Show Hate No Lovin

Although love and hate are just words, is it possible that they are really much more than that? There are those who would say that hate or love cannot exist without the human brain, but don’t be so sure. What if love and hate were spiritual in nature only? What if the brain is only a willing participant?

What if hate is a living entity; a life form of its own? And what if love also is a sentient being? And what if they can speak to you, and hear your reply? And just for a moment, try to accept the idea that they are both attempting to control your thoughts and therefore control your actions.

And if this is true, then what power do you have to resist the power of mind control? And should we accept the idea that we could be completely under the control of another being and not know it?

Most of us would never admit that we don’t have a mind of our own. We want to believe that we are intelligent and wise and informed. But what is the real truth when it comes to our thoughts and actions?

Just for a moment, let’s look at the things that lead us around by the nose. Our lust for certain things is unstoppable, and dangerous. We freak out over food and drink, alcohol and drugs are our lovers and sexual partners. We get all tingly inside if our stock trades go through the roof. We feel all warm and fuzzy when we sit in the drivers seat of our next new car. We look at common objects as things that are evidence of our conquests, and we crave all the things that God hates.

And if these things are things that God hates, and we love them, what does that say about us? If these are hateful things that we love, are we not showing love toward the very things that God hates, and therefore choosing hate over love and evil over God?

And how long will God stand for this? When will his patience run out, and his anger be in full bloom? Are we all so blind that we have not seen it yet? Open your eyes and look at the things that are blatantly obvious and you just might understand were we are, and what is about to happen to our world.

Jesus has left the room, and is about to saddle up. His white horse is ready and waiting, snorting and chomping at the bit and raring to go! He knows full well what Jesus is thinking and can’t wait to carry him into battle.

Never allow yourself to believe that living on the side of hate will be tolerated by God. Most of us will say that they don’t love hate, but what if you don’t even recognize it when you hear it speaking?

Is it possible that many of us have picked he wrong friend? How many people are going to end up in hell because they made a mistake? Did they choose the wrong friends, or marry the wrong person, or believe something about salvation that was totally wrong? Or did they not bother to read God’s word and therefore never really learn the things that he demands? And even if they did read his words, did they choose only the things that make them feel good, and throw the rest of it out to the trash heap?

The word of God is not a box of candy! We can’t choose the flavor we want and leave the rest to rot. We must study carefully the things in God’s word we love, ‘and’ also the things we fear. How can you truly know God if you refuse to accept all sides of his complex nature?

And yes; God is a very complex God. Would you expect anything less from the Creator of the universe? And God’s love for us is also complex. On one hand his love is more powerful then we can understand, and because of that fact, his wrath is also more powerful than we can understand.

Can love exist without hate? Think about it. How would you know what warmth felt like if you never felt it? And by the same measure how would you know what cold was like if you had never experienced it? And in the same fashion, you can’t know poverty if you have always been wealthy.

God’s heaven cannot be appreciated if you haven’t seen and been a part of this awful world. Yes; this awful world is more than awful, it is a world full of people who choose hate over all other things.

And why would anyone choose to show love to the very thing that wants to eliminate said love? As with all things; ‘that which makes no sense can always be attributed to demonic forces’. All illogical thoughts and actions are from demonic power and hell itself!

Satan and his demons hate love. Love is part of all things God. Love is the glue that holds all righteousness, morality, virtue, mercy, honor, justice and truth in place.

So; why do so many people love hate? Because hate has no demands. Hate does not threaten you with punishment. Quite the contrary; hate promises wealth and health and freedom to live any way you please. Hate has no bible and no god and no consequences. Hate allows you to have and do anything you want. Money and wealth of all kinds are there for the taking, if you will only give your life over to its allure and beauty.

So why does hate find such a warm place in your heart? Because it is so easy to give it everything it wants. It will never complain or claim that your hate is not strong enough. And hate will always give you more of itself to spread around and infect all of those who you think you love.

Don’t be foolish and believe that hate can always be recognizable, it can mask itself and become something, or someone, that you think is a ‘nice person’. How many times I have heard people say things like, “oh, that person is a nice guy, or girl”. But how do you really know that? You can’t!

We must be very careful not to align ourselves with anyone who has not passed the test of time. We must watch every move, and study every word, because eventually hate and evil will rear its ugly head; it just can’t help itself!

When we love hate, we also love all the things that God is repulsed by. And remember this; hate can hide itself inside of all the things you love. But love can find no shelter, it cannot hide itself because it shines so brightly. Love floods the room and lights the pathway. Love brings a smile of righteousness and truth, while hate brings a smile of deceit and lust for your soul. While hate hides in the dark corners of a closet, love permeates everything around it and brings light from heaven to show you the way to true happiness.

There is no need to look any further for the love that we seek than the light of our life. And that light can only be lit by the Son of God. He pushes out the darkness of hate and lets the flood of life inside your heart. He gives what we really need, true love that will last forever and true happiness is the result.

Corona, Crown of Thorns

Corona; A part of the body resembling or likened to a ‘crown’.

The most harmful mistake a Christian can make is to reject God’s reign over ‘all things’, regardless of ones distaste for some of them.

Just who is it that is in control anyway? Has Jesus ‘gone fishin’? Sitting by the lake, and splashing the water with his feet, is he oblivious to all the pain and suffering all around him? Is he unable to rescue us? Or does he even care?

There are those who claim that God had no hand in the creation of evil things, but who defines evil anyway? Does that mean that he didn’t create humans? Who can deny mankind’s evil?

Psalms 52:5 says;” but I was born a sinner, yes, from the moment my mother conceived me”. So who are we to claim the rights of definement, that are so clearly the rights of God alone? How dare we claim as truth anything that is not of the Holy Spirit and the Bible, which was conceived and written, and upheld by the same Holy Spirit?

God has no patience for those who flippantly disregard the truth, that he is the master of all things, including the smallest of them. The tiniest and the most colossal! And even things that we wrongly might think he does not notice.

Yet, God sees it all. And God ‘can’ control it all! There is nothing he does not know. And that includes every germ and toxin in your mind and body. So why would God allow a virus to attack so many people and take the lives of those who he claims to love? It is really very simple. It is the heart that condemns or acquits, because only God alone can truly know the heart.

And what does all this mindless chatter really mean? It simply means that God has only one goal for you on his mind. And that thing is bringing you home. God knows that, clearly this life has no meaning without the hope and truth of heaven.

Although few Christians live their lives in a way that reflects the war against evil and the fight for truth, that does not change the fact that we are all soldiers in the war for our future. A future that only holds the death of the body in its hands.

And what about this thing called death? Is it the dreaded end of everything for you, or is it something entirely different than what you think it is?

We all fear it, but why? Is it because it is the unknown, or is it because we don’t want to leave things and people we love behind? Or is it because we simply don’t understand how or when we will leave this body, or the circumstances around our so-called death.

Will we grow old and tired and broken? Or will we die young from some sickness or disease? Will we suffer, or will we go quickly in some accident? Is the fear of the unknown that powerful? And is it possible for us to somehow know the future and the circumstances of our death?

The most important question of all questions is this. If you found yourself dead, and walking the path toward the arms of Jesus, would you look back at earth and wish you were still there? Would you turn your back on heaven and the loving arms of your Savior? Or would you look around and see the splendor of God’s world and break out into tears of happiness?

And this is where humans and God usually part ways. God loves all of his children and wants them home as soon as possible and safely in his loving power. A power so great that when you step inside of its light, all things become clear. The light lifts you up as gravity no longer has a grip on your future. You are no longer held down by the powers of the world. You glow with God as the aura of his power surround you. You feel electric, and the pulse of God throbs through your new body. It can only be described as a never ending orgasmic love. All of creation looks on in envy of your new found place in God’s universe.

And why are you there? Because you are dead! And why are you dead? Because God loves you and has brought you home. So if you truly believe God, then why would you see death as a catastrophic end?

We must strive to understand that death without faith is worse than death. And death with faith is only a river we must cross to get to God. For some the river is wild and requires much struggle to cross, yet for others the river has become a beautiful stream of cooling water, which requires little or no effort to cross.

Yet for those with faith in Christ, he will be waiting on the other side with his arm stretched out to pull you across. He is a powerful magnet, drawing you closer and closer to the finish line. When you grab his hand it will be like the flipping of a light switch. The heavens will ignite and burst with his life-giving light. You are now back home where you were always meant to be.

So; should we question God when we leave this world, or should we thank him for breaking us out of the prison of misdirection? All death is in the hands of Jesus, and all life is in the arms of his Holy Spirit. In everything in life an death, there is give and take, this is the nature of God’s creation. Who are we to question such a magnificent Creator and Savior of all things.

This is what faith is all about. It is easy to believe in God, but what about just ‘believing’ God? Faith is trusting that all things, regardless of our ignorance of their true nature, are in God’s control and will, in the end, turn out as God wishes and for his glory, and your happiness.

You see; it is never how the story begins, ‘but how it ends’! God is waiting…………

Who We Are

Nobody; that is who we are. Educated by God alone, with no man-made, preconceived ideas of what a true education is. We live and breath the Holy Spirit’s power of intellect and ability to serve God alone.

We believe God. We know that the same God who created “all things” is also able to uphold his words, and keep them flawless throughout time.

We doubt all things human and fully embrace all things eternal. We know that there is no future or eternity without our God. No man or human power can grant us life, forgiveness or overcome death. Only our God can deliver these universally desired gifts of eternal life.

We know who God really is. Not some jolly Santa Claus type figure, but a powerful, yet loving superman with the cosmos worshiping at his feet. A Spirit of unimaginable power that created everything and continues to hold it all in a magical waltz of spiritual magnificence.

We believe that God himself became a human. He put himself in our place on that cross, and even began his human life in the womb, weak and powerless just like you and I. We believe that he loved us so much that he took our guilt and bore our punishment, knowing that many would not accept his gift of anguish.

We believe that our spirit, which is what makes us who we are, was always with God, and heaven was and is our only true home. We believe we were sent here to live our lives in the service of Almighty God, and not man. We believe that all of our job descriptions are the same; servants of God.

We know that God is preparing a beautiful experience, and an incredible home for us, based and built on the building blocks of our treasures. Treasures that can only be stored up if they are created in the first place, by the deeds of your life.

We want others to join us in the fight against evil and the fight for the truth of God’s word. And we believe that the weapon of warfare is in the name and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ — “our only hope”.

Our mission is very simple, serving God by serving others.

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Conception Versus Deception

Consciousness —- the state of being aware of ones surroundings. Wisdom —- the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement. A closed mind is like a door that can’t be opened, anything on the other side cannot be known.

Logical thought has been defined in many ways, but sometimes even the definition is based on the “closed mind”. A good example is; “if I can’t see it, it must not be there”. But my question is, can you see thought? And if thought is with us, does it need to be something you can touch or smell? Or do you just accept it as something that cannot be measured or proven?

Sound crazy? That’s because it is! You see, God made sure that doubt would be a essential part of our relationship, or lack of, with him. And why would God to that? God knew that free thought, or will, could only lead to thinking with a closed mind to anything that you might not find to your liking.

God conceived everything you see, and those things that you cannot, none of which are bendable or flexible. No part of God’s conception can be defined by any human. And anything other than God’s conception is Satan’s deception.

In God’s plan, he cannot be logically denied. Any rational person knows in their heart, that any creation cannot be created without a creator. But science would have you believe that accidental organization is the cause of all creation. They simply cannot afford to have the world know the truth for many reasons, one reason being they would lose their power over you.

They must themselves create something, and that something is doubt. Doubt that a God, or creator is necessary. Just remember, the world creates all kinds of things, and they of course, will gladly take the credit for their creation; they are like god’s themselves you know!

So far; the deceivers have won! How many people believe that we were once monkey’s? Science says they can prove it, but so far they have offered nothing. Nothing but lies and deception, with no logical thought attached.

Even if science could create, from scratch, one human cell, could they bring it to life? Of course not, and they know it! Even they were conceived by God, but of course, they reject the truth of their lineage, and embrace the deception of hate and lies.

And what a deception it is! Evil is always highly skilled at the art of mis-direction and slight of hand. They are always sure to use evidence that cannot be proven, even if they find it necessary to create it themselves. Do you see it? They can’t help themselves. They just must be the creator themselves, and God is just in their way! But always remember this; everything that exists was created by God, and not one person can lay claim to even one thing that God owns.

And science will claim that they can create, even though they only have the ability to create fictional stories about the very creation that they do not understand how it was created. Or maybe they really do know, but their hate of ‘any truth’ makes them unwilling to acknowledge it.

And yet, good can come from ‘true science’, if truth is allowed to shine out from behind the vail of secrecy, and the wall that separates God’s influence in their lives and those who welcome the truth regardless of its appeal to their weak human minds. In this case, hate for a Creator God is derived from the inability of those who hate his laws and truths to win the game against him. God always wins, because the flesh always loses.

God is the father of all things, living and not living. God owns us all, and we can own nothing. Yes, we can possess, but only because God allows us to borrow what we want or need. Success is an illusion, sold to us by Satan in an attempt to deceive all of us. God’s conception will always win the game, and holding on to the losing hand will only bring you pain and suffering.

Although, those of us who love God, and wish for him to punish those who hate him for their many sins and lies, also hope that God will find a way to convince them of their folly and their recklessness. We and they are all God’s children. And because of that one fact, we should also pray for them in hopes that God will answer our prayers and lift the blinding vail from their eyes and make them see and accept the truth about God’s conception.

Why; why is it so hard to understand that nothingness can only breed more nothingness. Everything we see, hear and feel is proof positive that something is right in front of us. And every day we hear a new theory of how and why all these things exist, when all along God has claimed that he is the owner and builder of all the things we don’t understand.

God is not a genie in a bottle. God is not a magician, or a con man. There was no magic involved in creation, only reality. And this reality is that the very first builder and creator was God. And all we have done is follow in his footsteps, building and building, and all the time not knowing that we are just acting like the children we are. We see what he has done and look to emulate his brilliance, but we are unable to be like our father.

And because of that fact, we have learned to hate his way, and are attempting to tear down his creation. They say they love the earth and only want to save the planet, but that means that the earth needs saving. Well, where were they when the earth was being formed? Earth did not need them then, so why would it need them now? Do you see the degree of hubris involved in believing that any human can change the course of earth? Can you see that anything mankind has built only falls apart later? So; can we trust the world to heal the earth while they can’t even save themselves from certain death?

What fools; if one fool can’t change the climate, then what makes them believe that thousands of fools can? Adding ignorance and foolishness to the pot, only makes for a more poisonous feast for the walking dead. It is a wast of time to believe that the world will change its mind and embrace all of God’s truth. The fact of the matter is, that the world hates the truth because they have decided on the things they want to be true, and will never accept anything other than their own small minded ideas.

This is why God will severely punish all who have denied the claims that God has made, and defeat those who twist truth into lies and lies into truth. Choosing conception or deception is not really a choice at all, because God will only accept one way; ‘his way’!

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Fallen Thorns

While walking through a wooded area one day, I came upon a area full of thorn trees. As I walked, the path became more obstructed by thick brush. While trying to avoid the thorns all around me, I tripped on a root that was protruding from the ground.

As I fell face first, my instinct was to break the fall with my hands, but as I caught a glimpse of what was a shocking sight, I knew in a split second that something bad was about to happen.

The fall was quick and powerful, as if the root had grabbed me by the ankles and thrown me to the ground. I had fallen into a large broken branch that had fallen to the ground. It was a branch from a thorn tree, full of very long, very sharp and evil looking thorns. The thorns were two or three inches long, and when I hit the ground the thorns drove themselves into my hands like nails. The thorns hit me in the face and chest and arms, and buried themselves deep into the flesh. The pain was unbearable.

I tried to get up, but the thorns were holding me like the teeth of a wild animal. Full of panic, I thrashed and kicked until I was able to stand. As I looked and saw the blood, and the extent of the injuries, I only panicked even more as I began tearing at my own flesh in a attempt to remove the terrible teeth from hell.

The thorns had driven themselves so deeply into my flesh, that they even hit the bone and slid down it, and plowed the flesh back like a farmers field. Some broke off inside my body and could not be reached to remove them. It seemed hopeless, and would I ever recover from my injuries, or even bleed to death?

Many of the thorns might even be with me forever. Who can help me to remove these evil thorns? On yeah, Jesus can! Thank our loving God that this story is a vision, sent to me by the Holy Spirit, and not a physical event. Although still painful, it is just a different type of injury.

The thorns represent the lasting injuries and scars we will be inflicted with when we don’t step carefully while walking the path of life. Sin is the ultimate thorn, once you have fallen face first into the thorn bush from hell, your life will forever be changed. The thorns that leave part of themselves behind will likely be with you for the rest of your life. Even if you remove most of them, the scars will always be there to remind you of your carelessness and disregard for the truth.

The evil thorn of sin can penetrate even as deep as the heart and soul and mind. The infection from the injury can spread into every part of your life and destroy you from the inside out. It can destroy your relationships with those you love the most, and make you do and say things you might not otherwise do.

The thorns will also distract you from the love of Jesus and others who want your attention. And if you are not careful, they will become part of you and control your every thought. The poison will course through your veins and when you look in the mirror, you will no longer be able to recognize who you are.

Some thorns will never be removed because most of us are unwilling to dig deep enough to find, and remove them. These thorns have become part of who you are, twenty-four hours a day, they speak to you. They call out your name and taunt you, and tease you with their temptations and evil thoughts that have followed you your entire life. You have learned to love the thorns and are unwilling to give them up.

In the past you feared the thorns, but now you are afraid to cast them out because you fear that you will lose a part of you that somehow gives you pleasure. But the thorns are not your friend. They are a festering and infected wound that will not heal.

It is painful to tear at ones own flesh in order to remove the evil inside us. But if we do not find a way to remove the hidden pieces of our sin, we will all surely pay a painful price. We cannot hide the thorns, even though we can’t see the pieces of hidden sin, ‘Jesus can’. We lie to ourselves and cover our scars with clothing, in a attempt to keep the truth and the oozing pus from the world, ‘and Jesus’.

Jesus can help you remove the old recurring and rancid sin that you cannot remove by yourself. He will put his finger in the wound and dig deeply into your flesh, finding and removing the leftovers of pain and sin. Then he will hand you the nails and mallet and ask you to drive the nails into your hands and feet. You will fear the pain of the nails and beg him not to make you do it.

But Jesus won’t force you to give up your infected ways. He simply asks that you do, and warns you of the outcome if you don’t. If you are not willing to remove the infected sin from your life, it could be fatal. So reach out your wounded hands and let Jesus heal you. And always remember, punishment from God is not reactive. It is predestined because we have been warned of the outcome of sin left to fester and swell and grow into something far worse then at first.

Forgiveness can only happen if you are willing to dig deep and dispose of ‘all’ the thorns. Ask Jesus to remove the infection, and replace the thorns with rusty nails. We cannot worship our body and our Jesus at the same time. Sooner or later, we won’t be ‘asked’ anymore to give up our flesh, it will simply be taken. Why not offer it as a gift to our Lord and Savior, who willingly gave his flesh to save yours from yourself.

Matthew 16:24-26, then Jesus said to the disciples, “If ‘anyone’ wants to be a follower of mine, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For anyone who keeps his life for himself shall lose it; and anyone who loses his life for me shall find it again. What profit is there if you gain the whole world — and lose eternal life? What can be compared with the value of eternal life”?

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Trade-off's and Traitors

As far back as human history goes, humans have traded one thing for another. Hunting for food and water could be difficult, and even treacherous, or deadly. But without the hard work necessary for life, no one would have survived.

Nothing has really changed. We trade our hard work for a pay check and then take our pay check and spend it on whatever we deem necessary. Most believe that this “trade-off” is sufficiently fair, but what about all the other trade-off’s we make in our lives? How do they shape our lives and the world around us?

Most trade-off’s are built on money, but there are some that are far more important than money alone, and require carefully plotting a pathway full of truth not ‘emotional treason’!

There are untold numbers of things that stand in the way of a emotional relationship with our Creator, all of them, “trade-off’s”. For most of us, we have a pattern of habits. We roll out of bed and go about our daily routine, not giving a great deal of thought regarding habits we are about to follow.

Even though our lives revolve around these habits, how many of us use these habits in the service of the Almighty God? In what ways do our lives reflect the desires of God, verses our own? Are we thinking of our God as we brush our teeth and put on our clothing, or are we only thinking of our next worldly accomplishments.

Like flies caught in the web of deceit, we find ourselves twisted around in a revolving door, unable to break free of the oppression of our own making. One day after another escape us and before long these days have turned into years with only one end in sight. As we look back at the footprints we have made, we wonder why we can’t see any remnants of God’s. Where is the evidence of our walk with him? And what is our Christian life with Jesus meant to look like?

The answers to those questions can be found through the words of Jesus. Just remember; the Bible is meant to speak to all who are alive, not just those who believe themselves to be church leaders. There is only one church leader ——— Jesus!

Mark 8:34-35 says this; Then he called his disciples and the crowds to come over and listen.” If any of you wants to be my follower”, he told them, “you must put aside your own pleasures and shoulder your cross, and follow me closely. If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, will ever know what it means to really live”.

So then; are these words from Jesus just suggestions offering us just one of many ways to really have life? It seems to suggest to me that there is only one way, one truth and one life; or have I missed something? So; what is it again that Jesus asks of us? It is the ultimate trade-off, his life for ours, and our life for his.

How many people understand what that means, or even want to? People love their lives. Their life is all that matters. Their life and anything that brings them satisfaction. Their success in life is only based on what ‘they’ conclude is good or bad, not what God has declared.

Jesus traded his life so that you could have a chance at eternity, not to build yourself a kingdom of your own! You have no life of your own! It belongs to Jesus, and freedom? What does that really mean? Free to do what exactly? It’s God’s way or the highway to hell! And you had better start ‘packin’ your bags. And what exactly are you going to bring with you? Money? Your car? Your home? Your clothing? Food? Water? Or even your flesh for that matter.

What are you thinking? You must trade ‘everything’ for your life with Christ. You should not own anything, and even if you do, it is not yours to brag about anyway, it is our Lord’s. Don’t you get it yet? What makes you believe that anything God created is yours? The stone to make concrete; the wood to build your home, the water you must drink, and the life you must take to feed yourself, all were made by the hand of God, not you! It all belongs to him, and you are just a common thief!

That’s right, God made everything for us to use, ‘but not to own’! If I loan you a car for life, it still belongs to me, and if I wish, I can take it back anytime I want; right? God will never allow you to claim ownership of what is his. Just referring to things as yours or mine is an irritant to God. God hears you say things like; “look at what ‘I have done”! Look at my, ‘this or that’, but you have done nothing, and cannot do, ‘anything’ God does not allow.

We treat God like a used car, or a old house. We just sell them cheap, just to get them out of the way. We just must have a new and better, ‘everything’, including God! So we discount what the Bible really says and make up our own scripture to take its place. Then we think up a new and improved God, who does not offend our sensibility’s or misguided ideas of right and wrong!

We have ‘traded off’ our God for a new one who over-looks sin and lies, and we have committed treason against the only thing in life that is the ultimate reality; God! Also, God is the ‘only’ reality, and we are no more than a seed, or an egg, waiting to be hatched into a life that does not exist yet. A tiny tree with no roots and little chance of survival.

From God’s point of view, we are still a huge question mark. An unsolved equation, and a incomplete composition. God is the potter and we are the clay that refuses to hold its shape. We fight against the Creator who made us, and fight to be what we want to be, instead of becoming the loyal and obedient child of God that he demands.

Who are we really? We all know the truth, we just won’t admit it. We are simply a bunch of evil children who have ran away from home because we hate our father. We then spend the rest of our lives attempting to prove that everything he has told us is wrong.

In the end, we will see the truth, but sadly it will be too late. The truth can set you free, but only if you find a place in your heart for the perfect truth. We have all heard it said; “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God”.

So; help me God to recognize it when I see it!

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Three Wise Men and the Petulant Child - Father, Son and Holy Spirit

I knew, even as a small child at about four years of age, that God had chosen me for something. God was always there whispering in my ear and showing me the way of the, child like mind. I clung to those feelings as long as I could, but inevitably the world began to have its way, and the God I once heard so clearly was smothered out by the many voices of the society.

Growing up, it way easy to fall into the trap of judging everyone on everything that doesn’t matter. Everyone did it, and if you did not walk the line, you would be the next target of rage! I can’t speak of anyone else, but I saw things that I knew were wrong and just looked the other way. The gang mentality was always waiting to crush you if you showed any hint of exposing their disdain for anything outside of their fake reality.

Like the rest of society, they thought that the only way to prop themselves up, was to tear you down. This is not a statement about bullying, but simply an observation regarding the God-less behavior of the accepted world around us.

The over-zealous desire to have and be what you don’t have, and who you will never be, is the cause of all evil. And where do we learn these evil ways? Many generations have been teaching it from the very beginning; they are called parents. Few would ever admit that they are the cause of their children’s destruction. But the truth is clearly out there for all to see. Hypocrite parents confuse love for misguided desire for the success of their children at any cost, including the cost of their souls!

And what about the souls of the people that are trampled to death by the running of the hoofed creatures from hell? Who is at fault for their destruction? It is the ones who call themselves God’s children, ‘millions of spoiled petulant Christians’!

Before you hate me for telling the truth; remember, Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus called him “the rock”. How many times has the cock crowed in your backyard? And who am I to criticize you, with only one exception, I serve God only by telling the truth, and you deny him by making up your own!

Truth has become the lost ark of the covenant, and lies the golden calf. People still choose the gold over the ark, and the words of Satan, over the words of God. Yes; it is true that Satan’s promises look more exciting than God’s. Just remember that looks are only skin deep, and the clothing you wear can hide all sorts of ugly things.

The best salesmen are also the best liars. And Satan and his demons are the very best at what they do. The world has fallen for the scam, and have sold out completely to the beautiful lies. Loving the beautiful lies are the surest of ways to see your way into ‘Hell’!

And is there anyone paying attention to your ignorance? Of course! A whole host of spirits and powers watch each person’s every move and thought. They use your unfaithfulness to God’s way as a way in to your heart. They plot against God and use you as their willing bait. Evil loves you because you further the cause of Satan and destroy lives along the path of lies.

You should be afraid, but strangely you are not. The three wise men are taking notes and planning your future, and you should take notice. God has been holding back the dark ones from hell, and they are chomping at the bit to get their hands on you!

Jesus is pleading for you and asking that the Father give you just one more chance. And the Holy Spirit is screaming your name in hopes that you will pull your fingers from your ears and hear his cries. The Father has had enough of your petulant, childish disobedience, and will soon turn his back on you, as you have turned your back on him.

Jesus will plead until there is no time left, and the Holy Spirit will cry the tears of a parent who has lost their only child. The three wise men are The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and of course you are the petulant child who has called God a liar and a thief and a killer and a tyrant. You know it is true! Don’t bother lying any more, it will only make things worse.

Do you really believe the three wise men, or do you believe what you want to believe? Is God a man or a woman? Is he black or white? Is he God or the devil? Is he truth or lies? Is he weak or strong? Is he real or a figment of the imagination of crazy people? Do you control your destiny or does he?

Choose! Stand with the three wise men, and become one of the team. The most powerful team that will ever exist, and they hold your life in their hands!

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The Evil Monkey Man And Your Favorite Martian

There comes a time in every person’s life when they ask themselves; what is my place in the universe, and why are billions of individual souls distinctly different?

First, we must understand the difference between the “soul” and the “spirit”. A common statement made by Christians is one that speaks of “saving the souls of the unsaved”. Jesus died for this very reason. Jesus knew that the unsaved sinners had no hope if he was not willing to give his own life for their’s. Many have spoken of the eternal soul, but a lost soul is a very complicated thing to understand.

We are born with a soul and it clearly can be lost, but what about our spirit, can it be lost also? To have eternal life, we must be born of the spirit. When we are born of the flesh, that is all we are; just the flesh. We were given life and possess a soul. But there is something missing; the Spirit! In this way we are loved by God, but not filled with his Holy Spirit. This is what separates us from the animals.

Look around and take in the world that is not one with God. A world where the animals rule and the spirit is dismissed as a myth, made up by weak minds. And the animals we speak of are any living thing that does not possess God’s spirit. This is one thing that science and faith can agree on, any flesh or animal without God’s spirit is just another animal.

But take heart my friends who love animals and pets, we can love animals as long as we understand the difference between ‘us and them’. I know what you are thinking; “so what is the stupid point you are trying so poorly to make”? And my answer is this: evil is everywhere that the spirit is not. The Spirit of God and the spirit of evil are at battle for the possession of souls. If evil controls the soul, the spirit cannot reside in the heart.

If you have the Spirit, you: meaning your soul and what makes you; you, become one with God. If you do not have the spirit, you and your soul become one with evil. You are simply an animal, feasting on blood instead of ‘giving’ your blood.

We were not born to be just another animal! We were born to become something special, and “like God”. This vessel we exist inside of, was created to hold God’s spirit and Satan’s evil. Yet, the world has given up on the spirit and become the evil monkey men that science claims we are. You have given yourself over completely to the soul eaters and made the blood of Christ a mockery.

The longer a person lives without God’s spirit, the more the soul decays. You can almost smell the rot, as their soul becomes rancid and more and more unable to take in God’s spirit.

There are 7.53 billion people in the world, and there are 2.4 billion Christians. This means that there are 5.13 billion people that do not have the spirit of the Christian God. A good guess would be that there is a significant number of those who claim to be Christians who do not possess God’s spirit, ‘all of them; animals only’!

The evil monkey men and women hate the spirit of God. They love to control the soul by means of lies and deception which few can resist! Only those who are willing to accept truths that are unpopular will ever see through all the lies. And not just unpopular truths but, truths that are hated.

You cannot be an atheist and not hate the spirit. You cannot be an atheist and not love evil. And the purest of all evil’s is to reject the spirit of your Savior. And yes; Jesus is everyone’s Savior, and it doesn’t matter rather you like it or not.

The evil monkey men have carved out an image of themselves, and it is not pretty. It is a evil face of an animal, not quite human, and not quite animal. With poisonous fangs and sharp claws it will infect you with a devastating disease called “deathlessness”!

You might think you have control over your own life, but guess again. You can even take your own life, but you will have less control afterwards then you had in your earthly life. There will be no escape when you fall into the hands of the living God!

And this is the most evil of lies; that when you leave this body there is only darkness and no conciseness. Nothingness is your future and no consequences for your ignorance of logic. But what if you are being lied to by the evil monkey men? What if your favorite martian is really God, and you have missed the boat?

The lunacy of those who preach the worship of the monkey man, and the all powerful martian god, is astounding. And even more astounding is that many Christians fall in line like zombies looking for their lost brains.

And since there is no gender in the world of the evil monkey men, we must now bow down to the ‘evil monkey’ with no genitals, no beginning and no end.

The world loves the evil monkey man and their favorite martian, because they expect nothing from you except the loss of your soul by means of the rejection of the spirit of God.

So let Jesus love you, even though you don’t deserve it. Let his words and truth follow you wherever you go. Let him change you into something new, instead of the animal that you have embraced in the past, and become a ‘Spirit Being’, instead of just another ‘accident of a evolution’, that holds no truth and no future.

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Attention! Jesus Has Your Back!!

It is easy to see the stories about salvation and God’s creation as a book that has already been read. And many of us feel as if we already know all there is to know about God and his truths, but this way of thinking is short-sided, and even dangerous.

Take a few steps back and try to view the world for what it really is. A world full of people who lack the ability to delineate or distinguish the truths of God in a way that pleases him.

Our ability to grasp the reality of life is overshadowed by a irrational desire to control our own destiny. This irrational behavior then leads us to a crisis of faith. Like all addictions, this one cannot be cured without the potion of the Holy Spirit. A addiction of eternal consequences; this addiction inevitably leads to an end, called death.

And not death as most see it, but a death that holds you in its grasp, forever. This so-called death brings with it the greatest fears of all. And one of these fears is the fear of dying, not death itself, but the struggles of dying and possible pain and suffering involved.

This is where our thinking and the truth of the teachings of Jesus part ways. Divorced from the truths that Jesus holds so dear, we have allowed ourselves to be trapped in the twilight zone.

This dark and dangerous place is not of God! We have sold our soul to the darkness that only has fear and despair as our companion and the ways of God our enemy! What is the cause of all the dread we obsess over, and what affect does it have on our faith? With all of the things in our path to fear, how do we resolve what to fear and not to fear?

Only Jesus can rescue us from fear. But not because there is nothing to fear, but because we fear all the wrong things. When Jesus says, don’t fear death, we fear it all the more. And when Jesus says, “trust me”, we look to the world, and ourselves for the answers. How can we ever be released from the horrors of fear if we don’t believe the one who created it?

Is it possible to trust Jesus and not trust Jesus at the same time? As Jesus pleads with you to stop running away from death, you only run faster and faster. Then; after running for a lifetime you look back only to see that you have been running the wrong direction. You have been running away from Jesus and as you run, you are ripping the pages of the bible out and throwing them behind you. And as Jesus follows; the pages hit him in the face in your attempt to slow him down. But it does not work. The pages only gather around Jesus like a tornado and form powerful wings. The voice of the Creator thunders from within the pages and calls out to you, “stop running; I have your back”. But you don’t believe him; after all, he is the one who created the very things you are running from.

You see; Jesus is chasing you only because he is trying to save you from yourself. He knows the future and sees you running head long into a speeding windshield, only to have your flesh smeared across the glass like the worthless bug it is.

If you would only trust his direction and turn around and fly with him, you would soon see the splendor of flying with him, instead of against him. Let him chase you down and tackle you to the ground. Let him lift you up and hold you out in front of him, while he looks into your eyes and peers into your soul.

If you would only submit to the eyes of the Creator, you could see what he sees, know what he knows, and love what he loves. Fear does not exist inside of the eyes of Jesus. Only love and truth and the ability to look forward not backwards.

Hope and faith become who you are, not something to strive for, but to possess. Fear and death become your slaves, not your slave master. The power of the name of Jesus have now become, your weapon against evil.

You now have access to the most powerful entity in existence. The ears, the eyes and the muscle of the Almighty Creator God; Jesus! And he has your back, every second of every moment of every day. He watches over you and guides you, even when he knows you might not listen.

How could you not be brave and fearless when Jesus is with you? If Jesus is on your side you cannot die, or even be harmed. He will be right beside you, patting you on the back and saying;” move out, and fight for the truth! I will be right behind you, keeping you from harm and fear of death. And if you die, I will raise you back to life, and make you even more powerful than before. I will be fearless with you, and we will be together forever”.

We were not born to serve ourselves. We were drafted into a army of God’s soldiers, to fight the war against Satan and his army of darkness. You are not who or what you might think you are. You are either a soldier for good, or a soldier for evil, there can be no other distinctions made.

You are nothing! You possess nothing! Your years on this earth are only determined by your Creator. You either steal from God or you give to God. You honor Satan, or you honor God. You die for God, or you die for Satan. You have eternal life, or eternal death. Do you have the back of Jesus, or are you stabbing him in the back?

Think carefully about the life you are trying to possess. You would not have a life if God had not created it. And it is not yours to take and use as you choose. God has only one plan for your life, and that plan is for you to serve him, and him alone. And part of your service to him is to always have his back!

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A Different Kind Of Beautiful

What does it mean to ‘know’ someone? And how can we know the motivations of someone if we can’t read their mind?

You can see someone from a distance and say to yourself; “I know that person over there”, but do you really know them? And although many claim to know Jesus, what does that really mean, and how can we know to what extent it is true?

It is difficult to know a human, because humans tend to let the things of the world distort and mask the true self. You can be close to someone for a lifetime and never really know who that person is.

On the other hand, God has made himself an open book for you to see and understand completely. His hope is that you will accept him for what he really is, and embrace the things that make him the God of all creation. This begins by accepting his laws and demands, and believing that the Bible is ‘his’ Bible, and he has upheld its meanings and truths, and will continue doing so forever.

Also he wishes that you could understand the endurance of his love for you, and the longing of his heart, and the yearning for the heart of every single one of us to come to him, and ‘know’ him. To know God is different than knowing other humans. God is willing to show himself to you in a way that no human can. Just look at it this way, what does God have to hide? Why would God hide himself from you? You are no threat to God. God has nothing to be ashamed of, where on the other hand, humans are guilty of everything wrong. And even though we don’t know him, he knows us in ways that cannot be characterized. And we cannot know ourselves like God knows us.

Throughout the world there are 131.4 million births each year. 15,000 births each hour and God ‘knows’ each and everyone of them before they are born. He loves all of them and you, just the same. Also there are 55.3 million people who die each year, and 6,316 each hour. And God loves the dying just as much as he loves the newly conceived

So why does all this matter? Sometimes it just seems like the very same people who claim to love Jesus don’t even know who he really is.

There are 7 billion people alive today, and 107 billion have lived and are now dead. And when you combine these numbers with the new souls being born every hour, you begin to see the astonishing power that it would take jut to know all of these children of God, let alone, ‘love them all’!

For most of us, we struggle with our ability to love just one person.. Just think of the logistics of remembering all their names, not to mention their every moment of life.

John 17-3 says; “and this is the way to have eternal life - by ‘knowing’ you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth”!

For what it is worth, it is clear to me that if you ‘know’ God, you will love him. And if you love him, you will believe him. And if you believe him, you will love others by sharing his truth and defending his truth with your very life. And by having faith that shows itself to others you will have, not only brought salvation to yourself, you will be compelled to do the same for others.

John 17-20 says; “I am not praying for these alone, but also for the future believers who will come to me because of the testimony of these. The world cries out for inclusion, but only for the inclusion of the things and people they want included. Because of this, they have taken up the role of God by attempting to make their own rules. God makes these choices and the world will be forced to stand silent in front of the Almighty God of all laws and rules.

Their voice will be heard, but not adhered to by anyone who has faith. And God will destroy them for their insolence and worship of their own ideas. But are they really their own ideas? Of course not. Their minds have been poisoned with the will of the evil ones. They are completely fooled by Satan, but they are to arrogant to even entertain the idea that they are not speaking for themselves.

It is a sad story of millions of people who don’t know God but know Satan quite well. And they know Satan because he is in them and they are in him.

John 17:21 says; “My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are, Father - that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me”.

On one hand we have the ugliest of lies, and on the other hand, we have a different kind of beautiful. The ugliest lie is that we cannot ‘know’ God in a very personal way. And the most beautiful of truths is that we can know him in the most intimate of ways. All you must do is to ask for his Holy Spirit. Just remember; the Holy Spirit will not compete for a position of honor. The Holy Spirit will not occupy shared space with evil. The Holy Spirit will not ‘hang out’ with liars and the Holy Spirit will not reside with a stranger. Get to know them, you might fall in love.

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