Satan! Seems like an easy choice, but talk is cheap, and actions have a price!

Talk, talk, talk; I hear it all the time. Christian’s talk a great talk, but in reality don’t even try to walk the walk! They talk like a slave, but live like a king!

The real fight is not between you and Satan, but you and Jesus. You want him to release you from the chains of slavery to evil, but you are unwilling to empty your pockets and put it all on the table. You are your own worst enemy, because you will not give up the drugs of evil social norms.

And what exactly does that mean? It means that if you are unwilling to give up the toys of Satan, then you have chosen Satan over Jesus. It is simple, but knowingly unseen by the millions of Christian’s who love life more than Jesus. They are truly gifted when it comes to making all the excuses necessary to skate around the truth.

And the truth can set you free, but the lies of the world are your passion! But these lies of the world are nothing more than the sweet smell of success, that is really nothing more than a fart. It has no lasting substance, here one moment and gone with the wind the next.

The lies of the world have become images. But an image has no composition. An image can’t touch you or hold your hand while you are dying. Yet these images are taking over the world. An image cannot be trusted! It can be manipulated and shaded in a way as to make itself appealing. A smile can be painted over; hiding the bloody teeth of the ultimate predator. A face can be made up, and the wild eyes turned from black to blue. Sin can be hidden from view, and truth becomes a four letter word.

Yes; this is the world we all live in, and Satan is the supreme leader and king! Images are made up from light and Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. How bright and beautiful light can be, but whose light are we gazing at?

Are the eyes really the window into the soul? And if so, then is the window open for the outside looking in, or the inside looking out? Do you swing the window wide open for the light of Satan to burn the vision of the truth forever from your sight? Or do you open the window and let the Son shine in? Or can you even see the difference any more? Satan’s light, God’s light, what’s the difference; right? And if you can’t tell anymore, what does that mean?

Who is the light of the world? The real light of the world is Jesus, but if there were to be a vote, the world would vote for Satan, and he would win in a landslide! The world loves his images of light, because they hold sex and wealth, and drunkenness and laziness, gluttony and perversion!

All of us know Satan when we see him, yet we strain our eyes to view evil images, and turn our back on the truth; the truth of who we really are. And until we fully embrace God’s truth, we will never be able to rid ourselves of Satan and his demons. But if we open wide the windows to our soul and allow God’s light to blind us to the world of demonic lies, we can begin to truly see. And once we have seen the blinding love he has for us, we will then be able to let him hold us in his arms and hug out all the evil, and replace it with a new loving vision that will always and forever more be…20/20!

Killing Satan (Part 2)

The ultimate goal of Satan is to separate you from God and his love for you. Not because of his hate for you, but because of the hate he has for God. Yet, because his desire to hurt God is translated into a pathological need to rob God of a loving relationship with you, Satan will torture you knowing God is watching the carnage. Satan’s hate for God makes him do anything and everything to hurt God. Although God is perfect and cannot make a mistake, we are his one and only ‘achilles heel’! And Satan plays it for all its worth, and we are the only flowers in God’s heavenly garden that refuse to show colors.

So who is at fault in this mad and reckless display of disloyalty and dishonor? It is you and me, of course! Without us, and our disloyalty, Satan would be jobless. Do you see it? We give evil a reason to exist. Yes, you and I are complicit in the evil activity of Satan and his demons, and in many cases have become one of them. Our dreams and wishes and desires are now ‘one with Satan’.

Do you wish to break the chains of slavery to Satan? Or do you love the tingle sin gives you more than the rush of the Holy Spirit? Shall we sell our soul to Satan at the cost of losing the ability to love or be loved ever again? Eternal separation from the most valuable of all treasures, forever?

What! Do you think Satan will learn to love you? Are you really that stupid? Love is all we really have, because all other things can be taken from you. Your money, your home, your car, your youth, your health, and your very life can be taken in a split second.

Love cannot exist where Satan resides! And neither can true prosperity, in regards to your relationship with God. The love of the Holy Spirit is your power to defeat Satan’s evil, but it must be channeled through our Almighty Creator God.

In other words, you cannot attempt to battle Satan and his demons alone! You will lose! You are powerless, and unable to activate the power of the Holy Spirits love without direct intervention by, ‘The Son of God’!

And if you have a demon problem, Jesus might have a problem with you! Don’t be ignorant, demons are always there and are everywhere you go, regardless of rather you believe it or not. And if you don’t believe it, you are in more trouble than you can imagine!

It is no different than if you won’t admit you have, or are sinning. We all have sinned, and in the same mold we are harboring the oppression of demons at all times. So in order to deal with them, we must first admit we have them. Most people will not admit that they have demons, and their reasons vary greatly. But without a willingness to acknowledge your addiction, there can be no escape!

Marching to a different drummer is just code for; no thank you God, I’ll have it my way! We must be in complete submission to God and his way, and at war against anything the world holds claim to. If the world claims it as theirs, that just means that it is Satan’s invention.

Satan’s inventions are everywhere, and it doesn’t take a genius to see them clearly. And Satan is no dummy, he invents the things that you ‘think’ you just can’t do without! Advanced technologies are a prime example. The rise in technological advancement is in direct correlation with the rise in hate for God. The internet is the new god, and you have become its favorite slut!

Access to information is only as good as it is truthful! And it is only as truthful as the ones who supply it. And just remember who the inventor of the internet is; ‘Satan’! Of course you will never admit that your “dumb phone” is your new god, and the internet your beloved messiah. Yet, the way you act is all the proof the real God needs.

You can never rid yourself of the demons unless you wash your hands of its dirty little tools, full of lies and perversion! You call it advancement, but in reality society is quickly degrading into a party of “fire and brimstone”. Even the churches and Christians are making excuses for God’s word, as if God has somehow made mistakes that need to be corrected by stupid men and women, who of course are smarter than God.

You can’t spend your time making out with Satan, as his tongue slides down your throat and turns your soul inside out like a filthy old sock, and at the same time claiming to love Jesus.

The ultimate weapon of Satan is lies, and the dumb phone is the hand-basket of all lies. If lies were red hot, you would hang on to them anyway, as it melts your hand right to the bone!

So how do we kill the power of Satan in our lives? We ask Jesus to bind Satan and then cast him out of our lives so we can be obedient and cast out the tools of Satan that bind us so tightly to the evils of this world.

We can choose to live our lives under the influence of evil or live our lives under the influence of Jesus. God has given us that choice. And even if you are saved by the blood of Jesus, you can still live your entire life out of his influence and direction. Saved and living outside the will of God ruins the life of the believer and wastes the time that God has gifted you with.

Our life was given to us to use in the service of God. Yes; a slave to his every truth and desire, not a slave to the desires of evil and Satan’s hate for God.

You can’t text God! You can’t e-mail God. You can’t call God, and you can’t catch him on twitter. God will not be found on the internet or taking a selfie with some stupid smile on his face. Do you know how dumb you look? God does!

The phone only robs you of the ability to conversate with God, because God speaks through the Holy Spirit, not the un-holy dumb phone. And speaking through the Holy Spirit takes practice and sacrifice.

Only if you choose the right way to communicate, will you then be able to kill the power of Satan in your life. Shake off the snake that has attached itself to your hand and sling it into the fire. Take away the enemy’s weapons, ‘and it will flee’!

Killing Satan (Part 1)

In many ways today, the Christian life is toothless and unwilling to live life in a way that is consistent with the teachings of Christ.

There are too many who stand on willing ignorance instead of the discomfort of inconvenient truth. They, too often, look to the Bible to legitimize their own desire and sinful torture of the words of God.

This is a powerful trick of Satan, and the most common mistake made by confused and misguided minds who wish to make Christianity into their own little pot of clay.

The moment that you give in to this type of thinking, you have said yes to the whims of Satan. If all is well in your life, you should run like hell, because you are likely on your way there! And Satan is very pleased, because you are blindly following the unholy spirit instead of blissfully following the Holy Spirit.

Satan is constantly on the attack. There is not one second of your life when Satan is not lying in wait. He can destroy your life inside the same moment that you believe that everything is going ‘your way’. Satan will trick you by standing out of the way while you feverishly dig your own grave with your bare hands! You frantically thrash about, scratching and clawing, as your fingernails break backwards and the filth fills the void.

God is always speaking to each of us, but so is Satan! Many spend their lives not able to recognize whose voice they are listening to. God stands on one side of your grave and Satan on the other. God holds out his hand to help you up, but Satan has his foot on your back pushing you down. Satan promises you gold if you just keep digging. But God promises you something gold cannot buy.

You stop, just for a moment, and look at your broken and bleeding hands. You are confused and unsure of yourself. You look up at God, as his hand is waiting to feel your grasp. You look over at Satan and see riches and beauty and comfort; but how can this be? How can you see beauty in such evil? Yes, these enchanting and tantalizing things that we hold so dear are actually in opposition to the ways and the truths of God. And Satan can, and will, flourish when surrounded by your idols, which you serve, instead of God.

The only way to truly know God is to remove all obstacles that stand between you and his throne. Yet, there again is Satan. Standing there, glaring at you! And as you try to look around him to catch a glimpse of the throne, he holds another distracting idol up to block your view. And you just can’t help yourself. The image of the idol is so alluring, and your eyes are super glued to its evil splendor! You try to break the spell by looking from side to side, but Satan is as fast as lightning.

God is watching in total disbelief as you are completely fooled by the greatest liar of all. Yet God is the answer to defeating and casting out the evil one. Satan has no power that you have not given him! That’s right, it is you who has invited him into your life by worshiping all of the things he controls! And your problem is that you refuse to accept the truth because you love the things Satan has created much more than the things God has created!

Because we know that Satan is immortal, we know that we cannot kill him. But we can, through God’s power, make him impotent and powerless. And this is your way out of the prison of the mind that Satan has entrapped you with. He has captured your thoughts and put them in chains, and locked them in a box of death. Your every thought has become a creation of Satan, not God.

To reject Satan is to reject his creation, and to reject his creation is to rob him of his power over you. Every little thing that you refuse to give up, hold you tightly in the grasp of Satan’s will. Every time you give in and accept one of Satan’s creations, you reject one of God’s! And every ‘little thing’ that you take in to your heart from Satan carries with it; demons! Your gift from Satan for your loyalty, is a basket full of hell! You cannot accept the things of Satan without accepting him also.

Small things matter! And it is the small things in life that will be used against you by Satan, because the small things are the stepping stones into the abyss. The small things are the bait, that when taken in, turn from a tiny worm to a giant serpent that eats you from the inside out!

You can never remove Satan from the garden, but you can keep him from eating all the crops. And the gate keeper is God who can, and will, put his foot on the neck of the evil one, if you will only give the ‘whole garden’ over to him. And not just the weeds either! All of it! Including the tomatoes and the grapes, and that luscious corn, and all of the things you think you love. They must become his if you wish to kill the power of Satan.

The Divided States of America And The Revelation of a Demon Nation (Part 2)

For those of us who have experienced hardship and struggle in life, and even extreme loss and death, recovery is sometimes difficult or even impossible. The Jews, for instance, were persecuted and murdered because they were ‘God’s chose ones’. Over one million Jews were sent to the death camps where 960 thousand were tortured to death! By the end of the war, 6 million Jews were killed, one million of them ‘children’!

Try as they might, the evil ones could not exterminate the children of God. But even innocent children did not die in vain, because their story will be an object lesson for the entire world until the world has been eliminated by God.

Few could have predicted the events of those days, but because of them we can look to the present and see clearly that history is ready to repeat itself. God’s children are again under attack, and the aim is the same, total extermination of God’s laws and especially his children!

Surely even those who practice evil can recognize it? And if they do, do they see it in themselves, and if so do they know it is wrong and love it anyway, or do they believe that their way is righteous, and therefore vindicated?

It should be clear to both sides, ‘who is who’. The evil ones should know who they are, and the good ones should know who they are, but is it really that simple? This is why God has revealed himself to the world. He is ‘the’ clear and sober gateway to the ‘only truth’. Without God, there is and can be no truth! Where else can you find it? In a school? At a university? At the local bar? In a sports stadium? On the internet? At the store? On television? In the news? At your neighbor’s house? Truth is the ultimate lost treasure, no amount of gold and silver can replace it.

If your goal is to rid yourself of God’s children, just rob them of the truth, and replace it with half truths! And if you are fighting the demons, just denounce the half truths and load your cannon with God’s truth, and blast them right back to hell!

You see; this is the mistake that has been made by the children of God, along with the churches. They have accepted the half truths and denounced the whole truth. God does not tolerate, but he will annihilate all lies and liars!

God fearing woman of the world now it is your turn to sacrifice your life for God’s truth! Women who hate God and his truths are leading the way to hell, and you are our only hope left. Male majority soldiers have fought and died for centuries, and now women are needed to fight other women and stand strong for Jesus.

These screaming and swearing haters of God must be defeated! Only other women can defeat them. The words and deeds of white men fall on deaf ears, but the words and deeds of ‘all’ women who love God can and will become a powerful weapon of justice and punishment, and Jesus himself will be your power and leader. Your marching and his name will strike fear into the souls of those who hate him, and ‘they are many’!

Don’t be mislead! These evil ones are controlled by demons, and the only power that can destroy their evil is the name of the Mighty One; Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s! But you must join with him in the greatest sacrifice of your life, and meet them on the field of battle! Nose to nose, eye to eye, and spirit against spirit, you will stare them down and crush their evil with your ‘faith’.

And that faith carries the double-edged sword with it. It cannot be defeated! It is God’s words and warnings to the world. And you must hold it high above your head and chant its words loudly as it rains down fire upon the diseased minds of the women from hell!

You will stamp your feet in unison like the approaching army that you are. You will strike fear into the missing hearts of those who see your approaching unity and power! The earth beneath your feet will tremble with fear and level your pathway to absolute victory!

This is your purpose and legacy, a legacy that will correct all of the sin committed by women of the past and present who destroyed who, and what God intended you to be.

Do not let this moment pass! Run into the streets and call out to all the other silent warriors for Jesus. ‘Make Jesus proud’! Proud to be your first love and Savior!

The Divided States Of America And The Revelation Of A Demon Nation (Part 1)

There are many in the United States who believe that God had a hand in the ‘making of America’, and then there are those who believe that only evil men made America great. And even its greatness is in doubt where the left is concerned, but how would they define greatness? What would it take to truly make America great by their definition of greatness?

In the Garden of Eden, Eve thought that partaking in the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, would make her “like God”. But in the end, which God did she become like? Her God had become Satan! And so the story takes shape. Division had become something new, a powerful tool of Satan, and a trick of misdirected zeal for things ‘not of God’! And to this very day, we can clearly see the hate of Satan and his demons who’s greatest wish is to destroy America from within.

And why America? Because with all of its faults, America has shared the faith of God with more people than all the other countries combined. So America must be destroyed for Satan to have any chance of taking the souls of all of those who have been given the gift of life.

So where would Satan begin his reign of terror and ‘questionably covert’ destruction? Of course it would begin in the hearts of those in which Satan sees promise of control over others. Just try to be logical, regarding control of the mind, and therefore the human race.

Why do some people have great power, and other have, little or none? And what makes us trust one person and not the other? Is it intellect, debating skills, wealth? Or is it a collection of things that have absolutely nothing to do with leadership?

So why would we empower a gutless, spineless, quivering fool to be a judge? Because people tend to elect and empower people like themselves! And the leaders at the top all want to empower people below them that they can control and manipulate. For many years men held most of the positions of power, and women were relegated to relatively powerless positions. But today women have been elected to powerful positions, many times because of their gender alone. This is a catastrophic mistake! Not because they are women, but because gender alone is no reason to make any person powerful!

All you need do, is to look and pay attention, and you will see the effect of this mistake. Just listen to them speak, and curse, and you will see the incredible hate burning in their eyes and vomiting from their mouth! These sociopathic, demon possessed, hell hounds are on a rampage for Satan and are soiling the drawers of all the other women who are God fearing, hard working lovers of truth and righteousness.

They claim God, yet hate God at the same time. They hate the things God demands that they love, and love the things God demands them to hate! I could name them all, but you already know exactly who I an talking about.

And why did Satan choose to offer sin to the world? Because he knew the future and chose to use women as the linch pin to the passenger train to hell. The power of the female must never be underestimated. Powerful men can and will be led around like a dog on a leash, because women have a rope with a noose that men will happily slip around their neck, just to get a wink and a smile.

The power was designed for procreation not politics! Political power and preaching were meant ‘by God’ to be a man’s job. And procreation and child rearing a woman’s job. All too often, women have gave up their children for the all mighty power of the dollar, and the misplaced power of the male. In other words, they want it both ways, but inevitably this will lead to inadequacies in all areas of their life!

Want proof? Just choose any liberal or progressive woman who has been placed in any position of power, and watch crazy flourish at its highest level possible. Just take a moment and listen to insanity that cannot be explained. These women are living proof that Satan and demons exist!

Their whole purpose in life is to smother the life out of the churches and eliminate them completely. Then replace them with houses of ill repute, ran by things that are not quite human, yet not quite demons! They hate what God has made them to be, and wish to cut out their parts that make them God’s creation and stitch in things that make them monsters!

The minds of these monsters are plotting the murder of all those who disagree with their sick demented plans for God’s golden country. Satan will be jealous of their ‘home made hell’ if they are allowed to take their deviant and demented plans any further!

The U.S. is already unrecognizable and will completely be lost if someone does not step up! But who will be called upon by God to exterminate these monsters? It must be all God fearing lovers of Jesus; those we call, women.

They are our only hope, and it seems so fitting that they would destroy the very evil that women helped create. They are perfect for the job and God will raise them up to turn the tides of history and help bring forth the Kingdom of God and crush the kingdom of Satan!

Wake up! My sweet and beautiful lovers of Jesus, and stand up to those who wish to rape your children’s minds with thoughts from hell! Be brave and bring the cowards to their knees with the true power that God created you with.

Change the course of history with the powers that God has given you, the same powers that have been so misused and misplaced. Become the thing that God created you to be and stand up for righteousness and God’s original will for you. Fight for your Savior and bleed for your Savior, and die for your Savior if need be.

You can destroy the world or save the world, do not delay your decision! ACT NOW!

The Perception Of Prayer And The Poverty Of Riches

Almost from the moment of conception, we begin to long for things. First it is just our thumb, and then maybe our Mother’s voice. And as time passes, those longings become more and more sophisticated, or should we say complicated?

Eventually our desires begin to overwhelm us, and we begin searching for a easy way to acquire them. Some might lie or cheat or steal, all in an attempt to get what they want. And others see hard work as the way to satisfy their hunger, but satisfaction is usually not within reach.

Some may say they are satisfied, but the way they act tells the real story. The quest to acquire more and more only ends when life ends. But the end of life brings contentment and happiness based on a different set of rules and reality’s.

So, when we pray, is it because we want something or need something? And, is your perception of your so called need, really a need? Or does God see it as just another longing for something you ‘don’t need’, and might even be harmful for you.

From God’s point of view, the more you have, the more you will be distracted from the things of heaven, and attracted to the things of the world. Usually, our prayers are not for the things that God wants, so the power of prayer is seen as powerless to those who feel as if they have not received an answer.

For most of us it is difficult to understand how the things we need, or want the most, are not the same as what God wants for us. Therefore; it makes it very difficult to pray, knowing with complete certainty, that we are praying for the same things that God knows are in our best interest.

The animal in us wants to follow the same game trail every day, throughout our lives, but God knows how unhealthy that is for all of us. It is extremely easy to get caught in a trench and just keep following, instead of digging a new one.

This also makes it extremely easy for the predators to lay in wait. The demons and Satan, of course, know the way you are going to travel before you even take one step. And because of this, you have lost the fight before it has begun.

And if you are praying for something you want, but God does not, you have just opened yourself up for attack! You and I will always find ways to be stupid, but Satan and his evil demons will always be smarter than you! So the next time you think you might have gotten an answer to your prayer; just ask yourself, ‘who answered’!?

So; how do we know when we are praying for the right things? Well, here is one way too look at it. 99.999% of all human prayers are not in line with God’s wishes. So the real task before us is to try as hard as we can to get it right in the first place.

Yes, it is very difficult to think like God, so thinking for ourselves is usually counter productive and a complete waste of God’s time. The smallest of details should be given over to God because he is ‘always right’.

And even that is hard to do. Yet God can deliver you from making a mistake, if you will only tell him what you are thinking of doing, and ask him to stop you if it is not within His will. John 8:12 says; “I am the light of the world. So if you follow me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path”. Jesus also said in John 8:31, “You are truly my disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”.

So, what did Jesus say about prayer? In Matthew 6:8, Jesus said; “Remember, your Father knows exactly what you ‘need’ even before you ask Him”! And then he added this; “Pray along these lines; Our Father in heaven, we honor your Holy name. We ask that your Kingdom will come now. May your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven. Give us our food again today as usual, and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who sinned against us. Don’t bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”.

Notice that inside this prayer, there are six things that Jesus instructed us to ask for. The first is to pray that His Kingdom will come immediately! The second is to pray that His will be done on earth, just as it is in heaven. The third thing is to give us our food again today as usual. The forth thing is to forgive us, if we have forgiven others. And number five is to not allow us to be tempted, and six is to deliver us from the evil one.

If you are born again, then you are already a subject of the “Kingship of Christ”. You have willingly signed up for the ultimate rollercoaster ride. Then if you trust Jesus, you will ask that His will be done, regardless of what that will is. And you will, or should know that His will does not change because of its location. And ‘if’ you are ‘truly’ hungry Jesus will feed you, because of His great love for you. Then if you forgive others, you can surely be confident that Jesus forgives you. And you can always count on Jesus to take temptation away if you will work hard at resisting it. And then of course, He will protect you from the evil one, you only need to ask for His protection.

These are all things that Jesus will do for you, because they are always within His will, unlike many other things we pray for. So we should always be searching for things that we can be sure are, ‘the will of God’. Not the will of man or woman or Satan!

Look at it this way. If you sinned in some way that was clearly against God’s will for you, would you ask, or pray for God to punish you? You can be sure that punishment is absolutely within His will for you, right? You don’t ask to be punished because you don’t want to be punished; right? So you don’t ask for a rusty car, or a house with a leaking roof, because you don’t want them, right? But what if God does want them for you? And you pray for a brand new car and a beautiful new home, what happens then?

Just because you force your own will on God, that does not mean he has granted your wish for something ‘not meant to be’. He just stood out of the way and let you hang yourself! Maybe you should pray to be flogged with a leaded whip, that way when it doesn’t happen, you will be grateful.

Or maybe, we should just stop praying for things we want, and ask God to give us what he wants. What he wants will always be the perfect thing for you, even though you might not think so, and it might be the exact thing that someone else wants, but it is all wrong for them.

Just ask for the opposite of what you think you want, and you might be surprised what you get. We are wrong about everything, and God is right about everything, so why bother thinking up silly ideas of what God wants for you, when all you need do is say, your will be done because my will is dumb.

Hotrods to Heaven

Imagine for just a moment how the citizens of heaven must perceive those of us in the world. Dashing about in a race to the top; the world is consumed by the necessity of winning.

When is a win really a win, or do we even have a clue in regards to real winning? And should we trust ourselves to define something that is clearly, ‘not clear’? So, if we can’t trust ourselves then who or what do we look to for guidance?

Certainly, we can’t look to the world because in many cases those who are winners from the world’s point of view, are in reality, the biggest losers of all!

So let’s start by asking God what he thinks. Luke 12:15 says; “Beware! Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are”.

Speaking of life, in a play by Shakespeare the character Macbeth said; “Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing”. And in sound and fury, as the dust settles, we can hear a sound like thunder pounding and roaring and shaking the earth beneath our feet. And as we look, we find ourselves inside of a fire breathing dragon! Its teeth gleam like polished silver, and its colors are like a mirror of the deep blue sea. Its eyes are like fire and its tail stares at you with red demon eyes. Its voice is a deep growl that roars like an earthquake. It crouches down like a tiger, ready to strike.

Its wings are spread wide, inviting you in for the ride of life and death. It is beautiful and evil at the same time. You can’t help but to look into its reflection and touch its gleaming body. It wants your complete loyalty, and will settle for nothing less.

Smoke billows from beneath and shrouds the firelight as the thundering sounds become more powerful. It is at a fevers pitch, as if a imminent explosion is poised and being held back by something or someone.

And this someone is you! As if you are holding the button down with your thumb, just waiting for the exact moment to unleash hell! The race is about to begin, and the supernatural hot rods are lined up and stretching around the globe, and about to launch into a race to the finish line.

The diseased minds of the drivers have lost the ability to understand what ‘true’ winning really is. It isn’t who crosses the finish line first, its where the finish line is. With no sense of direction you might go south, instead of north!

And while inside the clutches of misdirected passion, the drivers no longer are controlling, but are being controlled by the beautiful sound and fury of the dragon racers.

An object that once had no life, now has more power over you than anything living. You worship it, you lovingly wipe it, and you will spend you last dollar maintaining it. You have given your soul over the inanimate, and rejected the animate.

Then suddenly the flag is unexpectedly dropped, and the whole world is racing toward a finish line. But there is chaos because the location of the finish line is not clear to them, and in many cases, unknown. Panic sets in, and the hot rods begin to crash into one another, with some speeding in one direction, and others in a different direction.

Some believe that blocking the way of others will increase their chance of finding the finish line, so they begin to crash into one another and fight among themselves. Killing breaks out all over the world. Some believe the finish line is in one place and others think it is somewhere else. Rumors of where different finish lines are spread like wildfire, and lead many to run over the edge of a cliff to their death, and others simply crash into trees or buildings and burst into flames. But others escape the bonds of the child seat and jump to their freedom, forever leaving behind the trail of broken and rusty parts strewn about by the Hot Rod from hell.

What will save us from the things of this world? What object can we bow down to, and what thing or person can we rely upon when we are desperate for answers that we can’t comprehend? Nothing from the physical world can save you from yourself! You will always be your own worst enemy!

The shiny things of this world are only the millstone that you carry around your neck, and eventually it will drag you under. Only the power that brings you life can offer a future, the same power that makes you who you are.

Think of it for just a moment; without the spark that starts the flame that makes you have life, nothing else matters! So how do we win the battle and find the finish line?

There is only one way to eternal life. Renounce everything of this world. And why not? Just look at yourself, what are you really? I know; you are a shiny new car, everything is brand new. It smells new and drives new, and looks so cool! But soon the car gets its first dent, and then a chip, and then the tires wear out. And if you don’t take care of it, it will fall apart and leave you stranded.

You once were so beautiful and strong, and now you are beginning to fall apart. Your youth has been replaced by dents, dings and a broken muffler. And soon you will be sent to a wrecking yard where youth and newness is nothing more than a memory.

Proof that the physical world is only a short term allusion of being a winner. We were all born losers because our sinful bodies will, sooner or later, turn on us and become the enemy. The future holds nothing for those who worship the rotting things of the physical world.

Temporary as it is, we must maintain and keep our bodies at their best so we can serve God until he allows us to be freed from the prison of this body. So step away from being a winner, because we must become the biggest losers of all to become the greatest winners.

Just remember; the real world is not where you are now. The real world is outside the body and no longer part of the brick and steel of this cold and unforgiving planet.

Which thing would you choose? The promise of sickness, disease, hatred, death, suffering and fighting from start to finish, to only lose your life at the end of your battle? Or the promise of living forever in youth and health and happiness?

In this crazy world, winning is nothing you think it is and everything you don’t. So unbuckle your seat belt and bail out of the race toward nothingness, because at the end of the line, there will be nothing of this life that you can pack and take with you. Not one thing! No money, no clothing, no family, no friends, no pets, no home, no car, no food and not even your body can be carried through the gated walls of heaven.

When and if your spirit arrives at the gate, God will be there waiting to re-create you again. He made you once, and he will make you again. Only now everything you thought you were, will be far greater. God will supply everything, and this world will just be a giant mud hole when compared to the splendor of your true riches.

God will love you in a way that you have never felt, and you will love him in a way you never thought possible. Then the real feeling of winning the ultimate race to the finish will be yours to enjoy forever. And true praise will come from the highest authority ……..’God’.

Holy War

War is a word that seems to be over-used and misplaced. But when speaking of things of a spiritual nature, it could very well be under-used.

Who are the players in this war we speak of? And why is the war necessary? And what is at risk or in jeopardy if the war is not won?

There are many in this world who feel powerless. And there are just as many who mistakenly feel that they are in control, and have the power to control all the aspects of their life.

It is sometimes easy to make the mistake of feeling in control, because the world at large believes that success is measured by physical and monetary achievement. Self aggrandisement is everything in the world of the unholy and the self proclaimed holy ones, but in both cases they are making an ‘eternal mistake’.

True power in the universe, and our tiny little planet comes from only two sources, the unholy spirit and the Holy Spirit. Both are spirits of untold power and should be taken very seriously, and even feared.

It is a simple matter of choice; which one do you choose, and how easy is it to mistake one for the other? Sadly; this is where the world has planted its seeds; in a graveyard where the seeds of faith grow only on the rotting corpses of those whose souls are lost. Lost to the whims of the unholy spirit that robs the true power from heaven from all of those who choose the power of the world over the power of the Holy Spirit.

And what has the unholy offered you as a bribe to turn your back on the Holy? Even Jesus fought with Satan, when Satan offered Jesus a bribe; in Luke 4:6-7. And the devil told him, “I will give you all these splendid kingdoms and their glory, for they are mine to give to anyone I wish, if you will only get down on your knees and worship me”.

So are you or your knees in the garden of death, planting the seeds of corruption, or are you on your knees praying that Jesus will drown you in the waters of the Holy Spirit? And how can you recognize a person with the unholy spirit as a passenger on their train to hell?

Look at it this way; if the Holy Spirit recognizes itself, it also sees clearly in whom the unholy is vacationing inside of. And if you have that same Holy Spirit you can see evil clearly yourself.

The Holy Spirit offers you many different types of power, but in most cases, we fail to take advantage of said powers. Seeing non-human powers inside another person is only one of them. If you want true power, given to you by God, you must learn to see the un-seen through the eyes of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Your eyes will lie to you and leave you doubting the Bible and its ultimate power of truth. All, and any power offered to you as a Christian is acquired through the Holy Spirit. Wisdom and intellect and powerful faith can only be activated by blind faith, and blind faith is like a muscle, you must work with it and build its power over time. You must practice the right kind of faith and be willing to see where you are wrong and correct it, and refine it in a way that pleases its author and giver.

Faith is the first step in a Christian’s new life, but without the Holy Spirit, faith will become useless and die on the vine. Growing faith grows by the watering of the Holy Spirit, and as faith grows the Holy Spirit gives power to the faithful. And with a powerful faith, full of the Holy Spirit, anything is possible.

Faith is the weapon we use to kill our sin, and the Holy Spirit is the projectile that faith launches at the target. Whether your target is evil or good, the Holy Spirit can create good or destroy evil.

The Holy Spirit can also empower you in ways that most don’t understand. Remember; the Holy Spirit of God is an unlimited power that is waiting for you to access it and defeat the world and all things evil. This unlimited power can also create incredible victory is our very short lives.

So how do we get this incredible power? We ask for it; it is just that simple. But like all things God, we must rely on him to be the judge of how much power we can handle. The size of your faith will dictate the measure of power God will allow.

Luke 11:13 says; “and if even sinful persons like yourselves give children what they need, don’t you realize that your heavenly Father will do at least as much, and give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him”?

So pray for faith and ask for the Holy Spirit every day. Over and over again, plead with your God. Lord God, my author and giver of life, change me into the child you wish me to be and honor me with more and more faith each day. Reach inside my mind and change anything about it you wish. I give myself over to your mind changing power, and ask to humbly serve my loving Savior, Christ Jesus.

Make me the person you want me to be so I can be empowered to do your will and only your will, not my own. Remove anything in my mind, including memories and sinful thoughts that hold me back from being all I can be for you. And last but not least, cause me to truly love you. Not only in word, but also in deed. Make me feel a love for you, more powerful than any love the world can experience. Help me see into the eyes of the only one who truly knows love at its most powerful. And when I say ‘I love you”, Lord; make it a powerful truth that reaches the deepest part of my soul and your ears.

Is there anything more I can say my Lord? I thank you for loving me, yet I don’t understand why you would. Only the Holy Spirit can make me see the truth of what I am. I am nothing! I am no one! I have now power! I live only through the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I can barely believe that you would accept me, let alone love me.

And I want to love you back. I desperately want to love you in a way that pleases you, but I am unsure of my ability to do so. And I know that without your Holy Spirit I can never be the man that you wish me to be. So, Lord fill me with your loving Holy Spirit and wash me clean with your mercy and truth. Touch me with your hand, and heal me with your power of forgiveness. Empower me so I can do your will and live my life with only heaven in my sights and your Spirit in my soul.